Apr 11, 2018


If someone is embarrassing you, if someone is roasting you and people are laughing... just laugh at it, make people know that you don't care... this is the best way to look like a real gangster, this is the best way to look tough. If you're not affected at all then it means you're strong.

People will do everything to make you feel bad and if you can show them that you're not even bothered then they are the ones who will look weak.

Stay calm, stay focused with your breathing, Never panic, stop all the sweat that is about to drop from your head. You can fake toughness, once you were able to fake it and fool people then that toughness will become real.

Stay calm, stay alive. Just live with it, embrace it and never let it make you feel bad... ever. If you can feel nothing about it the you are fine. The difference between a winner and a loser is a winner can create his own emotions, he can choose what to feel . A loser will always feel bad, he will get sympathy, he will look for the easy way out. A winner will roast himself even more and see what is behind that pressure, he will go further, he will stay longer.

The goal here it to try to stay calm as much as possible, the calmer you are... the more powerful you will be. Keep your cool, it's not the end of the world. People may judge you, they may throw stones at you but if you will stay calm and tough then they will never hurt you... ever.

You can impose your will by simply staying with it, you can silence them by simply ignoring them. You can create your own energy, if you will make them look that they are not affecting you nor influencing your mind then they will feel weak, they will learn that you're not an ordinary person.

Just laugh at it, laugh at those people who are trying to pull you down, put a sarcastic smile on your face. Never let it affect you nor bother you. You are strong especially if you will feel nothing about small things that doesn't even matter to your life.

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