Aug 30, 2023


Don't try to impress them, don't show them your skills, don't show them that you are great, show them that you can believe. You can't give up, if you really wanted to win then you can never give up, you have to keep on fighting and do whatever it takes to succeed. Show them that you can do something, show them that you can keep going even if all the odds were against you. Because the truth is you can still stay positive and still believe even if your whole world is falling apart, you can still fight, you can still make a small progress. You just need to focus on your thoughts, focus on getting better, focus on honing wonderful thoughts that will make you motivated and energetic. 


You will be able to rise anytime soon, just keep on plodding and never mind what the world is saying. Mind your own business only and show them that you can believe, you can believe that you can win even if the odds were against you. Keep climbing the mountain and you will go up, as simple as that. No all the time you will fail, not all the time you will become a loser. If you persevere enough then you will be able to flip the script. The direction will change and it will change if you're giving your very best and not wanting to give up, it will change if you still believe in yourself and doing every step that you possibly can to change the outcome of your 


Don't be afraid to try because that's the only way to make a progress. You have to deviate the norm and believe in yourself. Most people will try to stop you but let them be, just be yourself all the time and do whatever it takes to succeed. Make this as your mantra "I believe". Just believe no matter what, if you believe you will take actions, if you believe you will never give up. Believing will make you powerful. Believing will make you addicted with the process, you will keep going no matter what, you will push yourself to the limits no matter what. Your willpower will never run out, you will find a way to survive, your fighting spirit will become unparalleled. Just believe and everything will take care of itself, just believe even if no one believes in you. Just keep going no matter what, just keep believing and try as much as you want, nothing can stop you if you really believe, you will find a way if you really believe. 


If you keep on fighting, if you resist your doubts and trust your instincts then you will find a way, as simple as that. You will become more and more powerful if you will believe in yourself even if you are scared. Fear is just a feeling, it is never real, it's just an emotion that is lying to you that you can't do something special. You can do anything you want, you can become a winner if you will resist your doubts and force courage to take over. This will only happen if you push yourself to just do it despite of fear and anxieties. The key s to be mindful, watch your thought and emotions and say to yourself silently "I can do this, nothing can stop me". Use positive affirmations, even if it's not changing how you feel... still persist and trust that those affirmations will guide you and will show you the way. 


Experiment on yourself, see what you can achieve by pushing yourself to the limits and doing whatever it takes to win, see what you can accomplish by focusing on something and not stopping until you finally got it. Just keep going even if you're feeling scared and that's it. When you're exposing yourself to fear, when you're trying despite of uncertainties... that's the only time you will be able to make a progress. When you're doubting yourself but you're still trying and believing a little bit... that's the time you will be able to make a breakthrough, miracles only happens during the toughest times of your life. Your willpower will find a way if you don't give up. Just keep going and never mind what's going to happen next, focus on the next push, focus on the next sequence, focus on giving yourself a chance even if the percentage of winning is very small, still give it a try even if it's so obvious that you're going to lose. At the end of the day you have nothing to lose here, you don't need to win at all, what you need to do is to see your full potential and avoid any regrets. You need to erase the questions in your head if you can do it or not. 


Visualizing is that too simple, just do it. Most people will tell you how to visualize properly, your job is to not listen to them but to listen to yourself, believe your own process, imagine yourself winning everyday, don't stop visualizing until it work. Improve your mental game, play it right, feed your mind the right thoughts to get better. Your mind is a very powerful tool if use correctly. Believe that thoughts can create a new reality, new thoughts can produce a different result. So if you don't like what you've been getting in your life now, you better change your thoughts, change the behavior of your mind, reprogram the thought patterns and believe that your mind can forge a new reality. So think positively all the time and never judge a bad situation, nothing is bad, always think that everything is contributing for your life even if it's unpleasant or uncomfortable. 


If you want to achieve something new you have to become something else. You need to develop a anew character and habits, you need to think differently and speak differently. Just do it, if you need to do something.... just do it without any form of attachment, detach from the future, detach from the outcome, detach from what people might say, always stay present and just give your very best every now and then. 

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Aug 27, 2023


What happens in the past is in the past, you need to forget it and just face today. What will happen will happen, don't worry about the future because it will come anyway. Just face what is in front of you and extract the good from it, it is your fate, the only thing you can control is how you respond. Are you going to respond with strength or weakness? the choice is always yours. The power is in your hands, the little actions that you're going to take will determine your direction. Every silly mistake will pull you down, every wise decision will move you a little further towards your dreams. You need to make the right choices, it's very basic, you just need to stay disciplined and committed to your dreams and you will win, as simple as that. 


Any discomfort may have an equivalent reward behind it. Any stress any pressure can bring something good for you. You just need to give everything a chance, you never know what may happen next unless you try and give your very best. Just face everything and never let yourself feel pressured in a bad way, feel pressured but keep moving forward and still believe that something good is about to happen. All you have to do is fight and that's it, all you have to do is show up and that's it, all you have to do is work hard and something good will be attracted to you. You don't need to complicate everything, just follow your heart and instincts, never be scared of failing, it's only just a matter of time before you win. At the end of the day you really don't know if something is good or bad, even if it is hurting you... you don't know if it is really bad because after it is relief or opportunity, after the bad weather is a good weather so just welcome everything because life is full of surprises and you will only get what you want if you show up. 


Force yourself to move, force yourself to become happier, force yourself to appreciate everything. Force fate, force the issue, you can't be too relaxed if you're trying to achieve something, you have to be decisive and hard. Stop being soft because it will never get you anywhere, you have to go hard every single day and make the best of it. Starting today, destroy softness and use the power of force. Use the power of your belief, work as hard as you can and never give up. Just push forward and never stop, it's that too simple. Execute all of your ideas, execute all of your vision and never stop. Life is always moving, it's always in motion and you have to stay busy too if you want to get ahead in life. The best time to start is when you feel lazy and heavy, that's where magic happens. Just start now even if you feel so tired, start and never stop. Even if it is a rough day, even if you're grumpy and unmotivated... just start. You must be aware whenever you feel lazy because that's the best time to take the first step. Success is simply beating your laziness, you will have an edge if you can disregard your emotions and do it anyway. Whenever you are scared that's the best time to try, whenever you feel tired that's the best time to push, whenever you feel unlucky that's the best time to take chances, whenever you feel like a loser that's the best time to shift your mindset and start piling up small wins. You can force anything if you want to, it's just a matter of mindset, it's just a matter of harnessing your willpower. And just to remind you, your willpower is unlimited, you can find a way if you really want it, you can improvise the strength you need to win if you really wanted to win. 


Every time you work hard and force yourself to take the steps... you already leveled up, you already take your skills to another stage. You can improve everyday, it's just a matter of being faster and bolder, it's just a matter of believing in yourself. You are the only hindrance to your growth, nothing can stop you from growing if you will decide to become the best. You can improve everyday, just watch yourself, watch everything you do and think and never stop moving forward, as simple as that. The time is now, don't wait for the right time because it will never come, the right time is now, don't prepare for the future, embrace what is in front of you and give yourself a chance. 


It's a fact that you will feel lazy, heavy, stressed every now and then. You will never feel good everyday but you can still give your best if you want to. Emotions has nothing to do with your performance, you can still perform at the highest level even if you're feeling unwell. Just do it, stop making excuses because it will only make you weak. Just push yourself and keep going no matter what, it's only just a matter of time before you create a momentum, just be fast, use speed and never let your mind think. Thinking will only create worries and anxieties, if you need to do something... do it without any form of attachment. 


You don't need a trainer to get stronger, you don't need a teacher to learn, you don't need to money to become successful, you don't need a partner to become happy, you don't need anything to feel complete. You just need yourself, you don't need a fancy shoes to run, you just need your feet, you don't need a strong ally to become confident, you just need to learn how to fight and hustle, you don't need assurance to give your best... you just need to try. All you need is inside of you, you just need to get better every single day and create a very powerful mindset, all you need to do is never give up and that's it all of your problems were solved. Because most people are looking for something all the time before they start and that's why they couldn't even get started, all you need to to is take the first step and that's it. At the end of the day all you need is your determination to win and your body to move, you don't need anything because looking for something or looking for help is just an excuse. Nobody will be there to save your ass, yourself is your one true ally. So love yourself and treat yourself right, focus on yourself because you will never be able to replace yourself, there is only one you. So starting today be independent as you can be and learn to fight alone, this is your journey, accept your fate and extract the good from it. 


Never care if you're making results or not, just give your best and push yourself to the limits, you're overthinking too much and worrying why breaks and results are not coming yet, it's simply because your effort was not enough. If you can give an extraordinary effort then you will get better results. You think you're already working hard but that hard work is very weak, you need to level up and do something you haven't done before. Be faster, bolder and more aggressive, do whatever it takes to win, do everything you can in your power and never care if you're doing it right or not, just do it, the only thing that matters is you're really going hard and not giving up. Because the only question is... did you gave your all? if you can answer yourself honestly with yes then you will have no regrets, it means you really live your life well. 

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Aug 24, 2023


If you're not that good then just be fast, do more, be early and never complain... that's it. You will get better in just a matter of time, stay consistent and you will become great if not the greatest. Just be fast, just work hard and you will get something, you will become different, you will attract better opportunities. It's easy to become successful nowadays because most people are lazy and addicted to stupid social media, they're like zombies, they're getting weaker and weaker everyday and they can't do anything about it because they're too focused on scrolling and trying to fit in with what is trending nowadays. Just do it, pull the trigger and keep following through, it's not that hard to take the next step, it's too easy actually, you just need to push yourself, force yourself to take actions and never stop until you're done. You will get better and better each day if you're fast and not wasting any second. Wasting time is a mortal sin, it's the number one culprit of failure. 


All the people who rely on their talent alone failed, all people who rely on hard work succeed. If you just rely on your talent then you will give up in the end because you don't have the work ethic needed to go further, you will run out of gas and motivation, you will stop when the pressure is so strong and stressful. Talent is so overrated. Remember that talented people makes excuses all the time when they come up short but people who keep on trying until the end blames themselves if they don't win, they will think that their efforts were not enough. Talent fades but hard work doesn't. If you have to choose between a strong work ethic and talent you better choose the work ethic because it gets stronger and stronger each day and you can develop it while talent remains stagnant. If you can just focus and develop and unparalleled work ethic then you will become unstoppable. 


You can try now and you can try again tomorrow. That's the beauty of life, nobody can stop you from trying, you can try forever if you want to and success is also guaranteed. You just don't know how many times you need to try before you become successful. But you have to keep going, you can go further as much as you can, you are unlimited. It's only just a matter of time before you win. Every try is the right try because it's setting you up for success. So stop wasting time on thinking what to do and just start, just do it and never stop until you finally win. 


It's not success, it's not a specific place, it's not winning, it's forward. Forward is your destination, you have to take steps every time you can, the truth is... you can take actions anytime you want to, nothing can stop you. If you want to become unstoppable then do everything in your power to get ahead. Because moving forward is 200x better than moving backward or not doing anything at all. Why will you choose to become stagnant if you can become progressive. Don't be a statue, be a machine. Don't be a snail, be an ant that keeps moving forward. Don't be a lazy dog, be a hungry wolf. Forward is your destination, don't look for anything where you can say you've had enough. You have to keep moving forward whether you succeed or not. 


The results will not come if you don't work, as simple as that. That's why you have to work but your work may sometimes not work, actually it may not work most of the time but you still need to believe in it. Believe that it will work no matter what, believe that you will get something from it. 


Watch your daily habits watch all of your actions. Are you doing the right thing, watch yourself carefully and you will see how stupid you are to do something that is now even worth giving some time, you will get disgusted of yourself if you can just see yourself from a different angle. If you want to get good then you need to stop wasting your time like you have an eternity to live. Be careful of what you're doing because it's honing your future, it is molding your character, your attitude and habits will determine your destiny. 


If you don't know what to do all you have to do is decide, do something and you will figure it out later. Something will happen if you take actions, unlike procrastinating... you are achieving nothing, you have to focus on taking actions, keep moving no matter what and the clues will be revealed, you will discover what is needed, something will click. Don't try to figure it out right now, don't try to know everything, just take actions and follow through, enjoy the journey because no matter what happens you will learn something. Take the next step and you will feel much better, you will build a momentum, you will gain more and  more confidence. 


Create a culture that you can cultivate and will take care everyday. Create a culture that will make your life better. It's not about the money, it's not about success... it's about the process. You have to get faster and bolder. You have to make yourself a doer and not a dreamer. Be different than the past, be greater than your situation, always see to it that you're trying to improve. Always make sure that you're taking actions every now and then. Stop thinking and start executing, it doesn't matter if you feel bad or not, it doesn't matter if you have something or not... just take actions and keep following through all the time, if you can make yourself a doer then you will get better and better each day. Stop resting too much, stop thinking too much and become extraordinary. If you want to separate yourself from the pack then never do what most people do, do something different, condition your mind and body to become the hardest worker in the world. Never care if you're getting tired everyday and not getting anything, always remember that hard work pays off and you will never get zero in the end, you will get what you deserve and that is guaranteed, but you have to work hard for now and do something that you haven't done before if you really wanted to get the real prize. 

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Every time you are working hard and pushing forward... YOU ARE IN THE PROCESS OF GETTING BETTER. Whatever you can do... do it without any form of hesitation, do it without conscience. Just be in the moment if you're not ready, it doesn't matter if you're ready or not, what matters is you face what is in front of you, you handle it like it's nothing and you give your very best no matter what. 


Just survive whatever you have right now. Survive the business, survive your dream, survive your good habits, survive your capital, survive the process and you will thrive in the end. Surviving is winning, you don't need to win right away, you just need to survive, this is a journey, if you are working hard and sticking with the process then for sure you will win in the end. Just live today and give your best, don't worry about making money, don't worry about winning, don't worry about what's going to happen next. Just survive this day and do what you can do, make it simple, don't look too far ahead. 


Embrace everything even if it is painful. All the suffering, struggle, heartaches, failures, rejections and mistreatment were all part of the process. Feel proud and lucky if you're in pain because you're getting molded, pain is turning you into a beast. Embrace it, accept it and you will become a new human being. If you're in pain just keep going, that's the only formula to cure it. After pain comes strength and victory, you must be happy if you're feeling it because it will make you a stronger person. Without pain there is no gain, without stress and resistance you will never grow. So embrace pain and never back down, feel it with all your heart and never give up. 


Destroying your vices will give you a lot of time for training, preparing, studying or anything that is making you grow. You can force growth by simply destroying your vices, eliminate them and try to stay away from them forever. Wasting time is the number one mortal sin if you're trying to get better, you can never become successful if all you do is take your day for granted, there must be a sense of urgency. 


Don't look for what is missing in your life, don't remember what you haven't done yet, don't look for your weakness and instead focus on your strengths. Just remember that you can push anytime you want to, nothing can stop you. You are the only one who's making your life more difficult by procrastinating and overthinking too much. Just do it, challenge yourself to become something you haven't been before. Challenge yourself to move faster and double or even triple your effort. Pushing is the easiest thing to do when solving a problem, all you have to do is take chances, all you have to do is spend your energy and that's it. 


It's not the stronger opponent, it's not the challenges, it's not the unfair events, it's not the bad luck, it's not the impossible task... the real enemy is yourself, yourself is your strongest opponent. You are the one who's stopping yourself from moving and that's a face. You can take actions anytime you want to but you choose not to. Remember that it's a battle between you and your old bad habits. It is too simple but hard that's why you need to focus, all you have to do is eliminate the bad habits and you're good, you will become a winner. Eliminate the wrong patters, eliminate the bad thoughts that keeps on running inside of your head, it is possible to unlearn them, just give it a try and never give up, it's worth it. Just do it and you will see how good you are. 


If you spend your time for other people and not for yourself, if you think about other people and not yourself... that's how to lose, because you will never be able to express yourself honestly and passionately if you keep on thinking about what other people say. What they think and feel towards you doesn't matter at all. Watch your life today watch all of your actions and you will see how much of a time you are wasting. Don't give any seconds to procrastination, don't give any seconds to a negative habit, that's if you want to become a winner. All you have to do is stop wasting time and that's it. It's too simple and understandable, even a dog can memorize it, even a useless insect can understand it. Success is simply a fight between you and procrastination, you're wasting time too much and that's the number one reason why you're failing. You love pleasures, you love softness and comfort and that's why you're living in an uncomfortable life right now. If you're not making sacrifices then you will never get to the next level, the worse is you will keep on going down. 


All you need to do is get better, face your fears, face the challenges and repeat when you fail. That's it, you have to fail over and over gain in order to become successful in life. Believe in yourself, you are your own hero. The only way to kill doubts is to test yourself, forget about how you feel and just do what you need to do, use your skills, use everything you've got and never back down to any challenge, forget about winning or losing and just try, forget the future because real life is happening just right now, tomorrow is not real, there is only present moment and you have to live with it. 

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Aug 22, 2023


You have to realize that your emotions are controlling you. You quit every time it gets hard, you stop every time you feel overwhelmed, you make excuses every time you feel lazy and that's why you can't accomplish something. You're always scared of difficult task and it's becoming your habit, once you feel a little bit of resistance... you will never dare to continue anymore. Go against your emotions, it doesn't matter if you feel good or not... just do it, just take the first step and never stop. You are the one who is making life difficult, you're too lazy and hesitant and that's why you can't accomplish something. You said you believe in yourself, if you are really that confident then you should be working like hell, as simple as that. It is what it is, it's going to be hard but what can you do? stop complaining because doing that is the path to misery and procrastination. Accept that it is hard but do it anyway, complaining is just making an excuse, it means you're lazy, it means you really don't want to do it. Stop all the dramas and just take actions. 


Your fears will go away if you will just do it, attack the problem boldly and never give up, always expect that you're going to win. You can become great if you want to, it's just a matter of pushing yourself and facing your fears. You can take actions now, you can do something now, all it takes is a little bit of courage and tenacity. Stop attaching yourself with anything and you will feel free. Fear is just an illusion, it is nothing, you are scared because you're too worried about the future. Being present is your strongest weapon to fear, feel everything, see everything and hear everything. Never resist anything and you will become invincible. 


Stop wasting time, stop getting addicted to pleasures and you will get mentally stronger 10x better than before. The only best strategy there is is moving forward, you've got to force yourself to take actions now. Just take the first step and that's it, don't expect comfort, don't expect rewards, just take the next step and follow through, go further as much as you can and never give up. Just do it, stop thinking and just do it, as simple as that. Don't forget that you have to take actions no matter what, don't forget that it's all in the mind. The universe will listen to what you're doing and thinking, forget about the resistance and feel free to take actions. You are free to do anything you want, it's just a matter of pushing yourself to the limits. 


You will only become happy if you give your all and that's 100% true. You will never become happy if you win but didn't exert any effort. That's why heavily benched NBA player who won the championship were depressed and making dramas, just like Jeremy Lin, he says he felt he didn't won anything because he didn't even play. You will only become happy if you push yourself to the limits to the point where you have nothing left in your tank. Everything is alright, don't think too much, stop worrying about anything else because the only thing that matters is pushing. Going further is the only thing that creates magic, the journey of a million miles begin with a single step. 


Fake courage till it become real. Fake it till you make it, all you have to do is push forward and nothing else. You will get more confident as you move forward. Courage doesn't mean being confident and getting things right, courage means you do it anyway even if you're not confident at all. Zero confidence is ok, you just need to keep in mind that you will do it no matter what. Embrace your fear, fall in love with it, treat it as a blessing and still move forward no matter what. Fear will affect your body but not your mentality, separate your mindset from fear and you will be able to capitalize at any given moment. Fear is just a feeling, it will never stay in your system forever, just breathe and expose yourself to danger, be vulnerable but be more of a threat. 


Punish yourself with the process and enjoy it. You can only become very productive if you're not refusing to work hard. Hard work is the answer to your questions, you want to know what your full potential is... work hard, you want to solve all of your problems... work hard. Serve yourself a punishment, choose a new lifestyle, something that is active and continuously moving forward all the time . Discipline yourself like a spartan, stop being soft and start acting like a real man. The right time is now, bring forth your best and never back down to any challenge. Punish yourself to do the things that are making your life better.


The question is not whether you can do it or not the question is are you going to do it? because some people will just do it if they think they can't do it. What if you think you can't do it? are you still going to do it? are you still going to try and give your all? 


Don't stop, don't step on the brakes, go hard like a freaking machine. It is your life now, choose strength over weakness, choose courage over cowardice, all you've got to do is take actions and then you're good to go. Nothing can stop you if you will. There's no strength in pleasures, there's no strength in playing like a weak piece of shit. You have to force yourself to move, train, study or at least do something that is making you improve a little bit. 


Mind your own business only, mind your own growth only. Never mind what people did or are doing. You have to focus on your own life if you want to become great. Greatness means being disciplined and enjoying your journey for greatness. It's a step by step process, it's a daily sacrifice of not wasting time for things that are interesting but useless. Every second is important. If you want to be etched in history then you need to enjoy your own journey and never compare your life with others, as simple as that. 

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Aug 18, 2023


If you want to improve all you have to do is watch yourself and practice delayed gratification all the time. If you are disciplined enough and can make sacrifices then you will be able to do a lot of things. You can improve by simply not doing a lot of stupid things that eats a lot of your time. You can get better each day, all it takes is willpower and being in the moment. Feed your mind the right thoughts and never focus on subjects that doesn't help you to grow. 


Always remember that you are not here to achieve something, you are here to destroy the what IFS, you are here to have no regrets. It means you have to really push yourself to the limits and give everything you've got. Always looking for success will make you a lazy bum person, it will make you insecure and conservative of taking actions. Stop checking out all the time if you're already successful or not and start focusing on taking actions so in the end you will really know if you can do it or not. Because most people didn't see their full potential. 


If you're not taking risk then you're risking even more. Without risk you will become stuck. Just like a basketball player who doesn't want to take the shot because he is following the system... he will never improve, he will become a role player forever, he will never become a star. If you want to make a progress then be will to fail and take the blame, be willing to take the shot because it is for you, it is your journey, why will you allow somebody to stop you from dreaming? why will you  allow the fear of failure to fail even more? it is your life, it is your call, it's up to you if you want to evolve or not, you will never grow if you will not take the risk, if there is an opportunity... take it even if it feels so dangerous or risky, even if there's a lot on the line... take it or else you will end up on the sample place forever. 


Any moment is a great moment, it's an opportunity to get better, you can get ahead, you can improve. Challenges and problems will make you tougher, wiser and matured. Don't be afraid of any problems because it is the only key to greatness. Nobody can become great without facing a tough problem. All you have to do is try and believe that you can win, as simple as that. Just be a believer and a doer and you can conquer anything in life. Don't just believe it, do it. Believing it without taking actions is a fake confidence, it's arrogance. Just start and do whatever it takes to win, as simple as that. Whenever it is uncomfortable... keep pushing, stop acting like a chicken and just keep pushing, difficult situations is a signal that you must keep going and never quit just for a second. 


Start slow, start small and get faster and make it bigger. You don't need to get big right away, start small, start even if you don't know something, start even if you don't feel like doing it, just start and everything will be fine. Welcome the unknown, trust the unknown and don't be afraid to fail because you can always try again the next time. You can start anytime you want, you can start anywhere. All it takes is a vision and the willingness to follow through. Just keep going further and you will be fine, as simple as that. Stop being weak, stop thinking like a loser and just do whatever it takes to make something big. Just do it, start it and follow through as much as you can. Never give up, never stop and push yourself to the limits. Destroy your boundaries, you are here to become a winner so stop the loser's mentality and stop having a victim's mindset. 


You should do it like this or that, it's hard, only few become successful. Never care about these nonsense information. You are here to win and make a difference, that's all that matters. The only thing you should be focusing on is working hard and pushing yourself to the limits . There is nothing else to worry about, worry about yourself, worry if you're not giving your all. The data doesn't matter, facts doesn't matter, history doesn't matter, methods doesn't matter, science is a trash. All you need to do is believe in yourself and do it your way. Because if you're not going to do it then who else will do it? stop acting like a bum and push yourself to go further as much as you can, be greater than your situation, never care if you are stuck, drag yourself to move forward and make something happen, that's the only game plan you need to follow. 


Always remember that the concept is to move, the philosophy is to never quit, that's it, that's all you need to focus. Just try and you already won, believe in yourself because that's the greatest gift you can give to yourself. What is the use of your fear? it will never help you so stop focusing on it, it's only making you fail, it's immobilizing your body. Move despite of your fear, focus on the concept, focus on your philosophy because it will give you confidence. You can fight fear by embracing it and still moving forward. Accept that you are are scared, feel that feeling but never stop taking steps. At the end of the day you have nothing to lose, you are not here to achieve something, you are here to test yourself and that's it. 

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Aug 16, 2023


If you don't know what process to undergo to become successful then just test your speed. BE fast, test yourself, be the fastest you can be and see how much progress you will be able to make. Speed is the name of the game, speed kills, speed can make you very productive. But the problem with you is you always choose being slow. Slow means laziness and weakness, slow means you're on the path to failure. If you really want it then you will start fast and follow through as much as you can, you will never waste time, you will never waste energy on things that will not even make you a better person. If you have no idea on what to do with your life then just be fast. Be fast in working so you can work on three job, be fast in starting, be fast in moving on every time you fail, be fast in doing the household chores. Life is fast but you need to be faster. Be fast in changing your mind every time you are mad, be fast in starting again every time you fail. Don't be trapped on a slow pace because you can always do better than that. 


You need to define your goals, define where you are headed to and full speed ahead towards it. You need to be disciplined, you need to get rid of the things that are slowing you down and derailing your progress. Be fast because you can be fast, stop choosing to be slow because it will only make you fail. If you need to do something now... do it without even thinking, do it without even hesitating. You have the power to become faster. No matter what age you are... you can become fast if you want to, nothing can stop you because you are powerful. Just do it, it doesn't matter if you are perfect, forget about how you feel and just do it, as simple as that. You can still take actions despite of feeling bad, your feelings doesn't matter at all.  Stop being a spoiled brat and just pull the trigger, draw the first blood, slap yourself if you can't move and just focus on the next step. Always feel free when taking actions, the only way to do it is to stop thinking about the future, stop thinking about what's going to happen next and detach yourself from the outcome. What will happen will happen but remember that the concept is to become a doer, be fast when taking actions and never hold yourself back. Just do it and never regret anything when you made a mistake. Expose yourself to failure, feel free to do anything and be anything. Remember that it's alright to fail, what's not right is you're not even trying. You have to keep on trying until you get the job done, as simple as that. 

Never think about winning and just focus on the process, focus on taking it one step at a time. You will get faster and faster if you're not checking for results. The prize will come, the money will come, success will come if you will make yourself very fast. Don't be slow, the truth is you're faster than your current speed but you choose not to, how disgusting was that? Don't spend on things that you can never change, focus on what you can control and that is your effort. You will become powerless when you're focused on the result. Focus on your goal, focus on the steps on getting it not the reward itself. The results will come naturally, it will come on the right time. Stop calculating everything, stop overthinking and just pull the trigger, as simple as that. You will only get better if you move, remind yourself about this. Make yourself a machine, do it fast, start fast and finish strong. Never waste this day again, never take anything for granted and push yourself to the limits. Let's see what you can achieve by being fast, bold and aggressive. You've been a bum for so how many years, you need to make a stand now, you need to give everything you've got until the end. 

Remind yourself that you need to take a lot of actions before you become successful, if you can't even move a needle then it means your effort was too weak, you're staying on bed for so long, you're watching the stupid TV program for so long, it simply means you're wasting a lot of time. You can force fate if you want to, you can change your destiny if you want to, it's all in your hands. Stop submitting to your laziness, don't let pleasures and comfort make you weak, it's time to control your mind and body and direct yourself towards greatness. Greatness is simply pushing, it's moving forward, it's doing whatever it takes to get a little bit better today. 


Ready or not, just do it. Emotions doesn't matter at all, your emotions is what stops you from taking actions. Feeling bad, scared, negative, lazy and unmotivated is a sign that you must do it. It's a common sense that doing it is 1 million times better than not doing it. If you move you already won, if you didn't do it then you already lost. Trying is the name of the game, it's not about winning or losing... it's about not giving up. 

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Aug 15, 2023


Your main problem is you overthink things too much, you're not taking actions, you're too consumed with your thoughts that are only making you weak and stuck. You love procrastinating but you're hating it when you're depressed. You love laziness but you're hating it when you're getting fat and broke. You need to step up, avoid pleasures because it can never make you grow, it's only making you powerless. Instant gratification is the path to failure and misery. You need to use all of your time for making your life better and better. It's ok if you're making a slow progress, it's ok if there is no progress at all, you may not see it yet for now but eventually you will in the long run. Focus on yourself, focus on taking actions and never give up, as simple as that. 


The next step should be useful and not nonsense. The next step should help you a little bit. Watching TV and being lazy will never give you any help. Gossiping on facebook and endless chat will never take you to the next level. The next step should help you to grow and not to fail. It's in your hands if you wanted to win or not. No matter what happens you should move forward because it's the best thing to do. Staying down, staying lazy, staying dramatic will make your life uglier, it will never get easier, you have to keep on fighting all the time. Hustle like a wild animal that hasn't eat for months, you need to be the hungriest person in the world if you wanted to succeed in life. Watch yourself if you're about to do something stupid. If you will discipline yourself then your mentality will get stronger, you will become productive and you will be able to solve complex problems. 


If it is hard then do it hard, nothing should stop you from taking the next step because it is always available. Stop waiting, stop overthinking and just do it. You will feel more powerful if you will just do it and stop thinking about anything else that is not making you better. Complaining is for losers, it is for the weak. Why complain if you can take the next step anytime you want? nothing can stop you if you will just move and detach from the future. Thinking about the future is what makes you anxious and stuck. Just keep on pushing, you never know what's going to happen if you don't give up. Victory belongs to the most persevering, focus on taking one step at a time and believe that one day is going to be your day. It's only hard for now, it will be easier in the long run. Something will click, you just need to push through and do whatever it takes to succeed. 


Dramas were all over the world, it's all over the internet and if you're too interested with it then you're in big trouble my friend, it means you're wasting a lot of time. It means you're losing a lot of opportunities. A stupid celebrity getting punked, your idol goin on a deep depression, poor people getting help,  the president who is corrupt, people panicking about tissue paper, a young girl that is pregnant, a cute puppy abused by his owner, these type of dramas will never help you at all, it's eating a lot of your time and you are not aware of it. Or maybe you are aware but you're allowing it to consume your life and energy. Dramas will make you weak, it will poison your mind, it will weaken your mentality. Wake up and get rid of the dramas because your time is so valuable that you must not use it for useless topics and people that are only dragging you down. If you want to have a spectacular life then stop talking about people, stop worrying about people and start focusing on your won life. Groom yourself, make yourself stronger and better, never give time for people that will never help you to grow. Dramas is for losers, it's for weak people who rely on external things just to feel happy, dramas is just manipulating you, stay away from it if you want to have a better life. 


If you are really serious about what you do, if you persevere enough and work hard enough then the universe ha no choice but to follow your will. It will bend, it will submit itself to you and you will become a winner. The question is do you want it bad enough? You can bend the reality if you will force fate and stop acting like there is no chance. You always have a chance, you always have an opportunity to change your life, if you can't see an opportunity then make one, as simple as that. It's just a matter of not giving up, the universe will submit itself to you if you don't quit, always remember that the next step is available and nothing can stop you from taking it. Just keep going further and never quit, you can do it if you will go hard and do the impossible. Keep grinding, keep pushing, it's only just a matter of time before you win. Forget about making a mistake, don't be afraid to fail and just do whatever you want to do. 


Everything is an opportunity, everyday is an opportunity, struggling is an opportunity. You have the chance to get better, you have the chance to learn and turn things around. Allow yourself to take chances. Even if you're already failing, even if you're so broke... today is an opportunity to change. You can make something happen, the next move is always available, it's impossible to get stuck on something forever, you can reverse the course, you can change the outcome of your life. It's just a matter of sticking to it and not giving up, as simple as that. You can never become a failure forever, change is in your hands, the outcome will be determined by the level of your focus and perseverance. Are you determined to make it happen? are you serious with what you've been doing? are you hungry enough to do the impossible and go to the extreme? Push forward like hell, you will never run out of gas if you will decide to go further as much as you can. Just go with it, if you're struggling then just go with it, keep pushing until you finally reverse the course and made it to the top. It's only just a matter of time before you win, you can change your reality if you will change your mind. Strengthen your belief and do what is needed. 

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The philosophy is too simple... don't ever quit, that's it. If you have an idea, if you have a vision... you will be tested. Problems will come, you will struggle, you will feel the pain but that's all part of the process. At the end of the day the only question will be if you give your all or not. All you have to do is move forward and that's it. There's nothing complicated about that, even chickens can move forward, even the street children can move forward. Stop feeling special, strop trying to look cute and just do your thing. Don't waste your time thinking what should be done and just push forward to make things happen. Something will click, you just need to believe in yourself, believe that you can do it no matter what. 


You're in control here, don't ever forget that. You're always in control of your next actions, nothing can stop you. It's your life, you can do whatever you want to do with it, nothing can stop you if you will push yourself to the limits and give your all. You can continue or you can quit, the choice is always yours. Just remember that if you quit then you will go back to zero, you will have regrets and you will be haunted every night about the questions of what could have happen if you only continue. You've got to be fast, never let your mind worry again, show your heart, show your spirit and never let anyone stop you, never let anything defeat you without giving your all. 


Keep in mind that the only thing that stronger than you is yourself. You can do anything, anything is possible if you will try. If you have an idea, go for it with all your heart and never stop believing it, never stop working, the limit is what you place in your head. You can get it done if you will believe in yourself, if you will stop thinking like a weak loser and start thinking like a strong winner. Nobody is stronger than you, just don't be afraid and you will get it done. 


The number one reason why you're failing is because you have a lot of stupid acts going on, your antics were full of shit and you don't want to admit it. Don't be afraid to eliminate all the distractions, they're of no good to you so why will you ever focus on them? Just keep going and grinding, you will be able to make a breakthrough if you don't quit. Quitting should never be an option, it should never come across your mind, your mindset should be to keep pushing no matter what. 


You have to have a willpower if you want to win. It's not about confidence anymore, being confident is so overrated, sometimes you will never feel confident and that's just the part of it. What if you're not confident today? are you not going to try anymore? There is always a chance, willpower can move mountains, willpower can do the impossible. Because if you really want it then you will do the impossible, you will push yourself to the limits, you will never set limits on what you can do. You will always go further no matter what, you will never take no for an answer and you will believe yourself even if there's nothing else to believe anymore. You will learn to revive that motivation, you will never be scared of failing anymore. You will take risks and you will go all in no matter what. 


Never feel sorry for yourself, never think that you need a sympathy, never think like a victim. You need to think like a predator. Keep trying, keep pushing again and never quit. Let your actions be the motivator, let it be the fuel, it's not about winning or losing, it's about not giving up, as simple as that. All you have to do is try again and your life will get better again, you will have a direction. Stop being a clown, stop being a useless person because you're always better than that. You have to take matters into your own hands and force fate. 


A better problem is a goal, goal is a problem, you are chasing it, you are thinking about it, you are looking for ways to get it, it's a better problem than overthinking about things that you can never control. Over thinking about your opponents, bills, relationships, enemies etc. These problems will never make you feel motivated, it will only make you weak and sick. The tiny actions and small thoughts that you are entertaining will make a difference. If you're focused on moving forward then you will feel much better, your problems will go away. But if you're focused on being stuck then you will never get anywhere. You have to choose your battles, choose something that has a reward in the end, don't choose something that will only make your life worse. Just stop all the nonsense and your life will get better, as simple as that. 


You think it is risky but the truth is it's not. The only scary risk is when your life is going to be over. Any risk like losing, going bankrupt, getting rejected, getting embarrassed is very powerless, it can never affect your life if you don't let it to. Nothing should scare you because everything is a risk. Living is a risk, getting married is a risk, starting a new business is a risk, crossing the street is a risk. Everything is a risk but they are all common and known. 

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Aug 14, 2023


The best game plan ever is to just do something positive for today. Just take actions and never hold back. DO something rather than being lazy and overthinking the whole day, force your body to move because it will get weaker and weaker if you're not moving it. Your body was built to move forward and not just take this day for granted. Stop making this day meaningless, you have to take matters into your own hands and force fate. Take control, stop letting other people dictate what your life is going to be. It's time to move towards your goals and unleash the beast inside of you. You have no idea how life is going to be easy if you will just pull the trigger and do it your way. Just don't waste this day, today is a blessing, today is an opportunity to get better. It's ok if the progress is slow, just make sure you don't stop and get complacent. You can move, don't ever forget that. No matter how hard your situation is, you can make an improvement. Any small improvement when done consistently will create a power that you can use to survive and thrive. So keep going, start something and go further as much as you can. The time is now, stop wasting another day overthinking and procrastinating. You have to move now and do something, whatever you can do and must do... don't hesitate to start it. At the end of the day the only thing that matters is taking actions and nothing else. 


That's how to experience greatness, go as hard as you can and never give up. Do something and follow through, never exert a weak effort. You can always push harder than yesterday, you can level up as much as you want, it all depends on your mindset. Just go all out, show up and push yourself to the limits. Never be scared of getting tired but getting nothing, failure is part of the process. The more you fail the closer you get to success. It's all about who can move forward as much as needed that will win. Your time will come, you just need to be patient and really give your all so that the universe will hear you. They can't hear you because you're not giving your all, they can't hear you because you're only giving 20% or even less of what you can give. You have to give your all no matter what. Hustle like hell and believe that you can make an impact. Believe that one day is going to be your day, make a move now, stop waiting for Christmas, stop waiting for luck because it will never come to you. You have to create your own luck, don't stop until you get what you need, that's the best game plan ever. Never care if you're failing a lot... just go hard and stop thinking too much. Don't let yourself get weaker by being passive, hesitant and lazy. Stop being a diva and just go hard, stop trying to look cute because you are not, the dirtier your hands is... the more you will get opportunities. Show up and bring your A game every single day, it's all in the mind. Nothing can stop you if you will decide to do something. Be bold be aggressive and never give up. Bet on yourself and always think that you deserve more. 


Not the past not the future but the next move is what matters. You have to detach from your shortcomings and try to get better today by focusing on the next move. What's your best next move? do it and stop holding yourself back, you're the only one who is stopping yourself, you're the main obstacles, you're the culprit of your failure. It's time to move now and do something positive, stop being a soft dramatic and anemic kid, you have to give your best effort and believe that you can make something happen. Just move and that's it, nothing can stop you if you will just move, keep moving forward and follow through as much as you can, keep going further and never give up.

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Aug 11, 2023


The time for being a hesitant punk is over, you need to take actions now and be the best that you can be. You need to take matters into your own hands, stop being a clown, no more delays, no more excuses. If you need to do something... do it no matter what. Do it even if it's uncomfortable, do it even if you have no assurance that you're going to make it. Take the risk and never give up, as simple as that. Stop ironing a very detailed game plan because you will never execute. Focus on taking actions and just tweak your plans if you need to, tweak it while you're progressing. You're thinking too much, that's your main problem that's why you can't get ahead in life. Stop thinking and start taking actions. Push as hard as you can and never stop until you win. You have to push yourself, show to yourself that you are powerful, you're better than who you are today, all you need is a little push. Stop pampering yourself, you're not a spoiled kid, you're not special, you need to work really hard if you want to achieve something in your life. Because hard work is the only thing you can control, you can never control the results, you can never control the future, you can only control your effort and tenacity. So starting today, no more delays, no more stupid excuses and start working your ass off. The time to become great is now, not tomorrow, not next week. Start pushing yourself now and do something that will give you a little momentum.    


The number one sabotager in your life is laziness and procrastination. You're the only one who's destroying your own life. Stop being a pain in the ass to your own life. Just stop wasting time and you will see a significant change in your life, your will experience rapid growth. It is what it is, it's going to feel so weird and stressful if you wanted to change not because you will work too hard but because you will do things differently. The game plan is very simple, stop wasting time and go as hard as you can without making excuses. You need to push yourself to the limits and give everything you've got. Go to the extreme, stop clowning around and force fate, take matters into your own hands. If you want a new life then develop a new routine, create a new identity and stop living the same way as before. You need to get rid of the bad habits and start building momentum every now and then. Pleasures destroys your momentum, discipline is the key, stop rewarding yourself with instant gratification and start practicing delayed gratification all the time. 


Set a goal and set a deadline. That's the only way to force yourself to work harder than ever. The reason why you can't achieve something is because you're pampering yourself too much, you're spoiling yourself, you feel so comfortable even though your life is going down. Set a deadline for yourself and try to beat it no matter what. Get strict with yourself, stop being a punk, stop playing around and start getting serious with your life. Go hard now, go hard tomorrow and go hard forever. Adapt the hyena mindset of always looking for food, always stay hungry and never stop. If you need to do something, do it now and stop waiting for the end of the world before you start moving. One day you will get older, you will use cane, you will stay on your rocking chair because you cannot move anymore. You have to take chances now while you still have some time. Take risks, expose yourself to danger, expose yourself to things that are you are afraid of doing. You have nothing to lose here, what else will you lose? you're already a loser in the past for not pushing yourself to the limits. Think differently today, start eliminating the useless habits and start working hard to get better. Be faster and bolder, don't play around wasting your time for nothing. You need to focus and work hard like hell, you have to feel like you've given everything and there's nothing more left in your tank. Always be on a sense of urgency and never care about things that will never help you to get ahead in life. If something is disturbing you that's not important... forget about it and go back to your work. Go all the way, once you wake up in the morning... work hard and never stop, that's the only way to get on top. If you wanted to change your life then you need to make sacrifices. Stop wasting your time scrolling on social media and start doing the real work. 


If you are delaying something then it means you don't want it, you're just pretending that you want it, maybe you think you need it but you're not hungry for it. If you really want to make an impact then start taking things seriously, believe in the process, focus on it and never stop until you're done. The best way to live your life is to live in purpose. Focus on chasing your goals, focus on getting better everyday and keep following through. Start now, stop waiting for the right timing and start now. Speed is the name of the game, if you're fast then you will be able to do more, you will attract more opportunities, success will be attracted to you. The only reason why you're feeling so weak is because you allowed yourself to become weak. You start so slow, you decide so slow, you're not pushing yourself to just do it. You're thinking too much, stop acting like a genius because you're not, you don't need to think too much and plan too much, you just need to get started and follow through as much as you can. Never think about the amount of work you need to do, just do the work and let the rest take care of itself. 

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Aug 10, 2023


The truth is you become powerless because you're too afraid of what people say. You're too concerned with how they feel and think about you. If you're so sick and tired of being powerless then it means you're letting someone control you. You have to free yourself from anybody, never let anyone dictate what are you going to do. It's your life you can do whatever you want with it, you can decide to just do it, you can decide to try something and be unafraid of failing. To create a real power you must not be afraid of the consequences of your risk, you must go all in no matter what. You must be the hardest worker because you can beat anyone through hard work alone, those lazy people will become no match to you, you will be able to eat them alive because they will be too weak and mentally slow because they didn't exert a strong effort to get better. If you want to get stronger then train hard, study hard and focus on greatness... as simple as that. 


Just work hard and you will feel powerful. Work hard for your own belief, goal and values. Work hard for your own circle and dreams. There's a story for every situation, create your own story and interpretation for anything that is happening. Make hard work as your weapon, make it your power, make it your default if you don't know what to do. Hustle hard and never care if people cannot understand you. Be fast, start fast and continue. Keep going further and further as much as you want and never let anybody stop you. You have to see yourself, ask yourself are you really working hard or not? are you doing everything to have a better life and put yourself on a better position to succeed? Feel zero resistance when working hard, don't hold yourself back and make excuses. Just do it and keep moving forward until you're done. Hard work is something you can be proud of, if you are working really really hard then you're one of a kind. Some people are just pretending to be working hard but the truth is they're doing nothing at all. They're just working for 1-2 hours of real work and will complain that they're too tired to continue. Hard work can create real power. If you are working hard then your value will go higher, people will look for you, they will recognize you, they will feel that you are be trusted and that you are not a joke. Hard work is the only thing that you can control. You can never control the results, you can never control what the future holds. But if you are working hard you get more and more powerful because you're always in charge of your life, you're always in charge of your actions. Work hard with or without results. If you are working hard then you're on the right path even if you can't see the prize at the moment. Just give your all and never give up, that's the best game plan you can ever come up with. Hard work will make you really powerful, they will respect you, they will like you because nobody likes a lazy person. Some people were just about talk, don't be like them, you have to enjoy the harder path because it is where greatness lies upon. 


Pleasures will make you weak and powerless. The ice cream, porn, laziness and procrastination. Just because it is easy doesn't mean it will make your life easier. Your life will get harder in the future if you're too addicted with pleasures, it will backfire at you in the end so stop getting addicted to pleasures and just focus on making sacrifices. Discipline yourself and never do something stupid again that doesn't even help you to make a momentum. It's either you are destroying or helping yourself with every decision that you take. It's either you are getting better or getting worse so pick the right choices in life, pick the better options and never let pleasures control you. Pleasures doesn't mean happiness, it's a weak activity that weakens your mind and body. It's deceptive, it's offering you comfort but discomfort in the future, it will ruin your life. Stop wasting time trying to feel good, that's why addicts can't change their lives... they want to feel better right away which is a bad thing. If you want to feel better you need to work and focus on your purpose, focus on your goals and be happy with the smallest progress that you are making. 


If you want a new life then change your mind, you can only change your mind if you will force your body to behave differently. Something different than the past. If you're lazy in the past you must force your body to work insanely hard until your mind gets uncomfortable. Once your mind is really feeling uncomfortable then that's the time it changed. It already expanded. Your mind will control you if you don' control it, the way to control it is to make it thinking, be aware, stay conscious all the time so you will be able to make the right decisions. Success is simply done through small decisions everyday, one day at a time, make your life simpler and easier by picking the right people and activities that will make you stronger and better. Stay away from toxic people that doesn't improve your mentality. Be your own inspiration, be the hardest worker that you can be so that you will be proud of yourself and so that you can inspire people to follow your path. If you're already inspiring some people then it means you're doing something right. 


you're afraid of what people say, you want to please people, you want to look good, you want them to accept you and praise you. And that's why you're living like a bum, that's why you're so weak and imprisoned in your own mind. Forget people, they're words were meaningless. The most important thing is you give your best and you listen to your heart. 


You will  only get faster if you will avoid checking for the results. Avoid checking your progress and just keep on taking actions. IT doesn't matter if you are winning or not, it doesn't matter if you are right or not. Just do what you need to do and execute all of your ideas. Never judge yourself, never feel sorry if you're slow, just don't waste time. Don't overthink and don't worry about what's going to happen next. The most important thing is what you're doing now and nothing else. You will be able to make something click, you will get it right if you persevere enough and don't quit. Just focus on taking the best steps in your life, it may not give you money or results right away but focus on taking it so you're headed on the right direction. 

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Aug 6, 2023


Do the next move right away, stop resting, stop thinking too much. Most of the time you spend your life resting for nothing, what did you do? what did you accomplished? what did you finished for you to give yourself a luxury to rest for a very long time? stop being weak and get your ass moving, you need to destroy laziness, create a new strong habit that will put you on top. Being weak, slow and soft isn't working, it's only making you worse. You have to accept that you need to work hard and be fast if you want to get ahead in life and get a different result. Because you will never make a breakthrough if you're always holding yourself back and letting laziness control your life. It's so ugly to become lazy, you will become broke and weak. You need to make an inventory of your actions, watch yourself, what are you doing now to get to the next level? stop talking and start walking. Laziness is the only thing that's stopping you or making you broke. The time is now, if you're always making excuses then stop dreaming for success. Be early, assertive and aggressive, don't waste your day doing nothing. Make yourself very productive even if you're feeling bad. 


Treat it as just an ordinary day. Never think that it is special or scary, make it as a part of your system, make it who you are. Work hard on any area of your life, persevere like hell and never back down to any challenge. Never quit and always do whatever it takes to succeed. At the end of the day the only question you need to answer is did you give your all or not? if not then shut up and stop complaining. Being fast and giving your best is the only option you have. You will never get faster if you're always thinking about what people are doing or saying. Hard work is not really that hard if you will make it a habit, make it as your culture, make it as your lifestyle and you will never have to work hard again anymore. The problem with you is you're making laziness as your lifestyle that's why you're stuck in a mud. Stop looking for pleasures all the time because it will only make you weak! pleasures will make you sick and slow, it will make you lazier and you will get mentally weaker. Stop looking for comfort and entertainment, it will make your life miserable. It's only fun in the beginning but it will get uglier in the end. Never care about your identity, never care if you look like a clown by working hard, get your hand and dirty and do all the work needed to become successful. Destroy your identity, never care about who you are, that's the only way to make a breakthrough. 


Even if you're winning a little bit or winning big time... stay hungry and never stop. Don't ever stop looking for opportunities and growth, don't ever get complacent and predictable. Always strive to improve, look for something to do, look for something to accomplish and never get tired of pushing. If you can't make a result then just focus on the grind, the grind is a result itself. It's making you tougher, better and faster. The grind is the most important thing here. Pleasures will make you a failure. It will make your body weak, it will make you slow and useless. Life is not all about comfort, it's not about daydreaming and having an easy life. Because the more you pamper yourself with laziness, food, procrastination, useless entertainment then your life gets worse and worse. Stay hungry and face the harder and more disciplined path. Don't get distracted with anything that is useless. Stay hungry and always look forward for the next step.


It is to just fight, just work, just do it, just show up. This is the most effective philosophy in the world. If it is hard do it hard, if it is easy do it easy. Never care if it is impossible to conquer and just conquer it, never make excuses, never look for an easier path. You must feel nothing about stronger opponents, you must not be scared of stronger challenges, you must keep in mind that you just need to do what you do with your best and that's it. There is a very strong possibility that you will win. You just don't care if something is hard, you just do it no matter what with all your heart and energy. Just don't give up and you will win in life, you will win any challenge, perseverance is the key here. You don't need anything to become a winner, you just need your heart and the philosophy to fight whatever challenge is in front of you. If you can fight, hustle, scrap, grind then nothing is impossible to you, you will be able to handle he most difficult things and manage it like a real man that is on a mission. Don't look for an easier path, don't look for an easier life, make yourself stronger by facing everything and never back down to any challenge. Fear is the compass, obstacle is the way, your anxiety is the guide. What overwhelms you should be conquered, feel it and never let it stop you from doing something. Don't look for help, don't look for something to blame, don't look for comfort and just do what you need to do no matter what. The only game plan is to give your all and that's it. You don't need to think about anything else, just give your all. If you want to change your life then discipline yourself to stop all the BS that doesn't help you and just give your all. 

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Aug 5, 2023


You will only feel free if you're not caring about what people say and you will just do what you need to do. You will only feel free if you're not holding yourself back and not caring about the results. You just take actions, you will the trigger and you never care if you fail or not, you never care if you get tired or not, you just push yourself to the limits and let everything take care by itself. You can destroy any kind of resistance by allowing yourself to take actions, you don't need any validation from other people, you don't need their advices or rules, you don't need their comments about you, you are the judge here, you are the power here, you are in control of your life. So detach from anything or anyone and you will feel invincible, never care about the outcome and you will be able to take massive actions. Greatness is waiting for you. Just grind, if you're not grinding then you're going down, as simple as that. You will only feel free if you're doing something to make yourself stronger and better. You will feel weak and jailed if you're not pushing yourself to the limits. You have to see your full potential and that will only happen through giving your very best every single day. 


Motivated or not, confident or now... take actions. Anytime, anywhere, any challenge... face it like a real man. Face it like a man on a mission. You don't back down to any challenge, you never let anything stop you, you feel unstoppable even if you feel so weak. Remind yourself that you can take an action anytime, you can grow anywhere, it's just a matter of deciding to pull the trigger. When you're afraid to jump that's the time you're going to jump. When you feel tired to move that's the time you're going to move. Nothing should make you think twice, you just do it no matter what, you just push yourself to the limits no matter what. You are disciplined, you are committed, you are single minded. Because it's the push that matters and nothing else. Just start it and finish it, have that killer instinct, have that assassin mentality. Anytime anywhere, pull the trigger despite of how scared you are. Fear is nothing, don't judge yourself, don't belittle yourself, allow yourself to experience the unknown and make the best out of it. 


If it is hard it's hard, so be it. Do it hard, go hard and never complain. Most people were afraid to go to a harder path that's why they feel like a loser. You will never get stronger if you will not face any pressure and obstacle. So be it, stop making excuses and just do it. Hard or easy doesn't matter at all, the question is are you going to give your best even though it's so obvious that you're going to lose? Stop cowering from pain and face it, feel it and embrace it, never care if you need to work so hard, never care if it takes too long to make a progress. What will happen will happen but one thing is for sure... you will fail if you're soft and too weak, you will never feel free if you're always holding yourself back. So be fast and be different, forget the past, detach from the outcome and make yourself something extraordinary. Nothing else matters other than the next move. The next step is the most important thing. 

There are so many things you can do if you stop wasting time. Stop overthinking and focus on taking actions. It's much better to do something positive than to do nothing at all. You will attract negativity if you're lazy and always hesitating. Feel the pressure, get use to it, put yourself on a sense of urgency. You have to choose if you will become a doer or a watcher. Are you just going to watch and take life for granted? or are you going to force fate and become an action taker? you will feel weaker if you're not moving, that's a very simple and basic equation, you will feel stronger if you're taking matters into your own hands. So what the hell are you waiting for? move now, do your best and never give up. Just go hard, that's should be your number one game plan, go hard and forget the results. Your effort is the only thing that matters here and nothing else. Never wait for the right timing because it's not real, the right timing is now, what the hell are you waiting for? christmas? opportunity will never come if you're always waiting for luck and breaks, you have to make your own break, create your own door of opportunity and keep trying until you win. Guard yourself, be mindful of your actions, what is your next move? does it have a potential to put yourself on a better position to succeed? or is it making your life worse? You have no idea how much you can do if you will just stay disciplined and committed. 

Be fast in starting, start it and follow through. Never hold back, never pamper your emotions. Because the only thing that's stopping you is how you feel. You need to be ok feeling worse and take actions anyway. Just start and never stop until you're done, as simple as that. You will only feel good if you will take the next step instead of watching Porn or TV. You need to be good in picking the right choices that will serve you and will make your future better. The time is now, pull the trigger now and never wait for the right timing, the right time is now, not later nor tomorrow. You have to be ok not being ok, you have to learn how to adapt and improvise. Stop looking for comfort anymore because it's making you weak. 

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Change your identity change your reality, change your thoughts and habits you change the results you've been getting for a long time. Ask yourself "why am I living like this?", "why am I allowing myself to become weak and a loser?". The answer is very simple... because you have weak thoughts and habits. You're not forcing yourself to get more, you simply want more but you're doing less. The time for a makeover is now, not later, not in the next 5 minutes, not tomorrow nor next year. It all happens now, if you can't change your attitude now then never ask for more, never ask for bigger payday, never ask for a nicer life because your attitude is ugly as a garbage. You will become stuck in a quicksand forever and you will drown in the long run. So what the hell are you waiting for? unleash the beast inside of you and do whatever it takes to get better. The time for making a makeover is now. If you really want it then you need to make sacrifices. You need to push yourself to the limits and never give up, as simple as that. 


What is it? is it watching TV? watching news? gossiping? scrolling on social media the whole day? thinking about the past? daydreaming? putting products on shopping cart? Whatever it is that is eating a lot of your precious time... eliminate it. Don't postpone the elimination, stop it right now and never do it again. See how your life change by making sacrifices, actually it's not a sacrifice, it's the right thing to do, you will benefit from it so don't ever call it a sacrifice. Call it the best thing to do, call it the life changer. Because you don't need to become super special here, you just need to stop wasting your time and that's it... your life will improve. Don't waste your time doing a lot of stupid things that will never put you on a better position to succeed. Remember that if you want to become great then you need to be disciplined and committed, you need to go all in and stay focused forever. That is if you wanted to become great, you will only become extraordinary if you have an extraordinary discipline in your life. 


All your life you've been holding yourself back because you're too afraid of offending somebody, stop holding yourself back, if you need to do something because you think it is the right thing then do it. It doesn't matter if they get offended, that's their problem if they have an onion skin. You have no idea how powerful you can be if you will not be afraid of what people might say. Just practice having a thick skin and express yourself no matter how big the risk was. You don't need to prove anything to everybody, you just need prove something to yourself. Prove to yourself that you can push yourself to the limits and can go as far as you need to go. Just take actions no matter what they say, make it a game to block all the noises outside, always remember that the most important thing is trying and nothing else. 


You're not giving your all because there's no sense of urgency, you're too comfortable and secured, you think you're in control but the truth is you keep on going down. stop trying to look cute, stop trying to look pretty and smooth. You need to make the journey ugly if you need to, make your hands dirty and try everything you can just to make a small progress that will lead to success. It's simply about giving everything you've got and not wasting a single second for useless activities that will not even make you stronger or better. Fight like a wounded dog, when you're aiming for something always think that your life depends on it. Never let anything stop you, force the breakthrough, force the change, you need to push yourself to the limits if you want something to happen. Don't remain on the same place forever, just do something that will make you a little bit closer to your goal, protect your vision, fight like a wounded dog, fight for your place, fight for what you want and never let anyone steal it from you. Because you really need to drag yourself to take massive actions if you want to make a breakthrough, there is no other way around. be fast and aggressive, like a man trying to protect his family, like a policeman chasing the robbers. You need to make a strong intention for every action, don't just do something for the sake of doing it... do it because you really need to do it because everything in your life depends on it. 


It will make you rusty and weak. It will make you slow, it will stop your progress. You need to stop waiting and start forcing the issue. It is what it is, it is hard, what are you going to do? complain about it? if it is hard then you need to work harder, grind harder and never stop. Don't think, don't worry about the future and start pulling the trigger now. Resistance will go away if you're not thinking too much, you will get faster and faster if you will just do it and never hold back. Stop waiting, it's just a waste of time and energy. Just do what you need to do with all your strength and skills. 


BE AWARE OF YOUR ACTIONS. Ask yourself why are you doing that. Why are you doing something that will make your life worse? don't you love yourself? why are you doing something that will make you slower, poorer, dumber and weaker? why are you wasting a lot of time for useless things that doesn't matter at all? why are you dwelling with the past? why are you so in love with procrastination and laziness? why are you so full of crap? you're better than that and you can be better than that. It's just a matter of disciplining yourself. Put all of your actions and energy into one place that will give you a better life. Stop wasting time, it's too limited, life is fast so you need to get faster. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...