May 31, 2017


It is very simple... go all in. This is possible, you can have a very ugly or unprofessional schedule but become successful in one thing... GO ALL IN. Every time you have a free time, you do something for your goal. No questions ask, no thinking about the past, not thinking about what you've missed... just do it, do it like you really need to do it and your life depends on it.

You can have a very rough schedule everyday, your work can become a huge obstacle for pursuing your real dreams but what can you do if you can't leave your work? are you just going to cry about it and make it as an excuse? of course you can still do a lot of thing despite of having a busy or stressful schedule.

Just think about your dreams everyday, never remove it from your mind. Think about it and just do something about it even if you are doing something else. You can always take baby steps, you can always do something for it. Accept that your life is like a jungle and there are lot of random things going on with your life.

Your actions may not be focused but your mindset can. Even if you are doing something else... just always think about your dream and once you find a free time... go and do something for your dream Because you cannot afford to make excuses if you really want it, you can't say to your dream that you're tired because of heavy traffic and stressful work at the office. Once you are free from your obligations... do something for your dream, no more talking, no more complaining... just do it. Do it even if you don't have enough time, do it even if you are rushing.

Accept that random things always happens, your mom may call you and ask you a favor, your wife may ask for your help to feed the children, your boss may ask you to stay longer in the office and finish your project, your friends may call you and invite you to a dinner. You see, a lot of random things may happen and of course if you want to have a balance life, if you want to maintain the relationship with the important people around you... you will give them some time. But again, once you go home, once you find a free time... do something for your dream, it maybe small steps but all those steps will accumulate in the end, it will sum up and turn into big things.

Learn to adapt to your environment, learn to stay calm despite of doing a lot of things. Just do something for your dream everyday, you have to be consistent, you have to be super dedicated. Because if you will keep on complaining that you don't have enough time that is why you can't do something for your dream... you will remain a failure forever.

Of course you have a lot of time, it is just a matter of utilizing your time the right way, you can even watch TV for hours after you go home, you can even sleep for 15 hours during weekend. You have a lot of time, you're just using everything as an excuse for not taking actions for your dreams.

Again, don't try to make a perfect schedule, just accept the randomness of your life and then once you find yourself having a free time.... do something for your dream right way. It doesn't matter what kind of action you do, even small actions can make a large impact.


Don't look for the meaning of success, it is so deep. You think that having a lot of money, being popular and someone that a lot of people talk about is already a success? no. Success is all about just doing it, life is a forever process, life is a journey, there is no such thing as a final destination. Even if you're dying in your bed... it is still a journey, you fight for your life, you are searching for the right thoughts that will keep you alive, you are searching for that air... you are simply enjoying your breathing, it is still a journey. And when you're already dead, who knows where will you go?

So if you want to become successful... just do it, just simply do it. Don't be like others who are holding themselves back for so long until they become old and cannot even make a single step anymore. It doesn't matter if you win or not, I know there is a place inside of your head that is telling you to do it. So just do it, do it even if it is scary, do it even if it is stressful and uncomfortable. You will become successful if you know the answer to your question.

The biggest question in your life is can you do it or not right? you are wondering if you will become successful or not right? so the best thing to do is just do it with your best, go all out, go all in and never look back. The fact that you did it is already a success because you will know the answer. The fact that you gave everything you've got and you never listen to what people say is already being successful.

Because at the end of the day, if your life is about to end.... the only remaining question inside of your head is not whether you are rich or not, the biggest question in your head is whether you do it or not.

So stop hesitating, stop doubting yourself and wondering if you will become successful or not. If you are doing something to become successful and you are not stopping then you'e already successful.

A lot of "successful people" as they call themselves has a lot of regrets in their life. They also didn't do what they are suppose to do, they are making themselves believe that they are successful because they have pretty decent money, but deep inside they know they want this one thing but they can't have it because they do not even try.

If you have an assignment.. do it and you're already successful. If your hurt someone... say sorry and you're already successful. If you are not in good terms with your parents... ask for their forgiveness and you're already successful.

Success is all about freedom, it is freeing yourself from regrets, it is about doing or getting what you want without holding yourself back. It is all about doing it and not thinking what might happen.

May 30, 2017


1. Always checking for results or improvement. Admit it or not, once you work hard for a couple of hours... you will check for results right away. You will check if there is an improvement in your body, career, skill, sales, business, weight etc. Success is not about getting what you want or making improvements now and then, it is all about staying with your journey, doing the right things and letting the results come naturally without looking for it or guarding it. If you are checking results every now and then... you are wasting a lot of time, you are not trusting the process. And the worse thing is... you will feel bad once you didn't see the results that you are expecting which leads to frustration. Stop checking about how far you need to go or if there are changes in what you're doing. Just keep moving forward and let winning happen without forcing it. You will only become unmotivated if you can't see any progress.

2. Rushing for money. Money will come if you're already good and the value of your service is already high. Stop asking for raise if you know that you didn't deserve it. Stop asking for more money if you are not willing to work for longer hours. You will be paid if you are deserving. Money will flow into your life if you already paid your dues. A lot of people hate their work because the pay is low. Some people even love their work but has lost interest on it because they are not getting rich, they don't know that they just need to wait for a few more months or even years and money will come to them. Don't rush money if you want to become successful, it will come to you, success is not all about money. It is all about freedom and happiness.

3. Constantly comparing your work with others. This is another time waster, why will you compare your work with others if you are truly confident about your work? This will only cause jealousy, you will feel bad once you see that someone is better than you. You can use a different style, you can use your own instinct, you may look weird in the beginning but it doesn't matter for as long as you're producing results. Don't compare your work with others because you will only get confused. You will begin to doubt your work and copy the process of others that will not work for you.

4. Always changing plans. Once you have the plan, stick with it. Never change it until you die, it is like all or nothing. Most people can't become successful because they are always changing plans, they will start something and when they found out that it is not working... they will change their plan right away. All plans will work, it may not work for the moment but it will work in the future.

5. Lack of focus. Working for one straight hour then resting and watching TV for 5 hours. Will grind today but will rest for a few days after. Your inability to focus is what stops you. A focused energy will attract a victory, a scattered energy will go nowhere. Keep your focus laser sharp and don't do anything else other than your goals.

6. Believing the crowd. If a large number of people say something not nice to you... you will believe them because they are too many. You believe them that you're not good enough, you believe them that you can't win. That is why your confidence is going down... you easily believe the crowd. Well guess what? the only person that you should believe is yourself, never entertain a thought that doesn't empower you.

7. Entertaining doubts. You doubt yourself, you entertain the thoughts of losing. If you really wanted to win then you should never entertain some doubts in your head. You should believe that you already won right before you even started. Because if you will doubt yourself... you already lost in the beginning, there is no more reason to keep going. If you don't believe in yourself then you will never win even if you work so hard.

8. Too slow to execute. Once you have an idea on your mind... do it right away, execute it right away, don't tell it to your friends, don't tell it to your mama or girlfriend... do it right away. Do it without any form of hesitation. Because if you will say to yourself that you will start it tomorrow, next week or next year... nothing will happen, you will do some other things that will give you good feelings. And where is your idea now? it is totally gone, it is flying in the air and someone will catch it. Execute that idea now and never stop until you become victorious.


Complaining is bad but if you have the right then do it. If you can walk away and if you have a lot of options waiting for you if your demands were not met then complain. But if you're nothing but a dependent person who can only do a few things and have only less options then stop complaining and just do your thing. 

A lot of people were complaining about their lives that they have low salary, that they are overworked, that they are being abused or treated unfairly. Sometimes those complains are true and you need to address it but if you can't do something about it, if you are not willing to change your life or if you don't have any options to walk away and choose a different path then never complain because you are only making things more difficult for you. Why will you complain if you don't have any power? why will you complain if they don't care if you stop doing your job? they will never listen to your complain especially if your presence produces only small impact. Even the managers are not complaining, even the presidents are not complaining so who do you think you are to complain about life? Life is not easy, your parents should thought you that from the very start. 

Only make a complain if they are willing to listen to you, make a complain if they can't afford to lose you but if they can easily replace you without any form of hesitation then never complain because you're just wasting your energy. You're just putting yourself in a bad position that you will regret in the end. 

The number one rule is... only complain if you have power and your value is high. But if what you can offer can be easily duplicated then don't even bother complaining because they will just laugh at you. They know they can live without you, they know they can still operate at the highest level without you so who are you to complain. 

Most of the time, the people who always make a complain are the losers, those people who are whiners and excuse makers. The spend most of their time complaining instead of looking for a way to make their lives better. Sometimes they knew what to do with their lives but they choose complaining instead.

If you find yourself always complaining in life, complaining about small things or big things... you better be scared. You might become a complainer forever and you will never be able to achieve something great in life. Complaining is an energy drainer, it is just a wast of time. The time you've wasted for complaining could have been use for some other things that are more productive and can make your position better. 

Look at those people who always make a complaint against the company, government and their environment... all of them are broke because they don't have the abundant mindset, they always see the wrong in different things, nothing is correct to them. They see negativity in everything around them and that is why opportunities are always passing them. 

May 29, 2017


Just work hard now, sacrifice, work hard for a few months and you will see tremendous improvement in your life, JUST LIKE THAT! Very simple, yeah it maybe a little hard and boring but for sure you will feel success. Success is not about being super great, it is about traveling the path of success. If you have the work ethic, if you have the right habits then you will become successful... just like that.

No need to try a lot of things, no need for any deep scientific method to become successful. Just work super hard, grind daily and reap the benefits of your effort... just like that.

I don't know why it's hard for a lot of people to earn money or find a job. It only becomes hard if you are not focused and you are placing your energy to useless things that doesn't even matter.


Time is very fast, it only becomes slow if you are always waiting and checking for results. But if you are so focused on the progress... you will not even noticed that you're almost there. One year, one month, one week... it is very fast, those timelines will make an impact in your life if you are willing to show up everyday and do what you are suppose to do. Just like that you will become successful, just like that.

If you make yourself very busy, you will not even notice your problems, you will not even see the obstacles in your life. Time is very fast, if it is hard now, if your situation is unpleasant and uncomfortable now, just give it a little time and keep working and soon you will see that you're already succeeding.

It is really that simple, people are the one who complicates their life. If you will just do the basic things and avoid engaging yourself with activities that will slow you down... you will get there, no need to doubt yourself, no need to seek for advice from an expert. You can do it by yourself, you can thrive in your own way. 


Just do it, whatever you know... use it. Whatever you can do.. do it, just like that and you will get the results. Don't ever think about "What ifs", don't put worries on your head because that is not the best thing to do. Just keep moving forward, do the right things and everything will be alright... just like that. Everything will fall into its designated place once you decided to do the best thing for your life, every good opportunities and situation will be attracted to you.... just like that.


Massive action is the only sure formula to success. No shortcuts, no gimmicks, no tricks. Just execute a pure massive action, stay focused and things will go on your way. You will never get tired if you are dedicated, you will find a way how to motivate yourself if you are getting hopeless.


They say you just need to go with the flow and everything will be alright, I say it's wrong, you can go with the flow but you should go with your own flow only. There are lot of flows around and if you are going with someone else's flow... you're not living your life to the fullest, you're just following someone's orders, you're just an accessory to another person's dream which is very bad if you are trying to become happy.

Do you want to live following somebody else's orders that you don't like? do you want to go with a flow that is not giving any progress in your life? do you want to simply accept your life even though you hate what is happening on it?

Don't accept that the company you are working can just give you a hundred dollars a week, you're better than that. Don't accept that your boss can just do whatever he wants with you, it is ok to work hard but make sure it is worth it.


The decision is always yours, it is your life, if you know that yo only have one short life then you will do something about it. You will make it a masterpiece, you will never follow someone's orders especially if it is making your life miserable. You can create your own flow, all you need to do is condition your mind, increase your self belief and of course work super hard. I cannot explain you the miracle that the hard work does but if you really work super hard... you will get extra ordinary results. If you work hard and create your own flow... other people will join your flow, you will be the one who can command them.

So if you don't like the flow of your life... step up and do something about it. Go to a different direction, go to a different flow. Go to a flow where you are flowing freely and no one is distracting you. Go to a flow where everything is under your control and everything is submitting according to your terms.


Very easy, make a plan, execute it now and stick with it. Never change it, do it forever, do something to make it successful. That is what going with your own flow is all about. Because you can always make adjustments if you made mistake, there is nothing to be afraid of. You can always start, you can always make a solution. The number of trials will never ran out, you can always start again tomorrow or even later.


Even if your flow is not doing well, even if it is rocky... just go with it, let it flow, don't stop it, don't change it. There is no perfect flow, keep in mind that it is your flow, you can tweak it, you can do something about it. Accept that it is not perfect and just let it flow forever.

May 28, 2017


To be yourself, expressing yourself, you show your true colors... is that hardest thing to do. We are now entering a generation full of fakes because of social media. People wanted to look good, cool, kind, rich, gorgeous and perfect. Everyone wants to fit in, no one dares to become himself especially thorough the eyes of judgemental people. Everyone wants to become flawless, this kind of mentality will avoid you from expressing yourself.

Did you know that holding yourself back is the ugliest feeling in the world? you feel hopeless, you feel useless. You have something on your mind, you wanted to do something, you want to break free but you can't do it. Simply because you're so afraid to look like a loser, you are so in love looking like a winner even if you're really not that is why you are so conservative and you don't want to make mistakes.

Some NBA players chooses to join a stronger team even if their playing time will diminished. They said that winning a championship ring is what matters. But when they were already in the position where they are so frustrated because they can't even play a single second on court... they freak out, they make dramas. Sometimes they pretend that it is ok, that it is alright to not play for as long as the team is winning. Seeing players pretending to be happy without a participating a game is the fakest thing I ever seen. I wonder how they really feel inside.

But if you choose to express yourself, if you choose to do it your way, execute your ideas and see what is possible if you take actions... you will be very happy. You will feel a different kind of joy that you haven't felt before. That is what expressing yourself does. Yeah it is true that winning will make you happy, but if you win without having to express yourself to the fullest then you will feel incomplete, you will feel that there is a deep hole in your soul. But if you express yourself and give everything you've got, if you use all your powers, skills and ideas... that is the real happiness, that is the true bliss that your soul is looking for.

A lot of people wants to escape their comfort zone but they don't want to do it because they want to win right away. A lot of doctors wants to become an entrepreneur, a lot of businessman wants to become an actor, a lot of teachers wants to become a singer and list goes on but they choose to kill their dreams because they are winning at the moment, their career is going well and they don't want to leave it. That is why they have big regrets in the end, there is always "what if's" in their brain. Their dead dreams are haunting them.

Accept that you can lose, you can be cursed, you can be mocked and criticized if you do it your way. A lot of people will raise their eyebrows on you and will ask you who do you think you are. But on the other side, you will feel very happy because you follow your heart, you will feel very successful even if you are losing at the moment. And if you keep persevering, if you keep trying and trying again... you will become successful too in some ways, you will find what is missing in your life, you will find the real happiness.

Express yourself, do what you wanted to do, pursue your dreams, do it your way. Use all of your ideas... that is the only way to live.

May 27, 2017


Is trying to work smart really smart? or maybe you just want to take shortcuts? The thing is this, you will not be able to know how to work smart without having to work hard first. And that is the reality. There are lot of smart people out there who were still working hard because they want to work smart in the end, meaning they want to discover a process that will make them work shorter in the end and they can only do it by working really hard now.

Because it is a learning curve, it is a learning process. You have to experience a lot of different things that will build the knowledge inside of your system so that you can work smarter and shorter in the end. You have to take it slowly, absorb every detail that you can absorb so that you will become such an experienced individual that knows a lot of techniques on how to get things done faster but better.

The "blue magic pill" is not true. There are some people who believes that they will just use a single process then everything will work for them. No no no no, it takes time to master something, it takes time to become faster in doing your job. And sometimes you will not even gain a lot of knowledge, your body and brain is just developing to a certain level where you can work faster than before. Just like a rookie samurai trying to become great at sword, at first he is slow but when he practice and practice... he starts to slash and cut faster.

Looking for a way to work smarter means you want shortcuts. It means you really don't love what you're doing, you want an easy way, this kind of mentality will never make you successful. In order to work smarter, you need to work harder first. Work super hard until you discover all the techniques to work smarter. This is the only way to get the job done.

Instead of looking for ways to work smarter and shortcut your work, why don't you work super hard now and attract the results that you want. Working harder has the higher percentage of succeeding, you don't need to doubt yourself anymore if you take this kind of approach.

You only need to wait, you only need to become patient and that's it. You don't need to think deeply, you don't need to get technical and invent a process that will get the job done, just work harder and faster with strong passion... for sure you will be able to change your life.

Work more hours, produce more production, sacrifice more, push a little more. Make sure the numbers you are producing is undeniable, make sure you take massive action. Put in the numbers and you will get everything you want. It's all about repetition, it's all about who can do more. It is very simple, the harder you work... the smarter you will become.


If you are growing personally, financially, spiritually, emotionally or physically then it means you're already successful. If you are growing positively then what more can you ask in life? success is all about growth. Growth of happiness, growth of money, growth of strength, growth of your career, growth of the people around you. Success is all about feeling the progress everyday, it is all about embracing the improvement of your life everyday.

Because if you are constantly growing then you will become big one day. You don't need to look for what is missing in your life, you don't need to look for big houses, big money, big experiences. For as long as you're growing then you're already successful, as simple as that.

Success is fulfillment, it is being satisfied and proud of what you've accomplished and you can only feel that sense of fulfillment if you are growing.

No need to measure the speed of your growth, if you are growing slowly then it is better, if you are growing fast then much better. What matters is you are growing and you are committed to your growth everyday. Because when growth stops, if you are not feeling it then that is the time you will feel like a failure.

Look at those needy people who needs a lot. They feel like failure because they can't have what they want. They don't want to work, they just want to beg for what they want, it means they are not growing. And even if they get what they want, they still don't feel like successful because they don't work for it.

You will feel the growth if you keep on working everyday, if you keep on learning everyday or doing something for your dreams everyday.... that is the best way to feel the growth, that is the best way to achieve growth.

So don't think about success as something that is elusive and only for the chosen ones. You can become successful if you are satisfied with the little growth that you are seeing in your life everyday. Just keep on growing and you will arrive at your desired destination.

It is about commitment, it is about dedication, it is about working hard. The formula is very simple, yeah it is hard and painful sometimes but for sure you will become successful if you follow those formula.

So don't complicate your life thinking what success really is. Success is all about the journey, it is about growing and seeing yourself evolving. So do something to become a little bit better than yesterday and you're already successful.

Anyone can grow, even the oldest man can grow, you can always learn something. You can learn about yourself, you discover the process of growing on your own. Growing is very simple, pick something that you love to do and learn and become really good at it, be consistent in using it, be serious about it. Always remember that you can still grow even without money or fame. It is up to you what kind of meaning do you want to attached success with.


It is something that will make your belief stronger, it is something that will make your faith stronger to keep pushing and do something that will make your position better. Placebo effect is true, the stronger your belief the more effective it will become.

Because if you have no other hope, if doctors can't save you, if self development coaches can't save your life, if a magician can't create miracles in your life then you should learn to practice your own belief, it is time to create something that will make your faith stronger. It is time to create your own process that will make your life better than yesterday.

You have nothing to lose here. You already lost, you already lose your hope from other people so why not try something else that will create a dramatic change in your life?

Some people gets healed by trying the placebo effect, it's not the effectiveness of medicine that heals them, it's their beliefs that creates the miracles. It's their belief that gives power to the medicine.

If you have a strong belief in something... you will try it, you will do it, you will trust it. Your energy will change, you will have a strong hope that will give you the energy to keep going.

So if you're sick and tired doing a process that you think is not working... find something else. Make a deep research about a magic pill or process that cures an incurable disease. Do it, fully believe in it. Surrender to it and be ready to embrace the process until you get the results that you wanted. Make your belief stronger everyday, if you have to lie to yourself that you're doing fine then do it. Think super positive because it is the main ingredient of placebo.

Not only in sickness you can use the placebo effect. You can use it on your journey too, you can use it to become successful.

You can find a food, a medicine or a process that will make you work harder, stay motivated and hungry. But make sure that what you will use is something that is not dangerous to your health, it is better to use natural placebo.

My knees are really hurting when I was at the age of 32. I don't know if it is an arthritis or a severe injury. I can't even play basketball. I am so sick and tired of not being able to play so I created a placebo effect on my own. I never use food or medicine. I use a process, I use the intermittent fasting. It may sound crazy but it helps me, I believe in it, I believe that fasting will change some cells in my body, and it works. I was able to play basketball now, I am still healing, my knees were getting stronger.

The lesson here is... if you really believe in something then it will work for you. You have to give your full faith and never doubt the process.

May 26, 2017


Jealousy is the number one reason of being a failure. Being envy, being jealous means inviting failure in your life. Because it is the number one producer of negative thoughts, it is the number one producer of hatred and bitterness. If you are being jealous with your neighbor because he has a beautiful and brand new car... you are setting yourself up for depression. You will never take actions, you will just talk about your neighbor, you will think about him everyday, back stab him, bad mouth him at his back. Everything you will do is about negativity. Sometimes you will even invent false stories just to put your neighbor down. And that makes you stagnant, you are not doing anything about your life, your focus is on your neighbor and that makes you a failure forever.

Same thing as your wife and kids, teach them not to look at other people's lives, instead look at their own life and focus on the core circle. You should teach them just to focus on the family and focus on making each other better and happier. Because if they will not be aware that they are jealous... they will keep in being jealous. Everytime your kids saw a new toy from their playmates, they will also ask you to buy them the same toy, the worse is they will ask you to buy them the more expensive toys. Same as your wife, once she saw that her friend has an expensive bag... she will also ask you to buy here the same bag. What if you can't afford them to buy what they are requesting? of course they will get mad at you, they will blame you for not giving them what they want. And of course, that incident will affect your confidence, you will lose focus on your work.

If you can just explain to your kids and wife that it is ok to not have those things and experiences then your life will be fine. You will experience more freedom, you will not have a miserable life, you will not rush, everything is under control. 

It is ok to give them what they want if they really want it but if they just like it because they got jealous from others then that is wrong. And one more thing, just give them what they want if you have a lot of money but if you will grant their request and you don't know where you will get the money to buy the food for tomorrow... be strict, be hard, don't give them what they want and explain to them carefully the more important things. 

A lot of people makes decisions because they got jealous from other people. They want what other people have even if they can't afford it, they want to grant themselves the things that they think will make them happier. The truth is... no cars, no toys, no bags will make you happy forever. You will always look for something new once you got jealous from others. The best thing to do is to learn how to control your emotions and don't look at other people's lives. Learn to appreciate what you have if you can't buy something new, problem solved. 


If you will do something make sure it will make a little impact if it can't make a big impact. Because you're just wasting your time and energy if you keep on doing something that doesn't even give any momentum at all.

For example in losing weight... you can't just be walking for 5 minutes everyday. It will not give you anything, you're just wasting your time. It is a good starting point, but don't do it for one straight month. Do it for just a week and when the habit of walking everyday is already there.... you must elevate the resistance. You must do a new exercise that will make you sweat, because if you're not sweating, if you're not feeling a little resistance then what you're doing is nothing. You're just wasting your precious time. The best thing to do is do something a little bit harder, do something that will give you a little stress because for sure it will give a little impact in what you're doing. I am not saying that go hard and kill yourself, my point here is sometimes you're being soft too much is what causes you to not progress. Sometimes you think what you're doing is right, yeah maybe you are doing a positive thing but if it ain't giving you anything then you're just fooling yourself.

You know in yourself if you're making a progress right? you know in yourself if you're gaining something. If you feel nothing after doing something then you just wasted your time. So make it a little harder for yourself, that is the only way to gain a little bit momentum. Make sure you are having a little hard time. Because if everything is easy.... you're in danger my friend, you are travelling the path that will never give you what you want.

So if you are working for your project... make sure it will make a little impact, make sure it is giving you a progress because if you're just doing something just to show people that you are busy.... you will regret it in the end.

The key here is to go a little bit further, go a little bit outside of your comfort zone. If you can walk for 5 minutes a day... change that routine and walk for 10 or 20 minutes a day. Make sure your heart is pumping fast, walk fast, it is better if you can jog or run, force yourself... that is the only way to make an impact. Even if you're already old... walk a little bit faster, that is the only way to expand, that is the only way to become a little bit more energetic. Because if you will stay with your comfort zone chilling and relaxing... you will find yourself getting frustrated, you will never see any changes in your life. Change only takes place during stressful moments, so if your life is too easy... it means you're the same person as you were yesterday.

Because being soft means stagnancy, I also thought before that you should take it easy, you should go with the flow and let success come to you naturally. But what if the flow is so slow and it is flowing to the wrong way? That is the time to change the flow, that is the time to make your own flow.

Again, you don't need to go super hard right away, if you can just create a little impact in anything that you do, if you can just find a little progress then that is the right process for you.


There are instance where you need to downgrade a little bit to upgrade your life. There is nothing wrong with leveling down or playing small a little bit, there is nothing wrong with it especially if it is the only way to bring your life back.

If your apartment is too big and you can't pay the rent anymore, I guess it is time to look for a smaller and cheaper apartment. Swallow your pride and do it, forget about what people say, what matters is you bring your life back. You need the small money that you can save for downgrading your apartment. It can be a deciding factor so don't be afraid to try it. This is not permanent, you can still go back to your rich lifestyle once you get back on track and earning a lot again. If you can just shut down your ego and do what is necessary then you can have a lot of breathing room, you will have more freedom and flexibility.

Another example is having two or three cars, do you really need it? it is hard to maintain two cars at a time. The payment of insurance is doubled, the yearly maintenance is doubled, it is causing a lot of damage to your financial stability. It's ok to have two or three cars if your life is not being affected and you can still feel a lot of freedom but if that kind of lifestyle is suffocating you then you better do something about it. Downgrade to upgrade, sell the other two cars. You only need one car, you can always make adjustments, you can always adapt. Once you feel that you can afford to support two or more cars again then do it. But if that kind of set up is making you feel poor then you shouldn't hesitate to downgrade. You can always upgrade later when your financial status is good again. You can only buy expensive things if it doesn't bother you, if it will not affect your financial status.

The truth is less is more, you will feel better if you have lesser things to maintain. That is why having smaller circle with true people is better than having a lot of friends but most of them are fake.

You can always upgrade your life if you will get rid of the things and set ups that is slowing you down. You should cross out the things and people in your life that doesn't make you grow.

Downgrade the internet service if it is too expensive, you can still find a decent internet service that will still help you and give you the information that you need. Downgrade your collection of shoes if you can't buy any pair of shoes anymore, sell them for lower prices just to get some money.

In life, you can't always be on top, sometimes you need to shut down your ego and accept that you are losing. You need to downgrade your life a little bit so you can find the real path that will make your life better. You can still go back to the top once you find that rhythm of succeeding again, but for a while you need to slow down a little bit and make the necessary adjustments in your life. There is nothing wrong in looking poor or looking average, what matters is deep inside you know you are doing what is best for your life.

A lot of people wants to look good, rich and powerful that is why they buy a lot of stupid stuffs that makes them poorer. They can't abstain for a while and do what is needed, all they want is to look rich that is why they end up being broke in the end.

May 25, 2017


Sometimes unexpected gifts, events or people comes to your life and you are not aware enough what can those things do to you, it can change your life if you will look closely why are they here. It can make dramatic changes to your weak life if you will think deeply and find their purpose.

If your brother suddenly gives you a cellphone out of nowhere, of course you are happy and feel lucky but the truth is.. there is other meaning behind that event. Don't think of that cellphone as an ordinary cellphone for calls and texts messages, don't use it only for games, don't use it for some other things that serves as a waste of time. Maybe it was given to you because it has a more meaningful purpose.

Maybe you need to use it to download the Nike Training Club app so that you can trim your weight down and become healthy once again. You've been living like a bum for years and you're so heavy that is why you can't feel good. Maybe that cellphone was a sign that you need to live a better life once again. You can use that cellphone to download a lot of applications that will help you to become fit again. Applications like tabata, HIIT etc. Don't use that phone to become fatter because of not moving because you only use it for chatting and taking images of yours that shows all of your eating activities, use it the right way.

You can also use it for applying for a job that you want or maybe even use it to get some money, there are millions of ways to earn money through your phone, you can use it for cold calling and call some potential customers to buy the product that you are selling. You can join a lot of Marketing projects or freelancing activities by using it. Your phone is not just there for pleasure, it is there to make your life better if you will only think the right way.

If your mother gave you a shoes that you don't like, if it is not branded and you are shy of wearing it because your friends might mock you... wake up, that shoes is there for a reason. You can use it as a motivation, you can use it as an inspiration. Be happy because your mom is working hard and she is still buying you a shoes even of she doesn't have enough money. Use that happening as a motivation to work hard so that you can buy your favorites shoes when you became successful. You can use it to have something on your feet to wear and go to different places that will make your life better, you can use it for applying for a job. Some people doesn't even have a pair of slippers to wear so always be happy if someone gave you something even if it is not branded.

If suddenly there is a problem, I mean a big problem that strikes your life and you're not ready for it.... embrace it, be happy with that problem, learn to process it and solve it. Always remember that problems will only make you stronger if you survive it, what can't kill can only make you stronger. And one more thing, there is no problem that you can't solve, there is no problem that can kill you. It is there for a reason and that reason will  only be discovered once you solve your problem.

May 24, 2017


You buy this shirt because nobody wears it but you really don't like it, is it being yourself? you listen to these music because its kinda unique and you rarely hear it but you don't feel good about it, was it the right music to listen? You color your hair indigo because you think it is cool even if you don't feel comfortable about it because you want to be labeled as a unique human being, now tell me does wanting to be unique gives you a good feeling?

Trying hard to become unique will only make you look stupid because it is not being natural. Your uniqueness will show naturally if you are just being yourself. Detach yourself from what people might say and just simply follow your heart and that is already uniqueness. Just being yourself will separate you from the pack because the rare quality of you that you don't know will be genuinely show up and people will be amazed at how true you are. You don't need to force anything, just wear what makes you comfortable, speak naturally, move naturally and that's it. You don't need to impress people, you don't need to catch their attention by doing or using stupid things.

Being yourself means being unique because each one of you has a unique trait that will only show up if you express yourself honestly without forcing or trying so hard.

Be simple if you are simple, if that what makes you happy... don't be ashamed of it. Even if people tell you that you're too boring, never mind what they say because it's their problem if they find you so boring. If they don't like you it means you don't need to like them too. Right people will accept you for who you are, they will never try to change anything about you.

If you are loud and that is your real personality so be it, don't stop yourself from being loud because it is giving you happiness. Some people are trying to become loud even if it is not their thing, maybe because they want to get some attention and that makes them look like a fool, they were so annoying. A loud person that is natural is not annoying, a loud person that is fake is unattractive.

Don't look for things that will make you look unique because your uniqueness will come out naturally, you don't even need to use things or do this and that. Your uniqueness is already inside of you and you don't need to show it to other people. Just do what makes you happy, just live your life naturally and your uniqueness will be notice by everyone. If they don't give you any attention so be it, don't try to please them or impress them.

Being quiet, being at peace with yourself is already uniqueness. Simplicity and not forcing things is already uniqueness, a lot of people will be impress with you because they will feel the realness of your personality. Being true is hard to do, being honest is something that most people don't want to do because they feel so uncomfortable with it. A lot of people wants to shine so they will lie to themselves and to other people just to look good.

If you are true to yourself, if you can admit your weakness and flaws... that is already being unique. People will like you but of course not everyone. But the point here is you show your uniqueness by not hiding anything.


All people will say that you need to look for a job right away because the competition is so strong. That is a very wrong approach. After graduation, what you need to do is relax. Rest for one week and then after that make a game plan. Are you going to look for a job that is related to your course or are you going to follow your heart? you need to make a choice because your future is  in jeopardy here.

I know some of you take that course because your parents want it. Some of you take medicine, math or any subject that you don't really want because your parents want it. Some of you really don't want to be an engineer or doctor but your parents forces you before. But now that you already graduated, you have a little bit of power now to follow the path that you really want. If you really want to get a job that is related to your course then do it.

But if you have something on your mind, if you feel you need to pursue something else like MMA, arts, business or anything that you feel will make you happy... then go for it.

Go all out, if you're going to try... go all out or else don't even bother at all.

You can take a low paying job that will support you in someways while pursuing your real passion, it will serve as a support to pay your basic expenses. In this way, you no longer need to ask support from your parents. You have a real freedom and you can do whatever you want.

Your parents will become proud of you if they see you being independent. So decide now what you really wanted to do in life while you're still young because your real journey has already started after your graduation.

Keep in mind that your course was not wasted. It is just another chapter of your book. You can still use it whenever you want but the point here is... you must focus on what makes you really happy and never focus on the money itself. Because your parents just forces you to take that course because they think that the job related with it is good paying and will make a good living.

But what if you really don't want to do a job that is related to your course? It is time to make a stand and do what gives joy in your heart, follow your heart and go all out. Your heart can never go wrong. You can become successful in anything that you do for as long as you are having fun with it.

Once you made a decision... don't ever change your mind anymore. Feel the pressure, embrace the fear because a lot of people will always have something to say and it's none of your business to listen to them. You have your own path now and you must do everything to become successful. Don't ever think that you have a lot of time because you're still young. Remember that being successful takes a lot of time so it is better to build some habits that will put yourself in a best position to succeed. Because if you will think that you have a lot of time then you will become lazy, you will always relax and that will be the main cause of your failure.


To become successful in one thing.. you must put as much as you can on it and then just tweak it later. Nevermind if what you are putting is not perfect or has some flaws, just put something, make it big as much as you can and then just tweak it later to make it close to perfection.

Because what you need to do is you need to establish the work ethic first. You need to establish a strong foundation first then just try to make it great in the end. It is not about a perfect start or flawless beginnings, it is all about putting something on what you're doing and trying to grow from it everyday.

It is like gaining an experience, you need to do something, make mistakes, just show something and then try to improve it later.

Once you have a lot of production, once you have a lot of creation... you can become very flexible and creative in the alter stage.

For example in boxing... you need to build your cardio first, you need to jog, exercise, do a lot of boxing shadows, make your body stronger... you need to put a lot of things first in the beginning and when you're confident enough and you know that you already master the basics then that is the time when you can study a lot of advance techniques and put a different style in yours system. Don't look for advance methods and forcing yourself to do it because you will only become disappointed once you learned that you can't do it.

It is like saving coins in your piggy bank, you make it grow, you become patient trying to save everyday and when you feel that what you save is too much... that is the time to move to another level. That is the time to try some other things that will make your position better.

This is a good method to anything. If you wanted to become great at something... you need to make the foundation very stable, you need to put a lot on it and then try to tweak your system or process to achieve greater results.

Another example is in business... if you just build a business today and you don't know what to do next. Just put something on it, put anything on your business. May it be a simple product, a simple exposure, a simple marketing strategy etc. Put a lot on it and then select what is working and cross out what is not working. It is like putting some fertilizers on a plant and watching it grow.

Keep in mind that any simple thing that you add in your system may work, it can accumulate in the end and it can give you the results that you wanted. Don't be shy to take a lot of actions because it is free. Don't be afraid to make mistakes because that is what success is all about. Put as much as you can, make your hands dirty, don't be afraid to get tired.

May 23, 2017


It is ok to believe in Gods, it is ok to worship any form of super natural powers, it is ok to become religious.

You can choose whatever religion you want, you can worship anything and have faith on anything but don't ever put your fate on their hands. Meaning, don't ever put your full 100 percent trust that some kind of a super natural powers can help you because chances are... you will only become disappointed in the end. Because if you will just rely on Gods, you will never work for yourself, you will never work hard, you will become lazy because all you will do is wish for something without working for it.

I know a lot of religious person, they act like they were so clean, they talk like they know everything and they feel like their lives were being taken care of because they have strong fain on their religion. But if you will take a look at them closely.. their lives were full of shits. Sometimes they were even using their religion to get some money.

They never work hard, they were so lazy, they feel like everything in their lives were ok because they have strong faith in their religion. But some of them were full of debts, some of them were jealous at other people's success. It is simply because all they do is pray, wish, beg and believe that one day all of their dreams will come true because their faith is so strong.

The conclusion is... God will help you if you are willing to help yourself, if you are working hard then good things will happen to you but if you're just purely expecting help from him then he will not help you. If all you do is pray and expect that your life will change then it will never change. You are just fooling yourself.

You are the one who is creating your destiny, you are the one who is in charge for the outcome of your life. You are the captain of your own ship. Help and assistance will come, it will come from unexpected moments if you are really busting your ass and forcing things to happen.

So if you want to become successful or achieve a certain level... believe in yourself and never expect to get lucky. Never expect for things to get handed to you, always remember that you are the one responsible for the outcome of your life. God is only there to guide you and help you if you are deserving to get some help.

If your strategy is all about praying and asking for help then nothing will happen to you, you must help yourself and learn how to stand on your own feet. Your body is build to succeed, you must use all what is functioning in your life and make the best out of it to receive the outcome that you are expecting. It is you and only you who is responsible for your life.


If things are not going on your way, if you work so hard and yet results are still not coming in... all you can do is get better.

Getting better will make your life easier, getting better is the number one success manifester. Because if you will just keep complaining in your life... nothing will happen to you, you will remain in the same position forever. It's very simple, it's very obvious, always complaining and doing nothing will set your life up to failing.

If your coach is not giving you playing time even if you are practicing everyday... all you can do is get better. Stop looking for what is not happening, start focusing on what you can do and that is to get better than yesterday. He may not use you again but the point here is you still get better than yesterday, you still evolve personally, you know in yourself that you are progressing even if people are not seeing it yet because you are not being used on court. But time will come and they can't deny you, they cannot keep you away from what you deserve because you get so much better that your value increases and they cannot ignore you anymore. They know you are so good, time will come and they will be the one chasing for you.

If your brand is not selling now... again, all you can do is get better. Make your brand better, make yourself better. That is the best way to attract success. Because if you keep leveling up everyday, people can't ignore you anymore. You will be so good that they can't deny you, the day will come that you will be the one who is in control. Even if you don't market your brand, people will be the ones who will market it because it is so good and it has a big value to offer.

So don't feel bad and hopeless if things are not going on your way, there is still a way and that is to get better. Of course you will not become successful fast, you will need to wait for a lot of time but one thing is for sure... your time will come, you will become the best and that is... if you keep your hope alive and get better everyday. Keep practicing, keep grinding, keep elevating yourself and do whatever it takes to become the best.

Getting better everyday is already a success, if you improve a little, even if that improvement is only .001 percent, that is still an improvement, it will still make you feel good and successful.

If things are not going on your way and you're not doing anything to get better then you will stay on that grid forever, nothing will happen to your life, you will become a failure forever. But if you keep on improving everyday, even if bad things are happening to you.., you will still feel motivated, you will still feel some kind of hope that one day... you will become successful.

Getting better is your only chance, it is your last card, it will be your main ticket to greatness so never stop doing it, stay with the process and patiently wait for your time.


Not him, not them, not anyone but you... you, you are the only reason for being offended. You offend yourself. You are so sensitive, you easily got hurt when they say something bad at you. You can't control their mouth, you can't control everything that they say. What you can control is how you feel, you can manipulate the thoughts that are entering your brain. But you are not doing it that is why you get easily offended. That is why you are crying by yourself and making all these kinds of dramas in your life.

Sensitivity is ugly. Your day will be ruined easily if you are sensitive. You are jailed by your own thoughts and interpretation of the situation. And even if sometimes their intention is to not offend you... you are still offended. You are easily destroyed by those little words that doesn't have any meaning. If you are offended, it only means you allow yourself to be offended, you are offended because you offend yourself by being less matured to accept the things that is out of your control.

It is ok to get offended but always be aware of yourself if you are dwelling with it too much. Get offended for just a few seconds, feel bad for just a few seconds then let it go as fast as you can. Focus on the more important things in life, focus on having fun in life. You can always control your emotions, just kill your ego and forget everything that you hear.

Being too much emotional is bad especially if it is making you do stupid things. What people do or say to you is none of your business, you can only react and retaliate if they touch you or hurt you physically. But if all they do is make you feel bad... the best thing to do is just ignore it because if you react violently... a lot of bad things will happen, you will regret it in the end.

Just remain calm, still and cool. Always put your emotions in control and never try to do stupid things. It is the best way to do if you find yourself offended.

And the truth is... if you will think deeply, what people say or do doesn't even matter if you know yourself and you are happy with your life. They cannot hurt you if you know what you are doing and where you are headed to. There are more important things in life and you must focus on those things.

If you have a goal and you are pursuing something, no one can offend you easily because you know it's just a waste of time dwelling with those things. You know you need a lot of time to become successful so those circumstances just look like a garbage and time waster for you. You will not even waste a single second giving attention to those things.

So stop being sensitive and emotional because you are not being yourself if you are easily offended. You might say words and do things that you will just regret in the end. The best thing to do is just laugh at it and move on so fast. Place your focus to the more important things that will make your life better, focus your attention to the things that you can control and that is... your thoughts and emotions.

May 22, 2017


Sometimes you are questioning your work, you are questioning your project, business or process if it is working and giving you something to gain. But that is not the right kind of approach if you want to become successful. Success requires time, it requires a lot of patience, love and passion for it to become a reality.

You need to exert a lot of effort, endure a lot of pain and find ways or thoughts how to make your journey last forever. It is not about looking at what you're doing and thinking if it is effective or not. Because at the moment it may not be effective yet but in the end you will see that it is working if you are tenacious enough to keep going and grinding.

You can't become successful because you are always questioning the process, you are always questioning your work and always wondering if it is working or not. For sure it is working but you have to give it some time, be patient and look for ways to make your self motivated everyday. Seek for tenacity not for effectivity. Make yourself tenacious enough and endure a lot of stressful days. Make your work longer, survive it just for today then survive it again tomorrow. Make sure you will survive it every single day.

If you are always looking for progress then you will not progress. You are only slowing yourself, you are only putting yourself in a wrong state of mind. Once you work hard... make it consistent and for sure you will get the results you want, sometimes you will be even surprised because you get more than what you expected.

Always make sure that your foundation is getting stronger and stronger everyday. Always make sure that your identity is getting bolder and you are not changing your mindset every now and then. Your identity should be tenacious, tough and will never quit until the end. Everyone is quitting, don't be like them, be the one who will push until you become successful.

Focus on your strength, focus on what you can do, never fold during adversity, embrace it and keep moving forward. Because nothing will happen to you if you are always soft and trying to become comfortable.

Yeah, you will become comfortable once you stop and complain but the exchange of that comfort is misery and regrets in the end.

The reality is... you can always extend what you're doing, you can always keep moving forward. Yeah, you will feel bad, you will feel a lot of negative emotions but that suffering will never last. You will become victorious if you stay with pain. You will see hope and get a lot of momentum if you stay on your course and keep fighting back. Remember that life is only one, you can never have another chance if you waste it. Just be slow if you're really in pain but don't look for results, don't look for the finish line, keep working until you win.

May 21, 2017


If they are really interested with your work, if they really want to know more about you... you don't need to explain what you're doing. Once they feel a little spark on your creation... they will figure it out by themselves and give a self explanation about your work.

If your work sounds stupid to other people... never mind what they say. Don't ever believe them that what you're doing has no impact, of course it has an impact. It may look that it is not working at the moment but in the future... for sure it will become successful if you keep on working hard.

You don't need to explain to them what you're doing, if they don't have any connection with you at all and with your works... it is their problem. If they can appreciate it then good for them and it only means they are also seeing your vision but if they can't even appreciate your work a little bit... don't bother at all. Stop giving time to them and trying to explain what you do, once you finish something... go to your next work and give your best again.

Because if you are always explaining your side... you are only wasting time, some people will even ask you stupid questions, criticize you and make you feel bad. The best thing to do is keep working and then move on to the next level right away.

A hater will always find way to make you look bad and stupid, a true fan will appreciate you even if they see some flaws at your work. So what you need to do is stay focus on your journey and forget what people say, just keep working and working until you become successful.

May 20, 2017


Most of you can't say no because you are thinking that you are hurting someone. You are thinking that people may think that you're mean and inconsiderate. That is why you always say yes, that is why your position is always in a bad spot because of always saying yes. You can't take full ownership of your life by always saying yes.

The right way to say no is to say it fast, don't make any hesitation, just say it and say it without conscience. Say it like you really mean it and when you say it... don't ever make a reason for saying it, don't ever explain yourself. Just say it and when a person is still convincing you to say yes then that is the only time to make excuses.

The moment you say it and when the person convincing you stop... don't think about it anymore, don't think about yourself being mean, just move on to the next stage of your life. Forget what happened and place your focus on some other things. Because if you will keep thinking about what happened... that is the time you will feel guilty.

When you rejected someone, when you say no to someone... don't think of it as a sin, it is normal. You can make choices in life, you can make harsh decisions. And even if someone got hurt... don't think about it because you are hurting yourself even more if you keep saying yes but you don't mean it.

Once you say no, immediately place your thoughts to other things. Don't think about the person who got rejected. It is already past, it is time to move on. The one who got hurt is still alive and he can always heal as fast as he can if he will not take it personally.

May 19, 2017


You don't need to wait for the right timing or perfect timing just to get started. The right timing is coming once you take the first action, once you take the first step and fully commit to your journey. The right timing will be attracted to you once you start making mistakes, you will figure it out once you take massive actions. It is what it is, you can't just start something and expect to become successful right away.

People can't start because they are always looking for the right timing. The truth is... every path is the right path, every action is the right action for as long as your vision is focused. So what if you make mistakes, so what if you fail, you will learn anyway and you will become tough so even if you fail... you still earn something. You earned the experienced and knowledge that you needed to become successful.

So start now and never wait before your bones become weak or your mind becomes rusty. Start now while you are still strong and can do a lot of mistakes. Because if you're too old enough... you can't afford to make mistakes anymore, there is no more room for error. Pressure will become higher and worries will become bigger.

The right timing is already coming once you start executing, keep going and keep pushing.


You can always find the answer if you really want it. If you can't find the answer then it is not for you. It means you are not seeking hard enough, it means you want the easy way, it means you're not patient and you want it right way. That kind of approach is derailing the manifestation of what you want. If you will not be patient to look for answers by yourself... it will not come. You will always get the wrong answers.

The reality is... there is always an answer to your questions, there is always a solution to your problem. The reason why you can't get it is because you're not really looking for it. You are pretending that you are working but the truth is... you're just exerting a mediocre effort and you become fully satisfied with it. And once you can't find the answer that will satisfy your soul.... you will quit, you will tell yourself that it is not for you which is true... it is really not for you because you are rushing. It takes time to become successful, sometimes a lot of time, it even takes forever.

If you really want an answer then you will dig deeper. You will seek hard, sometimes you will even get crazy because of too much stress. But it is what it is, you have to do whatever it takes just to get the answer that you are looking for because if you can't find it... it only means it is not for you.


Have you ever post in a social media about what you're doing?, you really take a nice picture of yourself and put a nasty description of the image but after waiting for how many hours... your picture only get 10 likes. You're disappointed right? you feel like there are hundreds of people that will like your picture because you have thousands of friends but after expecting a lot... you were only appreciated by few, the worse is... those who liked your image were not even close to you, you don't even know them personally.

The moral lesson of the story is... never seek for appreciation because that will come naturally. If people wants to appreciate what you're doing... you don't need to force them or wait for them. They will appreciate you if they really like you. If you are trying so hard to be appreciated... you will look unnatural, you will look like a person seeking for attention so badly, you will look needy and that is the most unattractive characteristic that anyone can have.

Your happiness is not based on what people will say. You can become happy even if they are not talking about you, you can still become happy even if they don't like you. Their words doesn't matter, you can become happy by just simply living with the moment, enjoying what you're doing or even just simply thinking about the past experiences that gives you true happiness.

Because if you will condition your mind that you can only feel good if they feel good about you... you're in big trouble my friend, your happiness will be too shaky. People will be able to control your happiness, you will easily feel bad once you don't like their reactions. In other words, you will become a totally weak individual. You will become depressed once you find out that they don't like you, you are so dependent from how they feel about you.

The best thing to do is be natural, be yourself, don't try so hard and seek for appreciation. Express yourself they way you wanted to express yourself. Some people will like you, some people will don't but the best thing to do is be yourself and detach yourself from the expectation of others.

If you are not expecting to be liked... you will experience true freedom, you will no longer feel bad for just small things. You will discover the real you, you will begin to experience the true meaning of life. You will not please people or do some terrible things just to look great. Don't market yourself because there is no point in doing that.

Express yourself by improving everyday, be happy with your progress. Do something that you will do forever. You don't need to tell them how good you are or impressive you are. If you're really good... they will discover you, they will look after you and they will be the one who will look for your attention.


How many of you doesn't want to go home because you are still enjoying the moment? I can't blame you if you don't want to go home because the more you need to go home, the more you will miss the fun. I can't explain it but there is an opposing energies that are clashing. For example, if your mom is texting you because she need you to do something for her and you need to go go home ASAP, the more there will be moments that are very hard to leave. Your friend will tell a story that is very interesting that will make it very hard for you to leave or maybe you are just beginning to have fun talking with your friends. But you need to go home ASAP or else your situation will become worse. Your mom might get mad at you and she might punish you when you got home. She might do things that you will regret forever and I am pretty sure you won't like it.

If your wife is calling you and telling you to go home right away, if the reason is acceptable and not just something that is childish and unreasonable... go home now. If you don't then the argument will become bigger, you will not like it especially when your wife runs her mouth without stopping. It is like a machine gun that is loaded with killer bullets so you better go home now and do your responsibilities. If not, you will feel bad if she argues with you, you will not like what she is going to say and that will be the cause of such a useless argument that will lead to nowhere. It is not about submitting to your wife and letting her take the power. If you need to go home because you have responsibilities to do for your family as a father then go home and do it first. Women will not make a complaint once they see that you're a good father and a good provider. Feed your children first, give them what they need, give them attention and if everything is ok then you can go back and have some fun.

If you're playing at the computer shop with your friends and you need to go home because you need to do your assignments and other important tasks at home... go home now, do what is needed first. You can play video games some other times, the games will never leave you but the time you've been wasting is critical. That silly mistake that you are doing will have a riffle effect that will affect your future, the bad habits will be built and you will have a hard time to get rid of it.

If you need to cut the happiness now, cut it. Cut the good times because if you will not go home now... you will face bad times in the future, as simple as that.

People are having a lot of difficulties in their lives because they can't make small sacrifices, they always prioritize the temporary pleasures and forget the more important responsibilities ahead of them, that is why they are broke, that is why they are having a lot of stress, that is why they don't know where their future is headed to. If you want an easier life... face your responsibilities now, endure the pain of leaving fun for the sake of having something better in the future. People are so much blinded with the temporary happiness that irresponsibility brings. If you are happy now but deep inside you know you are not doing the right thing... that is a fake happiness that you are experiencing.

Just doing the right thing will give you happiness, you may not see it now because it is uncomfortable to face the boring tasks but when the right time comes, you will realize that what you did is right, you will realize that doing small sacrifices will put you in a much better position.

So don't wait for 5 minutes or ten minutes before you go home. Go home now and face all the responsibilities that are waiting for you. It is not that hard once you take the first step.


Pretending that you don't care will remove all the tension from your body, the pressure on your side will fade and you will not fear anything or anyone, you will not be scared of what is going to happen. You will be able to relax, you will be able to detach yourself from any destructive forces that is stopping you from taking actions.

Pretend that you don't care but you are still willing to move and take actions, it is like freeing yourself from the outcome or consequences that may happen. Because if you are not anticipating the future.. you will feel lighter, you will enjoy your freedom, you will become more creative, you will be in the moment.

If you are in a huge debt and the bank is about to take your house... pretend that you don't care, pretend that you are willing to sleep on the street, open yourself to any possibilities. This kind of approach will also make your mind open to any possible solutions that will help you to retain your house and pay the bank what is needed to delay the repossession of your house. If the bank officer is always calling you and threatening you.. act like you don't care. Don't quarrel with her, don't argue with her, don't beg her to give you extensions. Just pretend that you don't care so you will be able to free yourself from worries. Because if you don't feel any fear in your life, you can do something big, you can create miracles, you can come up with something that will solve your problem. Focus your attention to some other things that will lessen your worries and fears. Focus on taking actions that will somehow solve the problem a little bit.

If you were about to hit the gym and your mind is so afraid to step on the thread mill or lift the lightest weights... just pretend that you don't care. Pretend that you don't care if you will get tired, pretend that you don't care if you will sweat a lot. You will see that your emotions will become lighter, you will just do the first step and the rest will be taken care of by itself. Because if you care too much of what is going to happen... you will become scared, you will procrastinate, you will look for the perfect moment to start which will never happen.

If you are so scared to try... just pretend that you don't care, pretend that you don't care if you fail, pretend that you don't care if you get embarrassed. Pretend that you don't care if people will laugh at you. Once you embedded this kind of mindset into your system... it will become real, you will never care at all about the next thing that will happen, all you will care about is what is happening at the moment.

That is what life is all about... focusing on the NOW and not thinking about the consequences, pain, results, etc.

You care too much that is why your mind is always in trouble, you care too much that is why you can't do something good for your life. Stop caring and start acting. If it is meant to be then it will be but what you need to do is do what is the best for your life and never take any single second for granted.

The trick to live a better and happier life is to detach yourself from expectations and anticipations. If it is not happening yet then don't worry about it. Focus on what you can control, you can control your mind and actions. Stop controlling the outcome, stop controlling people. Don't be a control freak, just live your life and face all what must be face.

May 18, 2017


People nowadays talk about success a lot, they have their own definition of success and if you don't fit with their definition... it means you're a failure to them.

The real meaning of success is not about who is thriving, getting rich, being popular or something. You give your own meaning to success. If you honestly feel successful and you don't care about what people say... you're really successful. You have to define your own success and stop comparing yourself to other people. Who cares if they are richer than you or they can make more money than you. Success is just a state of mind, if you feel happy in anything that you do.... you're already successful. If you are evolving everyday and even if that progress is not that big... you're already successful.

The real meaning of success is feeling successful and just a little bit of evolving everyday, the real meaning of success is consistency... you have to be very consistent in anything that you want to do, you have to do it everyday even if you don't feel like doing it. You have to force yourself to do something that will make your situation better than yesterday. Because if you will keep on skipping days... you will just become an ordinary individual that will never achieve anything great.

Success means pain, if you really want it then you must push through pain. You must face it and live with it, you must learn how to give another meaning to pain, not just the pain itself. Some people thinks that pain means suffering but the real meaning of it is gaining. You must think of pain as your best friend, consider it as something that will give you everything you want if you embrace it and see the benefits of it.

Success is just a state of mind, the more you think positive... the more you will become successful. Because it all starts in the mind, if you are thinking about weak and destructive thoughts then your actions will also be weak and destructive but if you are focused on hope and positive actions then success will be attracted to you faster than expected.

Success is not all about getting it, it is more of doing it. You do it anyway, it is the process not the results that matters. You do it because you need to be one step closer to success. You do it and do it until you reach the finish line, as simple as that.

Success has nothing to do with speed or time. Your success will come even if it takes forever to become successful, it is already there, it is just waiting for you. You don't need to worry, you don't need to become stressed if you are not getting results. It is already there, stop rushing, be patient and your time will come. The more you rush and become impatient... the more you are unlikely to get it because you need to take every step of the way, stop cutting corners and being impatient. Remember that it is already there, you just need to work for it.


There is only one big difference between a real winner and a pretender. A real winner will put strong efforts in the end, he will give everything he got while on the other hand... a pretender will pretend that he is already fatigued and can't go anymore, he will make excuses, his mind will be occupied by
a lot of weak thoughts that will prevent him from finishing strong.

A real winner will die in order for something to happen while a pretender will pretend that he already gave his best but it just happens that fate is not favoring his side.

A real winner will never quit until he become successful, he will push through no matter what. Sometimes he is not even thinking about winning anymore, all he does is push through and do what is possible. He removes winning from his mind because it only gives him worries, what he does is he keep pushing forward and give his best every second. A pretender will only move when he is in good position, he is only motivated when he have a momentum but when he feels that it is impossible to win... he will create millions of reasons to quit, he will not push himself, he will just accept what is given to him.

If you're a real winner and that is what you see in yourself... you should work until the end, you should have a lion heart and you should be willing to embrace all the negative emotions that you might feel. Because pushing for something has nothing to do with the things, circumstances or people around you, it is all about you and how you feel. You will feel very bad in the end, you will feel a lot of stress, disappointments and heart breaking moments which will make you wanted to quit. But if you are willing to face all of those things and try to process all of them... wow! it means you're one of a kind, it means you're on your way to the top.

So don't be like others who were only excited, strong and motivated in the beginning. Be a person who will embrace any circumstances no matter what. Be the real man who is willing to face the pain and willing to die just to get his dreams.

You're a winner if you're always trying to win, you're a winner if submission has never run across your mind just for a second. You're a winner if you're willing to use all of your energy and you are willing to try until the very end.

It doesn't matter what kind of try are you going to try, what matters is you try and you try with your very best. Don't just try for the sake of just looking like you try and telling everyone that you try, try with bad intentions, try with will, try with all your might and never exert a mediocre effort. And mostly, don't ever pretend that you're trying. Stop being a pretender, be a real winner.

May 17, 2017


You always wanted to stop the moment you get tired. Sometimes it is all in your mind, sometimes you think you are tired because you are always looking for comfort, you are always looking for an excuse. You don't want to continue anymore because you already accepted that your mind and body has already reached its limit.

That is not winning is all about, that is not being successful is all about. If you want to become victorious.... you should never stop moving, it is ok to become slow, it is ok to slow down your pace but don't ever stop because the momentum will die if you do that.

It is ok to slow down, it is still moving, it doesn't mean you're quitting. Accept that you're weakening a little bit because it is normal, you're just a human and you can get tired too. But once you slow down, you will be able to gather your energy back, you will be able to catch your breathing, you can think clearly and make plans for a better execution.

Slowing down is better than stopping, if you stop you will lose everything you work for, you will become weaker because the momentum will die and it will be very hard for you to come back. Just like in running, it is better to slow down if your legs were tired than to stop because once you stop... your brain also stop, it will be very hard for you to come back running again because your mind will create a lot of excuses to avoid running again.

So if you are pursuing a goal, keep moving even if you are slow, keep making actions even if it looks like it is not making a difference because those tiny actions will accumulate in the end, it will all sum up for a great result.

Just breathe, focus on one breathe at a time and one move at a time. You can keep doing it forever, being tired is just a trick, it is tricking you to stop taking actions. You can even rest while moving, just move very slow and your mind and body will become refreshed little by little.

Just like walking on a dessert without water to drink... you keep moving even if you are slow until you reach your destination. You keep hoping that it will rain, you keep believing that you will find a fountain of water.

Because once you stop... it is all over for you, you already died, you already lost your momentum. So keep enjoying being slow, keep enjoying that pace until you become fast again and strong again. Your energy will come back if you don't stop moving, you will find your way back on top of your game again.

The key here is to stop looking for the finish line, stop looking for the time remaining and steps remaining to reach your destination. Keep working and breathing, you will get there if you don't stop.


There are lot of articles out there, there are lot of motivational videos that will dictate you what is the purpose of life or how to find it.

The real purpose of life is very simple, there is no deep meaning accustomed to it, you don't need to find it. The real purpose of life is SIMPLY LIVING IT, and that's it. People are making it complicated, people are making it deep. It is very simple, that is why it is called life, you should live it. Don't kill it, don't destroy it, just live it. I don't know how do you want to live it but it is up to you. You are free how to live it but always make sure what you do is positive, choose freedom over money, choose having fun over thinking about problems.

There are lot of cheesy people out there telling other people that they will find themselves first before they live their life. It is funny because life is already there, you don't need to find yourself, all you need to do is live your life and you already found yourself, you don't need to make a lot of dramas, you don't need to make a lot of attention catching activities. Just live life even if your situation is bad. Just live life even if you don't feel like living it because that is the real purpose of life... breathing and trying to survive it one day at a time.

You don't need to become a hero to others, you don't need to do great things or become a Mother Theresa or something, you don't need to let the world know how great or kind you are, just be kind to yourself and do something positive for as much as you can.

The real purpose of your life is simply living with the moment, it is simply breathing and living for each second. There is no other meaning behind it, you don't need to become rich or popular or become successful. Just simply live it and try to make it grow, try to enjoy it while it is still there. You don't need to compete, you don't need to become a genius. Just do what makes you happy and forget about anything else.

Because if you will look for the purpose of your life... you will not see it. Because the purpose is already there, you just need to live your life, embrace the pain, embrace the happiness, embrace everything about it. Accept your life, accept your situation, try to change it if you want it but don't ever curse it or feel ashamed of it because you only have one life. It is up to your perspective, your vision is your reality.

How you feel is how your life is going. You can always feel good even if terrible things are happening in your life. You can even feel sad even if you are succeeding because you want more and you are not appreciative.

Just breathe every second and be appreciative of your life... that is the real meaning of your life. Because it is yours, you are not suppose to give it to others, you are not suppose to dedicate your life for people who can't even appreciate what you're doing. The real purpose of your life is owning it and trying to make it grow as much as you can, try to extend it as much as you can, always have fun with it regardless of what is happening around you.

May 16, 2017


Don't ever feel guilty about doing something if it makes you feel good while doing it, especially if what you're doing is positive and something productive. Don't feel ashamed while doing it, don't ever feel ashamed of the things that makes you happy.

If you are playing any kind of musical instrument and someone is telling you that some of the notes you are playing is off and out of tune... forget about it, never mind those people. Don't be ashamed if you are not playing perfectly, what matters is you are very happy while playing your instrument, your feeling is what matters and not their perspectives.

Because life is all about having fun, being creative and being free. Celebrate your freedom, celebrate your ability to move and do positive things even if it is nor perfect. Just keep on doing it and it will become perfect one day.

If you have a business and you're really having fun doing it... even if it is not earning something and people were mocking you... never mind them. Just keep having fun and try to make it grow everyday, if you really love what you're doing... one day you will be rewarded for the efforts that you exerted. don't be ashamed if it is not yet earning, just nurture your feelings and keep the fun alive. That is the secret to success... having fun while you're down.

If you know that success doesn't appear in the beginning then you should really have a lot of fun while you're struggling. You should still feel excited even if there is no reason to be excited. Any state can be created, all you have to do is own your mind and always put it on the positive side. You can become happy even if things aren't going on your way.

So if you are having fun in anything that you are doing... don't be ashamed of it even if some people thinks that it is stupid. They are just jealous because they can't be happy for themselves, they can't find their passion, or maybe the already knew it, they were just afraid to be called stupid by other people like them who were also narrow minded.

The key to success is to always feel good, excited and motivated. Because you need the emotions that will make you move, do you think negative emotions will make you move? of course not. You need positive emotions to keep you grinding and working even if it is hard. So be proud of your journey even if it means nothing to others, be proud of it and always nurture the positive emotions that it gives to you.

Because at the end of the day... it is your happiness that matters. Don't be like everyone who doesn't want to do what they love to do because they were so afraid of being judged. They were so afraid of critics and humiliation. But what happen to them in the end? they were full of regrets, they wish that they can turn back time and look stupid but happy.

May 15, 2017


Most people already accepted that they can't change their situation and keep telling themselves that it is their fate or they can't do anything about it anymore. They were bitter, they were blaming a lot of things that doesn't really have any connection with their failure. They were creating a lot of dramas which only makes their situation even worse.

Your situation doesn't even matter, what you see now is not permanent, is has nothing to do with your future. What you need to place your focus upon are the things that will make your belief stronger and will make you work harder.

If you know that you can become stronger mentally, physically and spiritually then you will be alright. You can have a better life, you can change your situation. All you have to do is feed that believe over and over again and of course pair it with hardwork.

For example, if you are working in a company that will prioritize workers that can make a lot of production... if you know how to become strong then you will remain in that company for so long. If you know how to improve yourself a little bit, if you know that consistency and getting uncomfortable for a little bit will make you better than yesterday then you will be alright. The company will take care of you because you keep on evolving. You are showing them that you have a potential and you can become the number one producer one day.

Because if you know how to become strong ad you are working for it then you will have hope, you will have a direction, you always knew that one day your life will change if you keep on working hard everyday. And it will manifest, your work ethic and belief is the manifester of your life so you better check your thoughts and activities everyday.

Forget everything that worries you, forget everything that makes you feel weak and disappointed. What matters is knowing what will make you stronger and doing it right away. Even if you have a lot of knowledge on how to become stronger, if you are not doing it then it will all be useless.

The reality is... anyone can make his own life better, anyone can change his difficult situation. You too can control your life, what makes you slow and incapable of doing something is because you don't believe yourself enough that you can achieve something, you are so scared to try. You're like a pussy that doesn't have any fight left in your life. Why don't you pretend that you're great and just try anyway? why don't you pretend that you work so hard and live with it until it becomes real?

Life is all about moving, it is all about facing the pain, it is all about evolving everyday. Because if you're not progressing it means you're dying. So if you have a mindset that you can still become strong, still improve and still make something positive... it means you're on the right path.


Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...