Mar 25, 2017


If you're not afraid to lose something then you will get something much much better. It is like losing something for a better replacement.

If you're not afraid to lose your present job and look for a better job with better pay then you will get it. You cannot do both, you cannot have both jobs. Something has to go, it is up to you what option will you drop and embrace another but better option. Something has to be sacrificed in order to achieve a better position in life.

A good example is friendship, if you feel that your friends are abusing you and not making you feel better.. don't be afraid to lose them, don't be afraid to leave them. You can always find a new set of friends that are more meaningful, kind and can make you a better person. You can find friends who sees the best in you and can bring out the best in you not someone who will bully you and make your confidence go down. Don't be afraid to lose something in exchange for a better thing.

It is not taking risk or being arrogant, it is being confident that there are better things waiting for you if you are willing to get them and leave the things or people that are not meaningful to your life anymore. Don't be afraid to feel abundant because you deserve a lot, you deserve to be treated better, you deserve to get better.

Don't be afraid to lose your comfort now and do some other things that will give you more comfort in the future. Don't be afraid if you will get hungry now because you are using your money for better business. If you lose something because your intention is good and your vision is to have a better life then you will get that better life in the future. Once you lose something, something will replace it so don't worry if you are not winning for the moment. You will win in just a matter of time. Better things, people, opportunities will come to you because you are not afraid to lose something and find better replacements.

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