Mar 11, 2018


Even if you're left behind... you can always make a come back. Even if you made a lot of mistakes in the past and they don't trust you anymore... you can always make a comeback. Even if the universe doesn't trust you anymore... you can always make a comeback. You can always change, you can always prove them wrong.

Make a huge comeback now, forget everything that happened in the past, just make a comeback and make sure you will do better this time. Work harder than before, push harder than before.

It doesn't matter how many loss you have in the past, it doesn't matter if people are doubting you and making fun of you... you can make a comeback, the decision is always yours. You can win this time, you can thrive and go back to the top of the world.

So there is no reason to be afraid, you have nothing to lose because you can always make a comeback. Take the risk, don't be afraid of failing because there will be another chance, you can always turn your life around. There is no reason to be scared anymore, stop entertaining fears and go hard.

You will become immortal if your will to survive and win is one of a kind. You need to have an unparalleled win, your desire needs to burn like a phoenix.

Even if you lost a lot of times, it doesn't matter if your willingness to win is still there. You can change the outcome of your life if you're willing to make sacrifices and again and work your way back on top.

Make a comeback now, never think that you're not yet ready. When are you going to strike again? if there is no more time? make a comeback now, get excited and forget everything that happened in the past.

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