Mar 11, 2018


You can become rich in just thirty seconds. All you have to do is change your mindset, change the way you think, tweak your mind and put it on an abundant level. Never think about poverty, never think about scarcity and laziness.

Just change your mind as fast as you can, decide that you're going to work hard, work the hardest, outwork everyone. Decide that you're going to do whatever it takes to win in life. Once your mind is decided... you're already rich. Never go back to that old mindset again.

Because once you decide that you're going to give everything you've got... that's the time when you're going to become rich, it's the starting point. You're already on the right path, you may not see results right away, you may not see the money yet but you're already on the right path. All you have to do is wait and keep working hard. Never stop, never settle, never stop until you get what you want.

Everything will be attracted to you, every opportunity, every money because you already have a rich mindset.

You will become rich, everything is possible, everything is attainable, all you have to do is change your mind and make a decision. Once you made a decision that you're going to become rich... never change that decision anymore.

Even if things get hard, even if challenges is making you quit... never quit, never change your decision. Do whatever it takes to win in life, even if your work sucks, even if your situation sucks... do what you can do and always give your best every single day.

There is no room for quitting, there is no room for changing your mind, you have to want it so bad, you have to sacrifice everything for your dream. Change your mind and you're already rich.

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