Sep 1, 2023


You have to act great now, you have to start acting like you're really good now, you have to stop waiting for the right timing, you have to face all the consequences and challenges now. There's no reason to wait because it will only make you weak and lazier. Postponing something is an act of cowardice, being happy that there is a delay is the number one attitude of a loser. You have to show up and be ready for anything that is in front of you, face any kind of adversity like a real man, chase your dreams now and never wait for tomorrow. Tomorrow is the number one word of loser, delaying tactics will only make you coward even more. You have to fake courage if you need to, you have to face the pain and never back down to any kind of challenge if you really wanted to win. The way to become unstoppable is to keep moving forward without even complaining, stop acting like you're entitled of something if you didn't work your ass off. You need to wake up and accept that being fast and being a hard worker is the only path to  greatness and progress. You will never improve if you're always waiting like a dog for his master for good, you will never improve if you're waiting for luck or relying on somebody to treat your right or give you nay help. You have the strength to move, you can build your own courage by simply making a stand. 


Something will click and that is guaranteed, you can never be a loser forever if you're giving your all. You are not winning because you're not even trying, you're waiting for a miracle without having to exert an effort for it, and that's why your life keeps on going down. You have to keep on trying even if it's not rational anymore, you have to keep on pushing even if you don't have an energy anymore. You need to trust yourself because nobody will do it for you, you have to trust your skills and instincts because you're the only one who can make yourself a winner. 


You're procrastinating all the time, you're wasting a lot of time because you're not aware of what you're doing. You simple follow your subconscious mind, you're in an auto pilot mode and you're not doing anything about it. You have an ugly programming inside of your head, you're not fighting your laziness because it's too uncomfortable. You don't know that the only way to make a progress is to force yourself to take actions even if you don't like it at all. Remind yourself that the most important thing is chasing greatness, chasing greatness is simply about moving and not stopping 24 hours a day. It's a lifestyle, it's a dedication, you can't take a brake because that is where greatness stop. You need to stop being emotional and start being logical, you need to stop letting emotions control you. 


The question is do you really want it or not, when you're facing obstacles or being tested by a very scary adversity are you just going to crumble and do nothing? or are you going to pick the fight and persevere until the end. Pain will always test you, fear is the gatekeeper, if you're weak and not prepared to feel the pain then you will never succeed, as simple as that. All you have to do is never care about failing, never care about people and you already have that killer instinct. Don't be afraid to try and just push it till the end, go further as much as you can and never have any regrets so that you will be able to continue. 


That's they key, to just show up and expose yourself to failure. Embrace everything that is in front of you and never forget to fight, as simple as that. You will never get ready forever, all you can do is face everything, embrace life and never care about what's going to happen next. What will happen will happen, face it and always give your very best no matter what. Your emotions is the only thing that is stopping you, you're playing the weak game all the time, you're making a lot of excuses, just a little difficulty is making you quit. You need to step up your game and do something about your life. Go hard every single day and never care if you fail or succeed, execute all of your ideas and persevere as much as you can. The right time is now, there is no such thing as perfect timing, if you can do it now... do it and never think about what's outside of your control. Focus only on what you can control and that is your thoughts and emotions. 


Work hard and start believing in yourself. The more you work hard the more you will be able to believe in yourself. Confidence will rise if you're paying your dues, you will have more and be more if you're giving your all, as simple as that. The philosophy is to work as hard as you can and start believing in yourself. You will never become successful if you don't believe in yourself. The main goal is to test what you can be by pushing yourself to the limits and taking risks. You need to stop minding what people say and start creating miracles through hard work and perseverance. Stop looking for results right away, it will come if it is about to come, just go hard and give everything you've got, make it simple, practice one philosophy only... go down the wire and never give up. Even 


Because you're hoping, and hoping is for the losers. You're afraid to fail, you're afraid to get tired, you're afraid of critics and embarrassment. And when you're afraid to fail, it only means you're not going to win, it's a sure lose for you if you don't want to act now. 


Are you a predator or a prey? are you a chicken or a lion? are you the sacrificial lamb or are you the wolf? define what animal are you, are you part of the weak clan or the strong clan? you can choose whatever animal you want to define yourself, you can become a beast or an insect, you can become wild or timid, you can become strong or weak. The choice is always yours, life is like a jungle, we are al animals, the only question is... what kind of animal are you? 

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