Mar 2, 2017


If you want to have a guaranteed victory, if you don't want to doubt yourself then you should prepare so hard and practice like you almost died.

If you are about to enter a competition or any test like a bar or board exam then you should prepare harder than anybody else. That is the only way to have a guaranteed victory. It's extreme focus and dedication that will give you a bulletproof mindset. It is a mindset that will never think about losing nor struggling. If you are so prepared and if you dedicate your whole life for something then losing will not even run across your mind anymore. You will feel very confident and amazing. You already won before it even begin.

Some people will still doubt themselves even if they prepare because their preparation is not enough. They take it seriously but they didn't take it to another level. They were still scared and doubtful. It is ok to be nervous because you have to go through that emotion but if you are so prepared then you will not even be scared anymore. Being nervous is different from being scared. If you are scared then it means you are not sure you're going to win. If you're nervous, you're just a little bit excited but you want that moment and you know you are still going to win even though you have that kind of emotion.

Solid preparation will destroy any hesitation. You will just go out there and perform. You knew you have it, all you got to do is do it and show up. The moment you wake up on that big day, you always knew you are going to get it. All you got to do is move and enjoy the ride.

Preparation will give you solid confidence. You will feel right, you will feel excited. It seems like everything is scripted and you know what is going to happen, and that is you're going to succeed.

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