Apr 16, 2018


If you want a person to listen to you and feel something about your words... you need to over exaggerate the story. Just like your younger brother who doesn't want to listen to you, talk to him and tell him that your mother is crying secretly every time he is not listening to her. That will prick the hurt of your brother, it will make an impact on him. For sure he will think again if he will disobey your mother next time.

Look at the commercials... they are over exaggerating their commercials, they are creating lies just to market a particular project very well. They will tell that a burger is too big only to see it small in personal. They will tell that a soda has no sugar even if it is still sweet and making you fat. They will tell that the loan has no hidden charges even though it will kill you in the end because you don't know where are the extra charges coming from. If they will not do it then their product will not sell, they have to amplify the advertisement so that people will believe them.

Over exaggerate things so that people will believe in you, tell the girl that you're courting that she is your world even if she's not, tell the coach of the basketball team that you're willing to die for any ball possession even if you're not sure about it. Tell your mom that you're dying in school studying hard so that she will not pressure you so much. Sometimes you have to sell yourself so that you will get what you want... this world is full of lies, everybody is selling something just to get anything.

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