Nov 30, 2023


Remind yourself that this is a journey, it's not a destination... it's a journey so you have to enjoy the process and never give up, as simple as that. Most people couldn't even get started because they want to finish fast, they want results right away, they're too focused on the destination that's why they get overwhelmed easily. Being slow but unstoppable is really cool, you will feel much better, you will feel relaxed but still working hard and giving your best. Consistency and dedication is the key here, if you have a task to do... you do it anyway even if you're having a slow or rough start. You do it because it's the right thing to do, you don't do it for the results, you do it because it makes you mentally stronger and more powerful. You do it because it's the right path and giving your life a more meaningful purpose. If you really wanted to change your life then you need to practice feeling the pain bit by bit. It's painful to work hard, it's painful to do the right thing, it's painful to choose creating your own content rather than watching other people's content, it's painful to exercise or practice fasting, it's painful to do the right things but once you manage to be in the moment... everything will be a lot easier and your life will change for the better. Just be slow, you don't need to be fast, you don't need to rush, you just need to stay present and dedicate yourself to improvement. Be slow and unstoppable, always focus on doing the right things slowly, choose to follow through all the time. It's really ok if you are slow but don't ever waste any single second, make yourself productive, make all of your actions intentional towards your dreams. Never take days off just because you don't feel it. Practice insane consistency, stay committed to the course and never ever give up. 


If you really believe in yourself and you're willing to give time and make an extra ordinary effort for what you want then you will become unstoppable, nothing can ever stop you because your willpower can overpower everything, you can overcome problems. You can find solutions, you can do something that hasn't been done before, you can become a force, you will always find a way out of no way. You will never get depressed every time you fail, you will do whatever it takes to win. Force yourself to take actions every time you are hesitating and doubting yourself, every time you feel lazy... just do it and follow through, that's how to make a break through, that's how to become unstoppable. No matter how strong the storm is... you can weather it, it will soon be over if you just persevere and don't give up.


Whether you like it or not the reality is you are the one who is making yourself a negative person, not the negative people around you nor the ugly situations that you attract. You attract negative things, you become a negative thinker because you're feeding your mind with negative materials. The news, negative post on social media, getting interested with useless topics that promotes hatred, gossips, thinking the wrong way. You are the one who is destroying your mind, you have to be aware of what you are entertaining because it's affecting your mentality. If you want to become unstoppable then you need to have a healthy and strong mind, feed your mind with the best and most positive information available and stay away from negative people and subjects because it's making you weak and soft, it's making your mind fragile. Starting today, stop scrolling on social media, stop watching the news, stop talking to toxic and negative people. Start listening to motivational and inspirational stories, start filtering the images that you are seeing, start making your mind stronger. It's a lot of work but once your mind is so sick and tired of negativity... you will start to attract positive situations and people. 


There's only one job you need to do and that's to stop wasting time. Procrastination is the key to a miserable life, if you keep on wasting your life watching stupid TV or doing mindless scrolling on social media then you are doomed to fail. It's very simple, always use your time to make you a little bit better not worse. Tv will make you dumb, cellphone will make you weak, this era is a weak era, it's easy to become successful because most people are manipulated already. It's either you are working or you are getting manipulated. You can move despite of uncertainty and discomfort, you can take actions even if it is hard. You can finish anything, it all depends on your willpower. If you will make yourself a doer then your motivation everyday will get stronger and stronger. The key is to stop thinking and start doing, just do something, push yourself to take actions even if it is hard and complicated. Don't be afraid to go all the way, don't be afraid to make mistakes or fail. Just be a fast starter and follow through, go all the way, it's hard but it's worth it. 


Something is stopping you and you're not aware of it, look at it and ignore it. If you're too scared of the future then simply don't think about it and you will find yourself working again. Don't seek for comfort, seek for pain, that's the only way to grow and go to another level. It's painful focusing on yourself because you always wanted to know what other people are doing, it's painful to exercise and eat the right food, it's so painful to work hard. But you will only find liberation and freedom through pain, laziness and comfort will make you weak and depressed. You have to start forcing yourself to take the necessary actions in order to grow and make a breakthrough. You will only be molded to a different human being through fire and struggle, you will never experience something new if you're always sheltering yourself with laziness and excuses. 

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Nov 27, 2023


The problem with you is you're too focused on useless problems that's why you're not progressing and making it in life. You're too consumed with your noisy neighbor, country's problems, economy, recession, workplace's gossips, the weakest player on the team, problematic apps, etc. You're too worried about what you can't control instead of focusing on what you can control which is your mind and effort. 


Learn to enjoy the dirt, eat the mud, meaning you have to learn how to embrace any kind of difficult situation or task and move forward anyway. Never think that you are being victimize or something. Never think that the world is so unfair and that there is a better way. Embrace the grind, hustle your ass and never quit. Enjoy the mud, if you are praying for rain then you better deal with the muds as well because there is no such thing as something for nothing. There is a price you have to pay. 


If you stand up for something, if you really give your life and time and energy and effort then they have no choice but to believe you. Perseverance thrives all the time, it will never fail you. If you're working hard on something and really giving your very best then it's impossible to fail. That's why it's better to focus on better problems, problems that will give you something even if it is hard, at least it's directing you to the right path. 


It is what it is, bad things happen and that is part of life. You can never stop the bad luck that is about to happen but you have to keep in mind too that after it is a lesson, after it is a new beginning, after bad fate is a good fate so don't worry, just weather the storm and keep moving forward all the time 


Then you must focus on better problems. That's what a person who's on a mission thinks. Exercising is a problem, it's hard but it's a better problem than being obese. Getting rich is a problem but it's a better problem than being broke. Working harder is a problem because it's hard but it's a better problem than being lazy and depressed. 


The more you focus on other people the weaker you get, you will only get stronger by focusing in yourself and trying to improve everyday. Focus on what you can control, you can never control other people, you can only control yourself. 

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Nov 23, 2023


No matter how old you are, no matter how weak you are... you can still train your mind and body to get stronger. All it takes is discipline and commitment, you can get a little bit better today, it's just a matter of forcing yourself to do the work needed to make a small momentum that will lead to a small progress, that's it, all it take is patience. Never get tired of waiting, don't look for fast results because time is past. It all depends on how you use your time. If you keep on using your time for useless and nonsense things then that will lead to a weaker and more miserable path. Starting today, do whatever it takes to get a little bit better mentally and physically, focus on discipline, focus on doing what is hard but beneficial instead of doing what is easy but destructive to your life. Every second is a change, every second should be mindful and be guarded, that's how to train yourself. Identify what self image you want to live and live it no matter what. 


You will only improve, you will only be able to make a progress if you're going all in and pushing yourself to the limits. The good news is... everyone can have this kind of mindset, it's just a matter of forcing yourself to take actions and not accepting your built in excuses. Once you're starting to make an excuse then that's the time that you need to work. Weakness simply means believing your excuses. You think you can't do it, you think it's late, you think you're not enough, you don't want to get tired, you don't want to try, you think you're not deserving of something big... these are all excuses that creates weakness to your system. But if you will just do it and power through then you will feel much better, you will feel successful a little bit. Weakness is saying you will do something but you didn't do it because your emotions are making you stop. Have no time for what makes you weak. You're weak not because you are really weak, you're weak because you're engaged to weak activities. 


It's not about winning, it's about being quick. If you are fast and can force yourself to take actions all the time then you will become super unstoppable. You don't need to win, winning will come naturally if you're decisive and bold. Take the risk, take the next step and never mind if you win or lose, when you lose... go ahead and try again for one more time, this mindset will make you very tough and good. Try and try until you succeed, try the law of averages, this is just a numbers game, the more you try the closer you get to success. Go as hard as you can, if you need to do something then do it without overthinking. Because your number one enemy is your mind, it's thinking too much and you're too damn unaware of it. It's entertaining fears and worries and that stops you from taking actions. The ability to be quick, stop thinking and just do it, this is a skill that you must develop. You can still train yourself to become faster, even if you're already 99 years old... you can still get faster a little bit. There's always a room for improvement, there's always a room for greatness. It all depends if you still want it or not. Stop clowning around and execute the first step, as simple as that. Quickness will make you feel much better. Starting quick and finishing strong will make you more proud of yourself. So if you're not feeling good today it only means you're entertaining your excuses and lousy habits. 


You can't move because you wanted to be perfect all the time, you want results, you want to look great without having to exert an extra ordinary effort. Just do one mediocre step and never care if you're making an impact or not, the idea here is to create a momentum that will give you a little bit of confidence. Always remember that you're feeling better every time you are trying something. It's that too simple, just do whatever you can do and repeat it, even if it's mediocre and not making an impact at all... do it to keep the ball rolling, do it so that you will be on the right path. Sooner or later something will click and you will be able to create bigger results. Just go hard and never think if you're right or wrong, take it seriously but don't ever get so attached with the results. Freedom from outcome, just enjoy the journey, let go of what makes you feel heavy and scared, let go of everything that is trying to stop you. It's all about entertaining the right thoughts. Think of the best thoughts and start taking actions, feel positive and never let anxiety hold you down. 


If you're scared, it means you need to take actions, it's a signal that you must pull the trigger. Start when you're not ready. The truth about life and most people can't accept is that you will never feel good before you start. You will always feel sick, tired, scared, anxious and overwhelmed. You will always look for something that is more comfortable, you will always look for excuses and that's destroying you. Accept that it is hard and stop complaining, that's the key to growth and development. Be scared of the next step but do it anyway, remember your fear. Just do it, never mind your emotions and just do it, as simple as that. Once you took the first step... everything will be alright. 


Be in the moment and just keep grinding, remember that results doesn't matter here, what matters is you go all the way and you push yourself to the limits. When you wasted your time today, forgive yourself and then go back to the right track, go back to your goal. Stay committed, you will trip yourself every now and then but the key here is going back fast and forgetting what has been done in the past. 


Look for the next chance, have no time for regrets because it's only making you stuck and negative. At the end of the day you can never bring back the past anymore, regrets will never give you anything good in your life. Have no time for it because it's not making you progress. Focus on training yourself to get better. Focus on pushing yourself to improve. 

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Nov 17, 2023


The reason why you're not productive is because you're not mindful, you are slow and unfocused because you're not aware of what you're doing. If you will become aware of what you're thinking, doing, speaking and focusing on then you will be able to control yourself and do what you are suppose to do to become productive and efficient. But most of the time you just go with the flow, you follow your emotions not your logical thinking. 


It's really not that hard, you just don't want to try that's why it's harder than ever. You're just intimidated with the visuals that you are seeing. Hard is hard because you think that it's hard, because you think that you're not going to make it, it's hard because you're always wanting shortcuts which make your mentality weak. But if you will just be mindful and take it one second at a time then it will be a lot easier than expected. If you will just go hard and give your all then you will find out that hard is not really that hard, you're just overwhelmed because you don't want to try, you just want to think. 


Just try moving, just try taking the first step and you will feel much better. Choose to move instead of trying to look perfect. When you're moving you're progressing and improving, when you're overthinking you're just getting insane and rusty. It's time to choose the right thing, you can move even if you're not feeling well and that's a fact, that's the best thing about being a human... you can endure as much as you can, you are unlimited. Take it slowly if you need to, take baby steps, inch by inch move forward towards your goals and ambitions. Focus on taking imperfect and fast actions but still giving your best instead of just thinking and procrastinating. Procrastination destroys your mental health, that garbage is dangerous. Go crazy if you need to, just keep it moving, keep pushing and never stop, practice controlled chaos, let your mind wander anywhere but never take your eyes off from your goal. 


When you're trying to change yourself and your life you will always be tested. Something will try to break your focus. Something will tempt you to do stupid things that will hinder your growth and improvement. Something will try to pull you down and you must be aware of it. If you're not aware then you will break down and fail. But the good thing is... adversity will give up, it will stop if you keep on persevering till the end. You will experience hardship but that's all part of the game. 


The dream is not the destination, it's the process. process of giving your all, process of doing whatever it takes to succeed. If you want to make an impact make an impact on yourself first, try to get a little bit better and that's it, you're on the right path if you do that. 


Nobody, nothing can stop you, you can start anywhere and anytime. Just do the basics, stop looking for perfection, stop trying to look flawless and just do what you can do, that's the start of improvement in your bum life. Start something now, adjust later, the key here is to stop wasting a lot of time overthinking and calculating something that you can't control. Time is always running and it will never stop if you're wasting it, you're just making it more difficult for yourself, just pull the trigger and do whatever it takes to make a small progress, that's it. Don't complicate things, just push yourself to the limits and you're already good. 

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Nov 5, 2023


The best way to deal with fear is through moving forward and nothing else. It's all about moving and nothing else, when you feel bad it's because you're not taking actions. When you're not in the mood just walk or exercise and you will feel much much better. Decide now to take actions, the truth is you don't need to think at all, you don't need your brain, you just need your willpower and that's it. Keep pushing, when you made a mistake keep pushing again, focus on your intention, focus on trying and never mind when you already made a thousand mistake, you need to make millions. Be like a zombie, drag yourself to victory even if you're not feeling well, even if it's uncomfortable and scary.... remember you have nothing to lose, you want it right? so what the hell are you waiting for, emotions doesn't matter at all. 


You're chasing your goals, you're thinking about day all day long, everyday, 365 days a year but did you manage to make a significant impact? did you get closer? I bet your answer is no. It's because you're lost, you don't have a plan, or maybe you have a plan but the execution is so poor. Just chase speed, be the fastest person that you can be. When you need to start something, start it even if you are scared or lazy, don't look for perfection or results instead chase speed, you need to start fast and follow through as much as you can. Results will be attracted to you if you're fast because you will become very productive and easy to work with. The world would love to work with you because you are a professional and you never miss deadlines. Opportunities will be attracted to you because you are fast and always active, you never miss any chances. Chase speed, when you are feeling heavy just start and move as fast as you can whenever you can, you will become unstoppable if you're forcing yourself to get faster and faster. 

Be fast and disciplined, that's how to see the best version of yourself. Deprivation of too much entertainment and fun, be fast when taking the first step, avoid overthinking. 


Don't focus on winning right away, forget the future, just focus on the next positive step. Choose the best option to make your life better and that's it. Your life doesn't need to be fancy. The best game plan is to stop wasting time, it's easy to become successful nowadays because most people are focused on scrolling in their cellphones 5-12 hours a day, they're not concerned with the amount of hours being wasted for nothing. Success is flying away from the window, opportunities were getting burned because of millions of time being wasted. It's time to wake up, it's time to do the right thing that will bring you closer to glory. If you want to become victorious then stop wasting your precious time because it's your most valuable asset. 


Looking for comfort, relaxation, easy ways or easy life is only making your life harder than ever. You know why? because it's a weak mindset and weak mindset will always suffer, you will always complain. Even if your life is easy, you will still complain because you will always look for what is missing in your life, you will never become appreciative of what you have and you will always wish for a very easy life which is not possible. Even the richest ones are suffering, even the most successful and smartest people struggle, who are you to complain in life? stop feeling entitled and work your ass off. 

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