May 12, 2015


You know what this may sounds crazy but it is true, recession is the best time to shine. If you are one of the victim of forced resignation and your company told you this phrase "while we are happy of your ten years of service in our company, we are sorry to tell you that our company cannot accommodate paying large number of employees anymore, we are sorry to tell you that we have to let you go but don't worry once the recession stops we will hire you again, by the way here is your back pay (worth 250 dollars)"

And more lies this company is telling you. The real story is they are just sick and tired of allowing you to use your sick leaves and vacation leaves, they are just tired of paying you because you are already one of the highest earning people in their company. They will hire a newbie whom they can scare, a newbie who is so loyal like a cute puppy who can't live without his master.

If you are one of the victims of the so called "recession" (by the way it shouldn't be called recession, I think the better term is elimination, haha) it is your time to shine. It is the break that you've been waiting for, you know why? because you are forced to start a new life, a new career that you can love forever, this maybe the best time where you can build your own business.

I know it is very painful to get fired without doing anything wrong but take it as a challenge. It is ok to whine for just a few days, it is ok it is normal, you are just another human being but don't take too much drama in your life, take a break for just a few days (1 week max), take time to recover, charge your energy then start a new career. It is better to start your own business but if you can't or your mind is not into it, apply for a new job that has higher salary, remember you don't deserve to get fired so it means you deserve something better, never take a new job that has an even salary with your previous company because it means you didn't progress at all. Prove them that you can find another new company that will treat you much better.

Recession is the best time to shine and you know what the best reason is? because a lot of people that are affected with the recession can't accept their fate, they keep on blaming the government, their boss, the traffic, the economy and may things that has nothing to do with their lives. They are caught up by their own drama so what they do is they do nothing. Some people believe that they will get rehired again by the company that fired them. Some are taking a long hiatus and convincing themselves that everything will go back to normal. will benefit you if you are not like them, you will have less competitors in looking for a new job, because a lot of people believe that it is very hard to find another job then they will not give their 100 percent anymore, they will wait until the "recession" is over. It is the best time to strike while people are making dramas, it is the best time to start something new. Don't believe on what you hear or what you saw. don't believe in news just believe in yourself and soon the recession will become promotion.

May 10, 2015


JUST BE PRESENT, this is one of the most underrated praises because sometimes people get tired of just being present. They are tired because they cannot see any results even though they were present everyday. Sometimes people wonder if being present everyday is still needed or it's just a waste of time. It is really hard especially if your efforts weren't appreciated. It is really hard if you can't see any rewards for the time that you are putting in.

But just because you can't see any fruits of your labor yet doesn't mean you will only show up anytime you want to. Breaks will be given to those who are patiently waiting for their break. A lot of popular artists, popular athletes, entertainers have waited a long long time before their break was given. Some wait for months , years or even decade before they were get noticed.

What if the break that you are waiting arrives on the single day that you decide to take a rest because you are not feeling well? Do you think it will come back again? Maybe but most of the time it won't.

Don't get tired of being present everyday because the number of days that you are present will be deducted to the number of days that you have to wait for your goal. Do you get me? Lets say that your goal will take two months straight to arrive but you don't know it so suddenly you take a break on the 60th day, what if the opportunity arrived on the 60th day? All of the hardwork that you spent will just die in vain. You will miss the opportunity, the worse case is you will go back to zero.

Just be present everyday even if you feel so tired, even if your emotions aren't right. Being present means you are expecting something to happen. It also means you are aligned with your goals and not out of track.

I've learned in life that most of us if we did not get what we want after spending so much time on a chosen field we quit. For example a basketball player that spends most of his time sitting on the bench even though he is always present in practice and working extra hard, there will be time when he will say to himself that is enough is enough and then he will quit practicing and stop giving his best.

Breaks always comes in disguised. Sometimes you don't know that what is happening now is the break that you are waiting for. For example a basketball player that has been benched for three years will get his break if a star player on their team was injured or if he was traded to another team.

Be mindful of what is happening around you, if there is something that causes you discomfort or there is an unexpected event that happened...maybe that is the break that you are waiting for. So the key is always be present, always do thing that you think will put you in a better position. All of your efforts, all of the time you spent on something will be rewarded at the end only if you are present when the opportunity arrives.

Be consistent as possibly as you can be, stop making excuses for not showing up, excuses are for losers, excuses are for people who are weak willed and cannot commit. Just be present and wait for your moment.


Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...