Jul 16, 2018


If you want to be a star then you need to go far, you need to go further and further each day. A lot of people will never push themselves to the limits, they were so satisfied of being a mediocre, they will never give themselves a chance to become successful.

Just one push at a time... that's how to go far, you don't need to become strong you just need to become patient. Being a start means flying so high, exert an effort that will never be matched.

Go further, push stronger, you need to be at the edge of your skill if you want to become a star. Never waste time, just keep getting better each day and make yourself like a king.

It's not easy but it is very simple, all you have to do is take actions and take your journey to another level. Keep pushing and never stop, most people can't move anymore once they saw that the journey is hard.

It's all about facing the friction, it's all about beating the pressure. Once you feel that you can't move... move.

Focus on yourself, focus on improvement, focus on moving. If there is something you can do that you think will make a little bit impact... do it and never stop. Never hesitate, go far if you want to be a start.

It's a must that you shouldn't be in the same place as yesterday, you need to have at least .001 improvement, even if the improvement is so slow... still appreciate it.

Most people were good, they have talents but they can't go further that's why they can't become a star.

Star players works harder than everybody else, star actors rehearse longer than everybody else, star singers practice more than everybody else... if you want to become a start then you need to do what other people can't do, you need to be on a different level and you can only do it through repetition.

Repetition is the key, never get tired of repeating something even if it's too painful already.

Always keep in mind that every time you move good things will happen. You are becoming a different person every time you do something positive.

Just focus on doing one step at a time, enjoy every action that you're doing, feel lucky because you can still move, some people can't even move anymore. Appreciate that you're still wrong and you can chase your dream of becoming a star.

Never get tired of waiting, never get tired of taking actions. If you want to become the number one then you must be the hardest working person in your field, nobody should outclass you. Do something different, separate yourself from others through hard work and perseverance.

Do it now, do something now... never take your time for granted because it's all you have. Go further if you want to become a star. Never stay in the same place forever, you need to be moving forward everyday.

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progress is internal

You didn't come this far only to break down, the edge is still on you, progress is internal not external. Work on your game, your mind g...