Dec 27, 2024


take it slowly but don't waste time. Keep moving forward, accept the slow way, you can never get everything you want in an instant, you can never change a situation as fast as you want to. It is what it is, it's going to be hard so you need to get use to it. 


It's very simple... don't look for fast results and look for the next step to do, stop looking for external validation, stop looking for what is missing in your life and just purely believe in hard work and sacrifices. Don't stop, keep moving forward even if it's too hard already. Just do it, start taking actions now and go all the way. 


People are depressed because they want fast success, fast solutions, they don't want to climb the mountain but they want to get on top. You will never become happy if you're always looking for shortcuts because your mind will always think. Always accept that life is hard, there is nothing you can do about it, just deal with every problem and never hide from your responsibilities. DO what you can do today and never rush, as simple as that. 


Be aware of what makes you weak, slow, broke, poor, dumb, unhealthy, unproductive, useless and ugly. Be aware if these things and don't associate yourself with them. It's your thoughts, actions, habits that makes you go up or go down. Cross out everything that is useless in your life. Remove all the thought patterns that is not helpful at all. It's a practice, it's a lifestyle, if you are always aware of what you are doing and thinking then you will improve dramatically. This is all about speed, discipline and a small progress, success is not that hard to achieve if you can change yourself all the time and force yourself to make the right decisions even if it is uncomfortable and not fun at all. Successful people were not that talented, they're just good in maximizing their time and avoiding things that are not helpful at all. Remember that just because it's fun doesn't mean you have to do it, just because it is easy doesn't mean you have to agree with it. The hardest actions are the things that will change your life. So be ok having an uncomfortable life because it's the only thing that will change your life. 


Is wasting time, it's the most dangerous temptation because it will make you worse and you will never get anything from it. You have to be aware if you're wasting time or not. Treasure your time and don't just waste it for nothing because you are wasting your life by doing that, wasting time means wasting life. Be smart enough where your time goes. 

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Dec 24, 2024


You're talking too much that's why you can't make a progress, you're like a bum, you're like a chicken trying to fight but not moving at all. And that is why you can't improve, you're minding what other people are doing instead of minding your own business. You are good too, you are pretty decent, you have a very big chance of becoming successful, your only problem is you are too slow, you can't take actions. The steps are very easy and known but you don't want to take it because you don't believe in yourself, you are full of doubts because you train yourself to become doubtful and weak. You are scared all the time because you are not even trying. If you will just try, if you will expose yourself to pain and responsibilities, if you will just do it then you will never become scared anymore. 


Execute the smallest and easiest move that is available, even if you are not ready... do it. Remember that you are not focused on the results here, you are focused on trying to make yourself better. Become a finisher, make yourself a doer, just do it. Remember that this is not about emotions, this is about philosophy. Your philosophy is to keep trying over and over again, as simple as that. You have to push yourself to the limits and never give up. Keep pushing forward no matter what, keep doing whatever it takes to succeed. Focus is the key here, focus on taking actions every now and then focus on trying to get better as much as you can and giver your extraordinary effort. You can do it if you really want it, you can change your life now if you will just force yourself to do what is needed and stop drowning yourself with instant gratification. Make sacrifices, take it one step at a time, be in the moment and watch yourself evolve. Talk is cheap, it is overrated, anybody can do it. Anyone can say his plans, impress the world and still fail in the end. Anyone can talk good about himself and try to make people believe about what his goals but it in the end his colors will be revealed that his is just a talker and not a doer. 


Life will never become perfect, all of your decisions were not perfect. Just decide to do it, just decide to take matters into your own hands and never stop moving forward. You have to just do it, just do it no matter what, do it when it is uncomfortable, do it when you don't want to do it... that's how to make a progress, that's how to win in life. Never care if you're making a mistake, your decisions will never become flawless ever. The idea here is to keep failing over and over again, keep pushing and take matters into your own hands. This is simply a trial and error method, you have to become fast, you have to stop wasting time and just start something. 

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Dec 19, 2024


Try for one more time, move like a raging bull and give everything you've got no matter what, it doesn't mater if it is hard or easy what matters is you take the risk and you never give up, as simple as that. Believe in speed, believe in the law of averages, something will work in just a matter of time, you just need to start now and keep pushing forward no matter what. Don't be afraid of failing, don't be afraid of not making it... do it over and over again. You don't need to stop when you fail, stand up and try again for one more time. Effort and taking risks is very powerful, you just need to work hard, take calculated risks and never stop improving. Just do it, take actions now, start now and give everything you've got. Because if you really want it then you will do whatever it takes to get it, you will do everything in your power to make something happen. If you will only get serious then you will make an impact, you can make something happen. The reason why you keep struggling is because you're not taking it seriously, you don't believe in your work, you're clowning around, you're playing around, you're not giving your all, you're simply satisfied with the mediocre results that you've been getting. If you want an improvement... take actions now and do whatever it takes to get to the next level. Stop acting like you have all the time in the world and you can just do it tomorrow, the time is now, grind like hell now and never stop. Give a very strong effort, make sure you will get very tired before you stop. Take risks and never be scared of failing, you know if you're working hard or not, you know if you're doing the right thing or not so just do it, just take actions and go all the way. 

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Go and push yourself, stop looking for results because it will never come, accept that this is a process, accept that you will only feel happier if you're doing something and doing it your way. You will never make a mark in this world if you're always stopping and looking for improvements, it will never come, you have to accept that life is really like this, you have to keep going if you don't want to get lost in life, give yourself a chance to win by doing whatever it takes to get there. It is what it is, it's going to get harder but what can you do? what will you do about it? stop acting like you're entitled of getting something if the truth is you need to start from the bottom and keep grinding your way to the top. Keep going even if you're not making any results. Hustle like hell so you will see heaven, you've been relaxing too much that's why you can't make any progress at all, you're too comfortable with your life that's why you're stagnant and not improving. It's not about the skills or the results, it's about improving internally and doing whatever it takes to get to the next level, as simple as that. You have to keep pushing, keep grinding if you want something to happen with your life, as simple as that. Stop squandering time scrolling on different social media accounts, uninstall your apps that are wasting your life and energy and do something productive today that will improve you financially, physically, mentally and spiritually. Just take actions now be productive and never care if you're making results or not. Stay busy, stay active and always do whatever it takes to get to the next level. Push yourself to the limits, force yourself to take actions no matter what. Even if it is hard and boring, even if you don't like it... just do it because it's your only ticket to success. It's no knowledge, it's not talent, it's not luck nor opportunity that will make your life better... it's your focus and effort, if you're focused on improving your life then you will be able to improve your life even if life is so difficult and you're lacking the resourced needed. You don't need anything to change, you just need to start and take it one step at a time, decide where you wan to go and go there no matter what. It's ok if you are slow but don't ever waste time, it's ok if you're struggling... don't stop pushing forward no matter what. At the end of the day the truth is you will never make any results if you keep on stopping so keep moving forward and just take actions, let your fears go, let it go, ignore your bad emotions, ignore laziness and just do whatever it takes to win in life. Time is fast, you will never even notice that you're already on top if you don't stop. 

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You're doing a lot of stupid moves that is not even helping you a bit that's why you're stuck in a mud up to now, that's why you can't make a progress. You're wasting a lot of time and you didn't know it, or maybe you're aware of it but you're allowing it, you don't want to stop yourself because it is easy and fun but in the end it's making you terrible, it's making your life worse. If you want to have a better life... stop wasting your time, become productive and that's it. Every second plays a critical role to your greatness or weakness, you can get better every single second if you will just be disciplined and committed to improvement. Become a finisher, become a doer, if something will not give you anything then why do it? it's just a waste of day, it's just a waste of energy. You could have been better today but you choose not to and that's the worst thing that you could do to your life... be stagnant and complacent. Just go, be fast and never stop, that's all you need to do, you need to keep pushing yourself to greatness if you want to get ahead in life. If something is making you slow, weak and worse then don't even bother doing it. You need to start believing that every second is critical to your success and you will never be able to get back the time that you wasted so start being the best that you can be, start pushing yourself to the edge and do whatever you can to improve your life. If something is slowing you down and derailing your progress then don't do it, as simple as that. Keep taking actions every now and then, moving should be your culture, it should be your lifestyle. Stop wasting your time getting addicted to pleasures that will only affect your mental health in the future. If you want to get stronger, better and faster... stop wasting time and chase your goals, chase improvements and never show signs of slowing down. You should become a bull that keeps pushing forward no matter what, be like a lion that keeps on hunting for food, stay hungry and stay motivated. Motivation doesn't mean you need to fee good, it doesn't mean you need to like what you're doing, motivation means you hate the situation but you keep on moving forward, it means you don't like your emotions but you don't care about it, you only care about taking actions and nothing else, you only care about moving forward and getting closer and closer to your goals. Look at your actions, look at your habits, it's the reason why you're in your place right now, stop blaming people and circumstances why your life sucks, look at your habits and you will see why you can't make a small progress up to now. 

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The reason why you're living a weak life is because you're too focused too much on what is fun and easy and not getting anything from it. You will never gain anything from easy times, you will only grow through hard times. Nothing will help you other than yourself, you will never make a breakthrough unless you force yourself to embrace boredom and get better from it. You will never get better from watching Tv and eating pizzas everyday, you will only get stronger through working hard and exercising. Study something even if it is boring because it will give you more money and security in the future. Practice delayed gratification all day and never stop until you finally reach another level. Stop being weak, you have an option to get stronger, this is your story, stop choosing weakness over greatness. You have what it takes to win in life, all you need is focus and belief. Believe that everything you do is taking you to another level even if you're not seeing any results yet. If you're no failing you're not winning, if you're not struggling nor suffering you're not gaining anything. You will only grow from pressure, failures and difficulties. You will never grain anything from comfort, shortcuts and weak actions. Focus on what's not fun and give everything you've got, give your best every single day and make it your culture, make it your life. Stop acting like a lazy dog because it will never get the job done. Look at yourself all the time... are you working hard? are you really using all of your time for your personal growth? or are you squandering a lot of time doing stupid things that are easy but useless? you are what you repeatedly think and do. So you better check yourself and stop right away when you're doing something useless and stupid. Just focus, just start and never give up, never stop. 

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Relaxing too much will never get the job done, you have to force it or else you will never make any progress. Go hard, believe in yourself and work hard, stop acting like as stupid chicken and just do something. Experiment with your life, what will you achieve by being a doer? what can you get gain by simply being fast and disciplined? it is what it is, it's not going to be easy but it's worth it, if you want to see how strong you can be... don't stop and hustle like hell. Control your thoughts and actions, focus on what you can control only... that's the best way to become productive and fast. Because you will only feel bad and terrible if you're focusing on what you can't control like what people say, the outcome and any other issues outside of you. There is nothing you can do about it, stop trying to prove yourself to others, stop trying to control everything and start focusing on what you can control and that is your mind and tenacity. All you can do is never give up, all you can do is give your very best and stop acting like a weak clown, you are better than that. Believe in yourself, believe in your actions and never quit when the going gets tough. Force fate, force yourself to take actions, if you will not force yourself then you will never make something happen, you have to take actions when it feels heavier, beat your laziness by simple taking the first step and following through. Always remember that you are gaining something whenever you are taking actions, your life is getting better every time you push yourself to just do it no matter what. The time is now, if you want to see greatness then be fast and give everything you've got. Always do what you can do, always believe in yourself no matter what. Even if you're not getting any results... just keep pushing and break all the boundaries, never believe that you are limited, you can become unstoppable if you want to, it's all in the mind, hustle like hell and never give up, as simple as that. You can make it if you really want it, you can do something special with your life if you will just be fast and focus on winning instead of thinking why it won't work, stop making excuses because only losers do that. Just do it, do it over and over again until it's done, the time for being soft and weak is over, you have to push yourself to give everything you've got no matter what. At the end of the day this is simply about taking actions and nothing else, this is simply about giving your all and not taking any second for granted. Stop wasting your life, do more, stop wasting your time and be more. 

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If you want to become unstoppable... be disciplined, be fast, be a doer and that's it. You don't need to become super smart here, you don't need to become talented. Define what you need to do in order to become successful and focus on them. This is a step by step process, this is a long term, this is a lifestyle. Stop convincing yourself that you are doing well if all you do is waste your time and procrastinate all day long. If you want to beat procrastination then learn to start fast all the time and never look back. The time to become a beast is now, it will only happen if you're pushing yourself to the limits and going all in for yourself. Get better every single day, don't ever waste any single second. It's going to be hard but very simple. Repetition is the key, study yourself, what is making you slow? what is making you weak and cross them all out. You need to think like a sniper, have that insane focus, think only about the things and people that are motivating you and helping you to take more actions. You don't have any weakness, the only weakness you have is you can do more but you are doing less, that is weak, that is a loser's mentality. You must reverse the course, the you must be doing more even if you can only do less. Upgrade yourself by disbelieving your limitations and going further as much as you can. The time is now, again... stop wasting time if you want to take your life to the next level. Cancel everything that is not putting you on a better position to succeed. Speed, trust it, be very fast, be bold, decide now what you're going to do and do it. Never stop until you win, never stop until you finally made it. It is worth trying, bet on yourself and never count yourself out when the struggle is going on. 

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It's not about how many days or years you need to work in order to become successful. It's not about the target date of achieving something, it's not about how many months you need to train in order to become the best, it's about the present moment, what are you doing now? forget the past, ignore the future and focus on what you're trying to do now. The next step is the most important step so don't worry if you're on a bad spot, you can make it still, you can still make something special in your life because the next step is the key to your desired destination. It's not about how many times you need to repeat, it's about creating a new identity, creating new habits that will give you an advantage. So you need to start now, think about what you want and work your way to get there. The next step is good, the next step you take is making an impact already even if you're not seeing it yet. So start now and take actions, keep going further as much as you can and never give up. Work harder, strengthen your focus, train yourself to work for longer time and never stop until you're done. This is the best way to have a direction in life, chase your goals and forget about anything else. Forget what makes you feel bad, disregard all of your emotions and just focus on one thing only... getting better and better. Watch yourself all the time and take the process seriously. This is not a race but be fast, it's ok if you are progressing slow but don't ever waste time. Treat your time like the most important thing in the world. Never squander any second, never waste your energy for thinking about the past or the future. Life is happening now, you don't need to rush but don't ever slow down intentionally. Believe in the power of hard work, believe that everything you do is helping you to win. Stop thinking about the exact date when you need to have this or have that, focus on the present moment and make the best out of it. Train your body to move faster, stop thinking about what you're going to do and just do it. Have fun with the process, it's all about being happy even if the process is so difficult. So stop worrying about what will happen next and just focus on the moment, focus on doing whatever you can do and never stop until you finally win. Never care about your failures and shortcomings, never care if you keep on struggling because the most important thing is moving forward and nothing else. You can win but if you're not moving forward then that success will be erase so fast that you don't even notice. Always remind yourself that you need to take actions even if you're winning or losing. 

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Dec 18, 2024


Decide if you're going to do it or not and then let go. Just do it and let go of the feelings, what makes you slow is your emotions, you're always pampering your feelings which is not good, at the end of the day this is simply about moving forward and nothing else. It's not about the results, it's not about the future, it's about doing it now and not giving up, as simple as that. You're too in love, invested, addicted to your feelings that's why you can't make a breakthrough. There's no room for emotions if you want to win in life, there's no room for slowness and overthinking, you have to be fast. This is not about looking perfect, this is about being fast, just do it and you will be able to make a momentum. Trying to look or be perfect will never get the job done, you have to feel the pain little by little, be in the present moment while feeling bad, this mentality will make you invincible and unstoppable. You have to just do it no matter what, nothing can stop you if you will  make yourself a doer. Give yourself a deadline on doing a specific task and you will be able to do it. Overthink and care about your feelings and you will never get anything done. This is not about feeling great, this is about overcoming your fears and laziness. Laziness means weakness, it means defeat, it means you are taking your life and chances for granted. You have to work the hardest, you don't need to become the smartest, you just need to be the fastest. Speed is the name of the game, you have to take chances and give everything you've got, push yourself to the limits, relax and be one with your emotions, you don't need to feel good and superb all the time... you just need to live, breathe and relax while struggling and taking actions. This is not an easy thing to do, who says that life is easy, nothing is easy, there is no such thing as a free pass, you really have to give your best and never waste your time thinking about the things that you can't control. Focus on what you can control and you already won in life. This is too simple don't complicate the process, never live by the expectations of others and do it your way. Just do it, you will feel much better when you do it, take matters into your own hands and believe that you can win by doing it your way. You don't need any validation here, you don't need to please people, you just need to follow your heart and decide if you're going to do it nor not. If you don't want to do it then just sleep and do nothing, if you decide that you're going to finish it... start now and you will be able to save a lot of time. 

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Dec 16, 2024


Wake up when you're not ready, move when you're not ready, take the first step when you're not ready. A breakthrough will only happen during uncomfortable moments, it will not happen when you're always feeling good and sure. When something is not good when you feel uncomfortable, when challenges are trying to bring you down and make you quit.. that's an opportunity, that's the best time to change. You will make a breakthrough when everything is hard. So keep fighting and never give up, keep going and do whatever it takes to make an impact. DO one positive thing every now and then and never stop. You have to build resilience, build a new character and just keep going no matter what. Not all the time life is good you have to remind yourself about this, not all the time you're on top, you have to be able to adapt to any challenges of life and keep going no matter what. Stopping is for the losers, whining and complaining is for the victims, stop looking for sympathy and create a new reality, build a new character, develop a stronger attitude that will make you survive and thrive in the end. This is about the habits, you can really win in life if you were able to build the right habits in life. So keep going and never stop, the time to become great is now. Push yourself to the limits and never give up no matter what. Change will happen when you're not ready, when you're really uncomfortable and would to quit on your current situation. Quitting is for the losers, don't ever think about doing that. You have to be a fighter nowadays, hustle like hell, grind like a hungry dog and never stop believing in yourself. Because that's the only way to win... believe in yourself and work as hard as you can. There's no other direction but to move forward, that's it. There is nothing you can do about it, if you will cry and complain and look for sympathy then it's game over for you. Just work harder and give everything you've got no matter what, your time is now, it is uncomfortable right? then it means you have to grind harder, it means you have to stop wasting your time doing a lot of stupid things and go back to the grind, outwork everyone, be the fastest, be the baddest and let's see if you can't still make a breakthrough in life. Willpower is your ticket to success, you have to stop acting like a diva and force things to go your way, that is if you want to win in life. So keep going no matter what, whenever you're already awake... start working right away and never wait for the right time because it will never come, the right time is now... what the hell are you waiting for? just move and do something about it. 

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Dec 14, 2024


Keep failing until your mind is not afraid of it anymore, the reason why you can't succeed or can't make a breakthrough is because you're not failing, you're always playing safe, you're always looking for an excuse why you don't need to try. Prioritize taking actions over anything else. Push yourself to take actions now, never waste a single second, this is a change of lifestyle. Change your way of life and you will change the outcome of your life. Your lifestyle is your life, your philosophy is your reality. Most people wanted to change their reality but they are not changing their personality that is why they are stuck forever. If you want something to change then change your habits first, change your way of thinking and something will click, you have to force yourself no matter what. You can be the hardest worker in the world and that is a fact, all you have to do is focus and you will become a doer, as simple as that. Define all the actions that are derailing your progress and cross out all of them. This is just a matter of doing it, this is just a matter of changing your character from being a procrastinator into a doer. Be a doer, that's all you need to do, if you need to do something... do it, decide fast and do it fast. Your life will get better every time you start fast and avoid overthinking. Because overthinking is what makes you suffer, you don't have a peace of mind because you're not taking actions, once you realize that it's all about moving and not being perfect then you will become unstoppable. So stop checking for results, stop looking for an easy life and embrace a difficult life that is full of activity. be active, stay busy on something, work on it even if you're not seeing any results. The idea here is to become a doer and not a procrastinator, you need to be fast, speed is the name of the game, start something fast and make changes fast if it's not creating an impact at all. Accept that your life is going to become a trial and error method,  improve your patience, strengthen your mind by being calm while working hard. This is a waiting game, you wait while working hard, you stay patience and you never waste a single second. Time is money, time is opportunity, what you do with your time is what you do with your life. You are the creator of your own destiny. The old people who are begging on streets wasted a lot of time during their prime that's why they are taking the punishment now. So if you don't want to be like them... use your time wisely and never let anyone or anything get it for free, if they want your attention they need to pay. Use your time very well, fail over and over again, repeat the process until you get on top. 

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You want it right? you want something right? then never make an excuse, never look for reasons why you can't make it and just make it work, as simple as that. If you want it then you have to do the impossible, you have to work harder than anyone else, you have to go the extra mile and push yourself to the limits. The time for being a pussy is over, you need to go hard, push yourself to do the work and never stop until you win. Because the reason why you're losing is you're stopping all the time, you're acting weak, you're acting like a useless clown, stop playing around and just do the work you need to do. Be fast, start fast and finish fast, take it one step at a time and never take shortcuts. You can make an impact, you can make a progress now if you will take the process seriously and use all of your power to make a momentum. You can finish anything, you can learn anything, it's just a matter of believing in yourself and the work you do. If you want it then you will never care if it is hard, you will just do it no matter what, you will take the first step and carry on. It's now or never, if you want to win then never waste a single second doing some stupid thing that will not even help you. Be mindful of your actions and thoughts, create a new you, create a stronger version of you that is willing to give all no matter what. Even if you don't know the next step, even if you don't know if you're going to win or not... take actions and keep pushing yourself to the limits. At the end of the day it's on you, it's your responsibility, it's your decision, you can never blame anyone for your failure, if you fail then it means you just paly around and didn't give your very best. Don't be afraid to fail, embrace failure, embrace that you might take the blame, take full responsibility of your actions and put your fate in your hands, you are the creator of your life, you are either going up or going down with every small decision you made. It's time to become an animal, it's time to become the best version of yourself. You know if you're wasting time or not, you know if what you're doing will never work, you know if you're procrastinating. So push yourself to take the first step now and follow through until you're done. Don't worry about what's going to happen in the future, what will happen will happen, bet on yourself, trust that you can make it, believe that you deserve what you want in life. If you want it then stop being soft, stop looking for stupid excuses because it will not even help you, it will only make your situation worse, go all the way, inch by inch make yourself closer to your goal. 

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It's just a matter of doing it and that's it. Do the most important thing in your life right now. Whether it's about your education, job or health... do it now. Embrace boredom, embrace boring things, embrace the difficulty and always keep moving forward no matter what. DO the most important thing in your life that requires extreme attention. You're not doing what is needed that is why your life sucks, that's why you have lesser energy. Your life will only change if you will force yourself to change, as simple as that. You can't feel powerful and confident because your living in a low vibrational energy, you're too lazy and slow, you're not committed, you don't have any discipline in your system. You need to change your habits, attitude and way of thinking if you want some magical to happen. It is what it is, it's going to be hard, nobody told you that it's going to be easy, life is hard, success is hard so be it. Don't be scared to experience struggle, it's normal. You need to embrace all the challenges in your life, just work hard and do something positive today and that's it. You don't need to get results right away, you just need to change your bum life a little bit and propel it to greatness. Study your mind, study your behavior. What triggers you to move? what stops you from taking action? Once a thought was entertained, it's either going to help you or make you worse, you need to be mindful of your thoughts because it will lead to procrastination or action. One specific thought can either force you to move or stop you from taking the next steps. Your thought really matters so be aware all the time of what you're thinking. Your mind will always wander it will have a hard time focusing on one particular task that's why you need to guard it, you need to practice focusing on one thing and never stop until you're done. If one thought is useless... reject it and never entertain it again, if one thought is helpful... use it and record it in your head. Your mind is the only thing that destroys or create your life and nothing else, a strong mind can make you unstoppable on the other hand a weak mind will ruin your life. The good news is you have a choice, you are in control of what you're doing, it all depends in what you're thinking. So watch your mind carefully and study the thoughts that are running inside of your head now, it is helping or is it making your life worse? it's making your life worse if you are procrastinating, you need to be moving now, force yourself to just do the most important task right now and never stop until you're done. Allow yourself to become imperfect, the main reason why you can't move is because you want a perfect life, you want to finish a task right away, remind yourself that this is a journey, your life will get better if you don't focus on the results rather you focus on the process. 

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Dec 13, 2024


You will only fail if you will try, you will only win if you will try, as simple as that. Stop thinking that there is some other way to success because you will only become successful if you expose yourself to failure and nothing else. Fake courage if you need to, be scared and do it anyway, fail as much as you can, fail over and over again and never give up, that's the only sure and correct blueprint to success. You will never win if you're always giving up and avoiding actions. Keep failing over and over again until your mentality gets stronger and stronger so you won't be afraid of failing anymore. Most people are so afraid of failing because they haven't experience enough failures. But if you already experienced a lot of it... you won't be afraid anymore, you will take more risks, you will take chances and will never feel a lot of pressure to win. Because winning is not the most important thing here, experience is. If you want to experience more of life... keep failing over and over again until you succeed, that is what it is all about. What's wrong with failing? nothing right? it's just another normal scene that you must experience, it's just another day, you're so attached to success that's why you can't make a breakthrough, you want it so much that's why you're feeling a lot of pressure, what if you stop liking it too much? what do you think will be the result? Attaching yourself with something too much causes a lot of resistance, it is the main reason why you can't move freely, you're not creative because you're so attached to something that is not helping you at all. You must feel nothing about failing, that is the key to success because you will become more creative, loose and risky by doing that. You will become dangerous because you have nothing to lose, you're just here for the experience. So give everything you've got and never be scared of trying, just try, consider yourself a winner when you try because most people were afraid to try, they're afraid of what they can't see, they're so afraid of the future that's why they're stuck in a mud forever. If you want to experience being alive... take risks and fail more. Feel the pain and never be scared of repeating over and over again. 

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choose to burn out

If you are not burning out you are not even trying, it's better to burn out than to waste your time procrastinating. Attack your laziness and doubts, your fears will go away if you are fast, you will only burn out if you're working really hard and once you burned out... work again, rest for a few minutes or hours if you need to then go back to hustle again, that's how to live a very nice life... through chasing your goals and giving everything you've got. Work as hard as you can and stop feeling like a chicken, stop feeling weak by doing nothing and imagining your life to get better. It won't get better if you don't choose to get better, choose to push yourself to the limits, burning out is much better than doing nothing but hoping for success or a change, you are only fooling yourself by doing that. Stop fooling yourself that something will change in your life, luck won't hep you, opportunities will not come if you're not taking the process seriously. You have to take it seriously and never stop pushing, go further as much as you can and use all of your knowledge and skills. The only thing you need to do is do what you can do and that's it. Be fast, work hard, stay humble and repeat again tomorrow. Focus on the grind, live for the hustle not for the results, figure out what will work and then try to outwork everyone. It's you that you need to change in order to experience a different a kind of experience, you will only become powerful if you choose to grind and pull the trigger now. So stop being a lazy stupid clown and do something positive now. You can start now, do the thing that scares you the most, stop getting allergic to had work, be fast and that's it. You will only will if you change yourself from being lazy to a hard working animal. It feels good to be working hard, you will feel more confident and secure because you just knew you can take actions anytime you want and it will attract results and better opportunities. So what are you waiting for? take actions now, be the best that you can be, become the best version of yourself no matter what.

Burned out is only in the mind, you feel stressed and weak because you're always stopping, you're thinking about the future all the time. Take actions now and keep going further as much as you can. Nothing can stop you if you will become unstoppable, just do it, just take the first step and carry on. Pulling the trigger doesn't need too much strength, force yourself to take the first step when you're feeling lazy, stop prioritizing your emotions, stop being soft and go as hard as you can.

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Dec 11, 2024


Choose to move forward instead of procrastinating and acting like a depressed clown. Catch yourself all the time doing a lot of stupid thing and then stop it, that's the way to make a progress. That's the only way to move forward. You have to be fast, you have to stay committed. If you want to become progressive then just be fast, be aware of what you're doing and stop right away every time you're doing something stupid that is not relevant to self improvement at all. You're the one who is destroying your own life because of your laziness and avoidance of actions. 

Speed is the branding and nothing else, you start it and you finish it, you never care about the outcome, you never care about what's going to happen next. Just be fast and never let your mind think as simple as that. Because the more you think about something... the harder for you to move, you will become immobilized, you will have a hard time making a momentum. Create a small momentum every now and then, finish one small step or process every now and then and keep that energy alive, keep that energy running. You have to keep moving forward and never give up, never stop, never care if you're not perfect, never care if you're failing, just move forward and do something positive for your life, that's the game plan that will work and will work forever. Intelligence will not be rewarded only action does, if you're a good talker but a poor worker then it means you're a fraud. Focus on what you can control the most and that is your actions, never care if it is hard, never care if you're not making any impact, just move forward and get better every single day, speed is the branding and nothing else, you should be on a sense of urgency all the time, take massive massive actions and keep going no matter what. It's only just a matter of time before you win, it's only just a matter of whether it's about to come or not. And it will come for sure, you never know when the success will come but it will come on the right time. So don't stop, don't think and just move forward. Success is overrated, results is overrated. You have to push yourself to do what is hard and never prioritize your emotions, your feelings will only stop you, the good news is you can still take actions even if you're feeling bad, you can still push yourself even if bad luck is trying to impregnate you. 
Do it , do it over and over again until you're done, do it even if it will take a million years to finish it, it is much better than thinking and stressing yourself out. Just do it and carry on. You never know what's going to happen next, you will only discover the truth if you go further. 

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Any disappointment, failure or setback is teaching you something. Failure is a clue, failure is a way to get better, it will give you lessons, it will make you stronger and better so why are you afraid of failing? It's the best thing that will ever happen to you because it will make your mentality stronger. The more you fail and get use to it the more you don't feel anything about it anymore, it will make you faster, it will make you grind more, it will make you hungrier and do the impossible. Failing is a blessing in disguise that most people failed to see. If you have a vision then nothing can stop you anymore, you will just keep going and goin and going, you will become unlimited, you will become more creative and faster. You will become a doer, you will focus on taking actions instead of making dramas and looking for reasons why your work is not working. Force yourself to be faster, harder and better. You can always do better than what you did yesterday, it's just a matter of deciding to give your very best now and never stop until you can't take actions anymore. Don't be afraid to get tired, don't be afraid to fail, just keep going and give your very best no matter what. As long as you can move... move and never quit, never make dramas if you're not making an impact, never complain and just focus on the hustle, as simple as that. 

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Dec 9, 2024


Something is playing your mind, your mind is sticky to a certain information that is why you're stuck all the time, that's why you feel so bad all the time. The best trick to win in life is to make your mind fast, make it moving all the time and never overthink about something. You feel bad because you are worried for hours, you feel worse and emotional because someone told you something negative and you didn't like it, it's destroying your confidence, it's making you weak. But if your mind is fast, if it can make adjustments fast and entertain the right thoughts then you are powerful, nothing can harm your for a very long time. Where your time goes is where your life goes, if your mind is thinking about problems then you will get problems, as simple as that. But if your mind is thinking about prosperity then you will get prosperity. 


If you are stuck if you can't take actions it means you are being played, you are being played by the external things surrounding you, you are being played by the environment and you're letting it affect your mind. You are stuck because you're always thinking about the finish line, you are thinking about the results, you are being played with that thought. Your thoughts make you stuck, your thoughts makes you weak, that's the sad reality. If you don't want to be stuck then you need to stop thinking too much and start executing. Intelligence will not be rewarded, overthinking and trying to be perfect or smart will not be rewarded, you have to keep moving forward and give everything you've got... that's how to win in life. 

Force yourself and body to move, that's all you need to do. Quit thinking and keep moving forward all the time, that's the simplest game plan and most effective ever. Moving will make you feel better, it will give you more motivation and energy. Take the first step and never stop, you have to be fast, you have to be mindful and decisive, if you're going to finish something... finish it as fast as you can. 

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Dec 6, 2024


The number one addiction that is very dangerous but most doctors are not talking about is addiction with scrolling. It is making you weak, lazy, sick, slow and dumb. You are scrolling too much on social media minding other people's business that's why you can't make any progress at all. You're too busy on something that is not even important at all that is why you can't succeed in life. You're wasting too much time, you're wasting a lot of energy. If you can just stay disciplined and committed to your goals then you can make faster improvement. Just start, change your bum life now and never read comments, hates, likes and fake words again, what they say doesn't even matter. What matters is your goal and daily improvement in life. Reading their comments, arguing against them, proving your point is addictive but you are the one getting played here, you are the one feeling bad, you need to be mindful about what you do and focus on what matters most not on something that is making you weak and feel worse. You need to step up your discipline, step up your mental game and do something more important that will make your life better.  It's what you do and think that determines your life, social media is messing up your mentality, you are believing what they say even if it's negative. Stop feeling something about comments of other people, let them say what they wanted to say and just focus on your own belief and philosophy. It's up to you if you want to succeed in life and get better, it's up to you if you really wanted to win. It's only just a matter of hard work and dedication and nothing else, you will be rewarded with your effort not with your laziness and the desire to prove your point. These broke people are all doing the same thing... they waste their time for nothing, they exchange their time for short time pleasures that stimulates their mind but affects them in the long run. You need to stop being distracted by people, activities, happenings that are not helping you at all. Always remember this "is that going to help you to improve?" if not then why even bother doing it? it's only derailing your progress and making you slower and weaker so why do it? Train your mind, train yourself to do what is more important, what is more beneficial that will give you advantage in life. If something or a particular activity is not helping you at all then why even bother? why give it time and energy? you will only win if you will use your time and energy properly and not waste it for useless activities and actions that will make you suffer even more. Take actions now, stop feeling important and special because you are not. Things will only get better if you push yourself to get better and faster, stop burning your time and getting nothing from that activity, drop it and do something else that will propel you to succeeds. 

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Dec 4, 2024


You believe in something, look at your mind. You are thinking about something now, are you thinking about greatness or are you thinking about playing safe? do you believe in yourself or are you doubting yourself? the choice is always yours and will be yours, as simple as that. 


If you're not affected, if you can calm yourself every time you need to, if you're not jealous, if you're not feeling like a victim, if you can accept anything then you're already a winner. If no external event or people can make you feel bad then you are really powerful. Invest in your mind, repeat the thoughts that you want to happen with your life. Stop entertaining thoughts that are useless and making you weak. You have to discipline your mind if you want to become a winner. The power is in your mind. It's ok if your reality is hard, it will get easier if you will fix your mind and stay positive. Look for solutions instead of complain, believe in yourself instead of doubting yourself. 


You believe that you can only earn a few dollars, you believe that you can only score a few points. You don't know that a belief is very powerful, once you believe so strong... nothing can ever stop you, the universe will give you the obstacles that will lead the way, once you were able to face these obstacles fearlessly... you can get anything you want. Believe, it is free to believe, nothing can stop you if you want to believe in something. Believe even if you look delusional, believe that you can make it. Nothing can stop you if you're in the right frame of mind. This is just a mental game, strengthen your mind and you will become unstoppable. 

they're just wasting their time

IF YOU'RE NOT affected then they're just wasting their time. If someone is disturbing you or bullying you they are only wasting their time if you are not affected. It will take time to strengthen your mind, you need a lot of practice, you need a lot of test but it's all worth it because it's for you, you will become stronger if your mind is impenetrable. Keep on enduring and facing adversity, keep doing what you don't want but is beneficial. Usually what you don't want is the only thing that will give you something or progress, you can never make an improvement if you're always having fun. Something fun and easy will never give you anything, it will only make you broke and weak, that is the sad reality that most people can't accept because they were blinded by the social media that they can make it in just a short period of time. The truth is there are no shortcuts if you want to get stronger then you need to endure what is hard. Face the pain and keep moving forward, that's all you need to do. 

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Dec 1, 2024


Success is a mentality, it's not a chance, it's not luck, it's not trying, it's not the results... it's what's in your head and nothing else. Make it work no matter what, stop hoping, stop saying that you did try and make it work, force it, do something about it, stop whining around and wishing that luck goes on your way, you have to do whatever it takes if you want to win in the end. At the end of the day your effort is the only thing that will save you and nothing else. 


Reach for a small goal, realistic goal and then try to repeat it a million times... that's how to get bigger, that's how to win slowly but surely. Just like strengthening and growing your muscles... lift the weights a million times, it doesn't matter if you are slow, for as long as you're reaching for something... you will get it in just a matter of time. Something will work, you just need to believe in yourself. Reach for it and never stop until you get it. Nothing is impossible if you will try, you can be anything you want to be if you will just force yourself to work as hard as you can, as simple as that. Make it work no matter what, don't settle for consolation prizes, don't settle for less. You can  get more if you wan to, it's just a matter of choice, it's just a matter of making a decision to win. If you have a winning mentality and you can grind like hell then you will become unstoppable. So go for what you want and never stop, the world is watching, life got your back, you will get the support and people you need to if you're really serious about the process. So give your all and do whatever it takes to succeed, it's only just a matter of time before you win. 


The pressure is nothing, really really nothing. You will just feel bad for a while and then you will feel good again, it's a cycle. There is nothing to lose here, there is everything to gain. Learn to endure, learn to be tough, learn to position yourself in power and you will win. You will just feel bad for a while and that's it, remember that this is just an emotion, if you can master regulating your emotion then you already won, as simple as that. You will become a winner if you're not emotional, at the end of the day these are all just emotions, the emotional people are the real losers here because they can't focus on what they can't control, they focus on what other people are doing, they focus on what's outside of them. If you are not forcing yourself then you will feel worse, laziness will make you feel like a garbage, do you want that?

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You get weaker because you're not in control of your mind. Something is controlling you and you're not aware of it, sometimes you be...