Oct 12, 2024


If you are really working hard, if you are taking the process seriously and devoting your life to it... your idols will become ordinary, you will never praise them anymore because you know you can do something great like them too, if you're really busting your ass and sacrificing like nobody then you will feel powerful and confident, you will think that your skills is one of a kind too, you will feel that your idols were so ordinary because you can do what they can do too. You think they are great before because you are not working hard on yourself, you think they are special because you are focused on them not on yourself. But if you will focus on yourself, if you will really use all of your time to get better and better then you will never feel the need to praise them anymore, you will never watch them anymore, you will never waste a lot of time for them, that's what will happen if you are chasing greatness too... your life will change, you will feel so powerful, it's not that you are becoming arrogant, you will just begin to realize that every human being in this world has an opportunity to become great, they're just not doing it because they're too afraid to chase dreams, they are too afraid to work hard and get tired. They simply want it fast, they simply want to become successful that's why they never work hard. That's if you work really hard and focus like a sniper that doesn't sleep until his target was down. It is what it is, if you want to see greatness then you really need to go hard and persevere like a rock that doesn't break down to any kind of challenge or storm. The truth is you can become anything you want to if you will really take the process seriously and be patient no matter what. Life will challenge you, problems will come and go, there will be tests that will try to break you and make you quit and if you're strong enough, if you trained your mind to never quit then you will prevail in the end. So face what is hard now, do what is hard and never give up. Never let anything disturb you or make you feel bad, focus on what you're trying to achieve and be the best that you can be, as simple as that. Life will get easier if you will push yourself to the limits and stay disciplined all the time. Stop making excuses, stop looking for a shortcut and endure the path that you are on. It's really that simple... just do what you can, just take it one step at a time and never give up. Do whatever it takes to succeed and give your all, giver everything you've got even if the whole world is against you. If you want to see the best version of yourself then you need to practice delayed gratification, practice working hard everyday and make it your culture. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


You will never become stuck if you are fast, serious, consistent and working hard... that's it. There's no need or a detail plan here, if you want to get out of the rut you are in all you need to do is push yourself to the limits every single day and never waste any single second... that's it. It's a change of mind, it's a change of lifestyle, you need to get faster and avoid being lazy. This is too simple and easy, you don't need to act like the world is against you that's why you can't make a progress, you feel stuck because you are lazy and not forcing yourself to move every single day, you want fast results but you are moving slow that's why you can't make a breakthrough in life. If you want to get better then stop hiding, stop shying away from pressure... feel the pressure and do what you need to do anyway. Don't be scared if the process is hard, if it is hard then do it hard, as simple as that. You don't need an easy life, you don't need to become dominant, you don't need to look cute all the time, stop trying to look cute and great, you don't need that mindset, what you need to do is work as hard as you can and stop trying to play safe. You need to believe in yourself, believe that every sacrifice and every endurance is taking you to the next level. Believe that every action is the right action, believe that you are getting better every time you move and do what you are suppose to do. Make your life amazing, through hard work and dedication you can make it, you can become anything you want to be if you will just focus and stay locked in even if the process was really hard. Manage your thoughts and emotions, never give any single second for useless things and people that is making your life even more difficult. You are responsible for your emotions, you can become great if you will choose to become unstoppable and relentless. Don't look for an easy life don't look for a shortcut because it will only make you stuck even more, look for a system that will somehow give you a little momentum to get bigger and bigger, look for something that will give you a little bit of energy, look for something to do that will make you grow. Being stuck is just a perspective, you feel stuck because you have no discipline, because you're always sabotaging yourself and wasting your time. Time is limited, it is very precious so why waste it for useless actions that will make you a bum? if you want to grow you will grow, just take the right actions even if it is hard, don't be afraid if you are progressing slow, it's ok to be slow, just don't stop, stay consistent and disciplined forever. Because you know if you are wasting time, you know if you're not doing the right thing, you know if you are being lazy, stop stopping yourself, think only about the things that will make your life better, do only the steps that will take you to the next level. Life will get easier if you are disciplined and trying to grow slowly, you don't need instant results... you just need to create a system that will give you a small progress, focus on it and try to upgrade it as much as you can. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


Money should be moving, production should be moving, something should be moving, your numbers should be moving by now. Look at your numbers, it can be any number. Your number of pushup, money you have, the amount of work you can do... something should be moving by now, because if you're still at zero it means you are lazy, it means you are not doing something about it. You can make anything big with effort, discipline and consistency. All you need to do is stick with the process and work as hard as you can. Don't be afraid if you are progressing slow, at least you are still progressing, don't be afraid if it is hard, if it is hard then it is right because you are working and you are doing everything you can to make your life better. Look at yourself what are you doing now to increase your numbers? are you pushing or are you procrastinating? the choice is yours, you will become stuck in a mud forever if you're not doing something to make your situation a little bit better. You have to push yourself to the limits and give everything you've got. Start doing something now, stop thinking and just force your body to move. Stay busy and keep moving forward, don't be afraid to get tired, don't be afraid to go all the way and still fail, once you fail... try again and give everything you've got. Power through like a desperate maniac and never stop, as simple as that. You've been holding yourself back for so long that's why your numbers are not increasing, you need to be patient and face the pain of exerting a lot of effort. 


What's stopping you from progressing and making your own numbers is your garbage habits, your garbage activities and useless programming is stopping you from growing. You can become unstoppable if you want to, you just need to do what is right and think the right way, you just need to focus on taking actions that are more useful for your future. Never do something that is only pulling you down and making you weak, you need to wake up, you know what is right, you know what is best for you and you have to do it. Stop doing something stupid that is making you poorer and slower. Life is fast, in just a blink of an eye you're already old, stop wasting your precious time, stop being a coward in taking actions, just do it, start now and go all the way. It doesn't matter if you fail or succeed, trust me you will feel much better if you are going hard and enduring the harder path because it will give you more confidence in the end. Being drowned with pleasures and a lazy life will never give you anything, it will only give you misery. So stop wasting your time and just take actions now. Do it even if it is uncomfortable, do it even if you are scared of starting it. There is no harm in trying, treat everything like a game, you are the star of your won life you are also the director. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Oct 11, 2024


You forgot the concept again that is why you feel like a failure and cannot make a small progress. You're always focused on the results not on the concept that is why you are lost and cannot go back to the right path that is laid out for you. Remember the concept again and actualize it. You will become stuck if you're locked in with success, you will feel bad whenever you can't make a progress but if you're locked in with the process then you will make a small progress every single day, hard work will pay off, something will work, something will give you a momentum, all you need to do is be consistent and stay disciplined all the time. The concept is to keep trying again and again, keep working on yourself, enjoy the process because it is the only ticket to success. If you're already working on yourself, then you're already successful. Even if you just started now... you're already successful if you didn't waste time, you're already transformed if you're serious with the process and working hard to make yourself a better version because that is the truest path to success... focusing on trying to improve your work and your attitude. Just do it, start now and never look back, you have the power to change if you will take it one step at a time and never rush anything. Remember the concept again, it's ok if you failed yesterday or earlier, start now even if it's already too late. 


It's fun to watch other people succeed, it's fun to hate the too for no reason, it's fun to watch something that interests you but the question is are you getting something from watching? are you gaining something from it? if you're just a watcher then you're a slave to them, they are controlling you because your happiness was based on the external, without them how can you become happy? the best form of happiness comes from within, it's an internal work, you will become proud of yourself and happy for yourself if you are focus on your own journey. It only means you need to work hard on yourself, prioritize your growth, prioritize the building of your character rather than entertaining yourself with pleasures that makes you weak and slow. If you want to change choose the harder path, choose what is boring, choose what makes you better rather than being interested with fun that is not giving you anything at all. Growth comes from harder situations, it will never come from the place of fun and enjoyment, it is what it is, that is why only people can change because only few are willing to take the harder options because the easier ones are available. Discipline is the best game changer, if you want to level up you need to focus on disciplining yourself rather than focusing on the results. If you are focused on making yourself better, working harder, being productive, being earlier, being more serious then you will be able to  double your income or whatever you wanted to double. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Oct 9, 2024


It's time to get serious now, aren't you sick and tired of living the same life over and over again? aren't you sick and tired for being stuck in a mud for so long? do you want to experience better things in life? do you want to get better do you want to become great? the choice is yours, the power is in your hands, discipline your thoughts, create new habits and try to improve everyday. Patience is the key here, be patient with yourself, it will take a lot of time, it will take a lot of energy and willpower but you have to embrace the process or else you will never grow or improve. There is no consolation prize for being lazy, develop a habit of just doing whatever you need to do even if it is uncomfortable or even if you're not sure that you can make it work. Don't be afraid to fail, don't focus on winning or losing... focus on taking actions and being the best version of yourself. Become a doer not a wisher, stop wishing for things to get better, it will never improve if you don't improve, in order to get something you have to become something else, something different than your past. Accept that you really need to work hard, accept that you need to get serious or else the universe will treat you like a joke, you will get a clown treatment if you're always clowning around. Make yourself better and your situation will get better, as simple as that. Be quiet, you don't need to broadcast everything you do, grow in silence so you won't have any distraction. Try to get better and better everyday, push yourself and never make excuses. You have to watch yourself, what makes you lazy? what makes you unmotivated? it's not the difficult of the situation, it's not an impossible goal? it's not the lack of progress but it is the wrong thoughts. Your thoughts will force you to stop, your thoughts can also make you move, if you are thinking about thoughts that are unmotivating, negative and weak then your body will stop moving but if you are thinking about positive, happy and energetic thoughts then your body will start to move. It's simply about choosing the right thoughts that you will feed your mind. So start watching your thoughts and you will see how your body reacts with it, you will know the thoughts that are stopping you and distracting you all the time. You will begin to see the habits that are destructive and not healthy for yourself. Remember that your habits and patterns are the determinants of your success, eliminate the old and weak habits and you will have a strong life. 


Stop the stupidity before it backfires at you. The universe has been generous with you, you are so comfortable, you have a lot of time but you are wasting a lot of it. It's time to get better now and do the right thing before it's too late. Stop abusing your time, stop squandering a lot of it, stop abusing the chances that you got because it will run out anytime soon. Devour the present moment and try to maximize it to make your life better. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


The key to becoming unstoppable is to ignore your limitations. Take risks and never let your limiting beliefs stop you. You have to go wild here, you have to push yourself to the limits. Stop thinking that your skills and power is limited, you will become weak by doing that, always think that you can achieve more and do more, always think that you can become great too if you will just work hard and push yourself to the limits. Ignore that you are weak and you will become strong, ignore that you don't have the skills and you will become skilled, ignore that you are lazy and you will work hard. Stop accepting that you are limited and start pushing yourself to do more, at the end of the day you are going down with your old and weak habits, why not push yourself to get better and get to the next level through working hard and giving your all no matter what? this is a new beginning, this is the time to become stronger, smarter and more disciplined. Stop being weak, stop being lazy because it is one of the main reasons why you are being limited, you will become unlimited if you will work the hardest and never complain that life is hard. If you are struggling, if you are not getting and break so be it, it's ok if you are slow but don't ever waste some time doing a lot of stupid things that are pulling you down even more. Every action should be critical and important, there should be a sense of urgency everyday, stop acting like you have an eternity to chase your dream that is why you're always telling yourself that you can do it tomorrow, stop giving yourself an easy pass, you need to become the police of your life. It is now or never, claim your life and never let anybody waste your time, you have to pick the right choices that will give you a much better life. Go hard or don't go at all, give your all or don't even try, it's an all or nothing thing, stop thinking that there is a consolation prize for being lazy, that you can survive and still have a chance tomorrow. Never care about anything that is limiting you or slowing you down, you need to focus on moving forward and never care about what's going to happen next. Remember the concept and that is to keep trying and give your very best even if you're not winning at all. At the end of the day your life will become worse if you act like a bum and live a life that has no discipline. The game plan is very simple... don't waste time and prioritize your goals only, prioritize fixing yourself, discipline yourself, you need to be hard on yourself and stop yourself from doing a lot of activities that are making your life harder. You are broke, weak, unhealthy, depressed because you lack the discipline, you are focused on things, thoughts, people and activities that are making you depressed and sick. Stop rushing because this is a process, you need to enjoy your life even if it is hard, have fun with the process even if it is hard because it is the best direction for your life. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Oct 8, 2024


Nothing can hurt you if you will fortify your mind, you keep feeling hurt because you're thinking about them, they are hurting you effortlessly because you are allowing thoughts about them to penetrate your mind. You are unbreakable if you will learn how to direct your thoughts where it needs to be. If somebody disrespected you or hurt you physically in the past... just forget about them and focus on the better things of life. Greatness awaits you, better experiences will never come if you keep feeling the same way, stop feeling like a victim. What angers you controls you so if you want to stop feeling hurt... don't think about them and just move on with your life. If you are the one who is hating you are the one who is suffering, you're hating on them that's why you always feel bad and weak, that's why you always feel like a victim. Empty the spaces of those thoughts in your head, those bums should never affect you, train your mind to think this way and you will become really powerful. The reason why you are being hateful is because you're always thinking about the people and things that you don't even like, stop thinking about them, ignore them and you will become really invincible. At the end of the day those clowns were nothing, they're not serving you so why give them respect and attention? why crave for their suffering? stop trying to hurt them, stop trying to make a revenge and just treat them as dead. Never engage with people that you don't like because you are only hurting yourself by doing that. Train your mind to become selective of the thoughts that come and go, control your mind so you won't be controlled by anyone. Keep growing by trying to get better everyday, take it one day at a time and never give up on yourself. If you want to live a better life then stop giving your power away, stop giving too much time on things that doesn't even matter at all, you are in complete control here, you just need to filter the thoughts that are not helpful to you. You will get happier every time you focus on things that matters the most instead of thinking about the past events and people that hurt you. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


It's much better to be studying something you don't know and struggling with it rather than watching TV and wasting your time on Netflix the whole day. It's much better to be lifting weights and struggling or jogging or running than wasting your time complaining about life and scrolling on social media for the whole day. The key is to keep getting better a little bit and stop getting worse. Everyday it's you either you get worse or you get better which one do you prefer? If you are struggling it means you are improving, you are getting stronger physically and mentally. Look at those people who always wanted comfort... they never grow, they are always fragile, a little discomfort is making them crumble, they quite easily. If you don't want to struggle then it means you don't want to improve. Just because it is comfortable doesn't mean you need to stay with it, it will backfire at you in the end. You need to stay away from your comfort zone and train yourself to get stronger if you want to win in life. Because you will rely on those comfort all the time and that will not be good for you. Learn to embrace what is hard. Embrace the challenge in front of you and never give up, as simple as that. If you don't want to face the pain then you will never gain anything, you will get weaker and weaker everyday. Just like your legs that gets weaker if you don't want to exercise, just like your mind that gets dumber because you don't want to learn something. Exercise your body and mind, test yourself and don't be afraid of discomfort. Change means discomfort, if you don't want to get stuck in your life forever you need to force yourself to grow and giver everything you've got no matter what. Don't be scared to take actions, don't be scared to fail, don't be scared to try, that's what it is all about. You will only improver every time you force yourself to do it now instead of doing it later, your mind will get weaker and weaker every time you postpone what you are suppose to do. Do it now and fail, it's ok to fail, failing means you are trying, failing means you are evolving. You need to fail as much as you can and never give up... that's the only way to win. So stop being a chicken and grow from discomfort and pain, you have what it takes to succeed, you just need to force yourself to keep moving forward and give everything you've got, at the end of the day this is just game, you have nothing to lose here, you will only grow, seek for experiences that thrills you, seek for moments that will make you grow and that is facing the pain and giving everything you've got no matter what. Struggle and stop wasting your time doing nothing, look for something to do that will make you evolve mentally and physically. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Oct 7, 2024


There Is no problem if you will just live the right way, be simple, stay humble and never entertain activities that are pulling you down. Of course there will be challenges that will come to your life but you can overcome all of them. The problem is in your head, you want everything to be perfect that's why you can't win or make a small progress, you want to get it now, you want a shortcut, you don't want to struggle, you don't want to face the pain, every time you're looking for comfort... life gets more uncomfortable, you need to make your mindset right and stop looking for perfection all the time, stop feeling so entitled of success and comfort that you didn't work for. Discipline your mind, get it right and never think about something that is out of your control, focus on what you can control and that is your effort and thoughts. Once you were able to control your thought and focus only about the the good things that are about to come... you will feel more powerful than ever. The reason why you feel so problematic is because you're focused on what you can't control. Things like the feelings and thoughts of others, success, opportunities, what people might say, what will happen in the future, etc etc. Life is full of randomness the best thing to do is to train your mind to be ready for anything. be ready for hard work be ready for problems, be ready for struggle and nothing can make you feel so worried anymore. There is no problem if you will learn to be patient, wait and endure. There will be no problems if you will be just humble, simple and not wanting the approval of others. SO what if they didn't like you? so what if they think you're not good? just be yourself and try to get a little bit better each day, that's the real path to happiness. 


Live your life like the most basic that you can, make it simple, make it really direct to the point. You're creating a lot of problems because you're entertaining a lot of activities that are creating friction with your values and personal goals. You rub elbows with toxic people just to look cool or stay relevant, you do something just to feel a little bit better even if it's not healthy at all, you want to please people, you want to have a lot of fun, you are doing something that you don't like because most people are doing it, you are drowning yourself with different pleasures that are making you weak, slow, sick and broke. You are really good in sabotaging yourself, it's time to stop your misery and stick with the basics only. Live a boring life, it is much better because it is healthier, simpler and you will have a lot of fun once you learn how to have fun with the simplest form of life that you can create. All you have to do is stop being stupid, these pleasures and instant gratification is fooling you, it is tempting you, it is making you weak mentally and physically with the little pleasure that is giving you for a very short time. The exchange of it is weakness, lack of discipline, lack of direction, being slow and having no confidence at all. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Oct 6, 2024


Work hard in your worst day, beat your competitors in your worst day, be faster and more competitive in your worst day. Having a flu? no problem just work anyway, having a hangover? it's your fault so stand up and show up in your work, never make excuses, never excuse yourself, never complain. It's ok if you're having a bad day, you can still move, you can still try, you can still be competitive, it's all in the mind, you will get weaker and slower if you are allowing your emotions to take over. 


if you want to change you need to take it one step at a time, if you want to feel better watch your thoughts and actions. it doesn't matter if you feel good or not what matters is you know what you're doing because most of the time you will just go with the flow when you're feeling bad, even if the flow is bad you will just go with it and never resist. What is happening, what you are doing and thinking is the most important thing, you have to let go of your bad emotions, you can do it if you will just be present, stay in the moment and feel yourself, feel your body, feel everything around you and never try to change anything. Take it one step at a time, there's no need to rush here. Drag yourself to work and keep going, keep pushing forward no matter what. No matter what you feel, no matter how difficult the situation is... keep going and never stop. If you can force yourself to take actions then you will be able to make a breakthrough, as simple as that. The reason why you feel so weak is because you're not even trying. Yes you feel so tired, lazy or sick but it's because it's all in your head, you already feel like that but you're not doing anything to feel better. Fear will immobilize you, once you're scared... you have to push yourself to take actions and just try, just show up and never give up. Give your very best no matter what, give your all, keep going and try with all your might. Force the situation if you need to, if you're so sick and tired living that way ten you need to force yourself to change, change your energy, change your approach, attack relentlessly and never care about the obstacles along the way.  If you want to stop feeling weak then stop acting like weak. You're acting like a weak bum all the time that is why your mind and body is following you. If you want to become strong, if you want to feel strong then be forceful, force yourself to do the first step and carry one, never stop, never rest, just go all the way and feel powerful the whole day. Because you can still feel powerful even if you're feeling weak, it's just matter of challenging yourself and doing what you are suppose to do that will make you advance. Just survive this day, do whatever you can, forgive yourself if you can't win and keep trying again. 


You have a skill, don't waste it for nothing, don't waste your idea, if you have something in your head.. execute it and make a commitment to make it work, all it takes is willpower and discipline. Discipline yourself, never waste this day again, never take this day for granted. You can become whatever you wanted to become if you will just push yourself and never give up. Even if it hurts, even if it is hard... just do it and keep going. 

Any worse day will soon be over, you just need to keep fighting, just breathe and never give up. Show up and never make excuses, just do what you can do and keep believing in yourself no matter what. You will win if you really wanted to win, challenge yourself to get stronger, challenge yourself to just push even if you are stick and tired. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


If you are really working hard, if you are taking the process seriously and devoting your life to it... your idols will become ordinary, you...