Mar 16, 2018


Everybody is happy at first because the beginning is always exciting, it's new, it's fun, it's full of dreams and ambitions, it's full of nerve wracking moments, it makes you blush, it makes you wanna live with it forever, it's so full of high hopes and you feel like floating in the air.

It's a new beginning... just like what they say, it's a new life, you can start fresh, everything feels perfect. But after a few years... what happened? why did your feelings changed? why you can't you feel the love anymore? Nothing has changed too much but your feelings changed, why is that?

It's normal, the love is not gone, it's just that feelings really change, sometimes you feel that you're not excited anymore. Sometimes you feel that you're not in love anymore but that's not true. The passion may diminished a little bit but the love is still there, you just need to feel it and you will see it again.

But... you perseverance has its own way of bringing the passion back, if you have a mindset of sticking with someone or something until the end... then you don't love anymore, you don't need to look for it, it will come back, it will make you feel again.

Are you someone who is only good in the beginning? you're only good when everything is cool, when you're happy, when you're excited. Everyone can feel confident and happy in the beginning but not everyone can become happy in the end. It's all up to you how do you wanted to feel.


Always remember that your feelings towards something will change, in the beginning you love your shoes so much but in the end you're cursing it and wanting to replace it. If you feel good towards something in the beginning, that doesn't mean that you will like it forever, there will be days when you're sick and tired of it and you want to replace it but that's not what real happiness is all about, real happiness is when you stay by its side until the end, real happiness is when you build a foundation and you will never destroy that foundation, you keep on doing something to make it stronger and stronger.


Don't ever think that you need to become excited and passionate everyday, a lot of people here are always changing their minds that's why they can't become successful, that's why they can't become happy in the end. Never change your mind, what you pick first should be your pick forever. The idea here sis you're making something grow, your're growing from it even if it is sometimes painful.

It's like building a company, if you are really serious about it then you will die for it, you will live for it, you will try to survive it no matter what. There will be times when you want to give up, there will be times when you want to quit and start another company, but the lesson is... if you keep on starting over and over again... you will end up being a failure. Once a quitter will always be a quitter.

Just like in a relationship, you think that always changing partners is fun? look at the celebrities... they're always changing partners from time to time, did they become happy? The real strength of a man is when you don't know how to give up, it's when things are boring and difficult that you told yourself that you need to become stronger and wiser. Giving up is for losers, giving up is for people who will have a lot of regrets in the end.


If the situation is difficult.. that's the time you need to get stronger, that's the time you need to make yourself better. You need to make your heart and mind stronger, it's all about sticking with the journey no matter how hard it is. It's all about training your mind to see good in every situation, it's all about shifting your paradigm and staying positive all the time. Of course it's hard to do but it's still possible, you can still feel hopeful when everything is turning into sour.


You need to work to become happy again, you need to put an effort. If you want to save a relationship, a business, a goal or simply a friendship... you need to work for it, do something to make it exciting again, reinvent, try something new. But if nothing is working... never quit, that's they way to have a happy ending. Because you one way or another you will still become happy. The truth is you don't need anything to become happy, you just need to stick with it and have pride for never quitting. The power is always yours, it's your fault if you can't become happy, you can always control your emotions and decisions. Your biggest problem is... you can't appreciate that things that are happening into your life. You always look far, you didn't know that the happiness is on your side and you can always choose to be happy anytime you want to.


Most people are only happy when things are going well, they are only happy in the beginning. They are only happy when everything is new and fresh, when everything is running smooth. Husbands were only happy in the beginning of their marriage... while they're wives are still sexy, while there is no problems yet. They cannot appreciate their lives when everything is breaking down.

Dreamers where only happy when they started their dream, they thought that they will just exert a little effort and that's it. When big challenges are there, they will quit right away, they were not happy anymore.

Most people are only happy in the beginning, it's simply because they cannot embrace change, they cannot embrace fear and difficulty. They only want what is delicious, new and less complicated. When hardship is already there... they will walk away from their responsibilities.


No matter where angle you look at it, no matter what kind of manipulation you do... perseverance will always win, it will never lose. Perseverance will give you everything, all you have to do is work hard, wait, stay patient and grow everyday, make yourself better everyday. The happiness will always belong to the most persevering, there is no other way around. Never label yourself as a quitter, you're better than that. If you want to save something, if you want to preserve something... persevere until the end. The universe will reward your for sacrificing.


How many times do I have to stress this out... emotions will change, it can change anytime, you will feel happy now and you will feel sad tomorrow. It is what it is, but what shouldn't change is your vision, it's your willingness to stick with the journey or process or however you wanted to call it until the end. Never look for the destination, life and happiness is a step by step process, it's all about falling in live with the steps everyday. You will become happy anytime, you don't need to wait for it because it will come. Happiness is for everyone, it is not for the chosen few. Your time will come, your time for celebration, success and happiness will come, just wait for it while you make yourself getting better each day.


Most people are weak nowadays, they will quit once they feel that it is difficult, they will quit once the critics and humiliation are attacking them. If you are mentally tough then nothing can defeat you, nothing can put you down. If you want to become really mentally tough then face all the obligations that you need to face, endure, eat sacrifices, be the man who will do whatever it takes to put his position better than yesterday. Mental toughness is all about not quitting, it's all about finishing until the end. You can endure any type of problem if you are mentally tough, nothing can bother you, nothing can make you quit.

Just be serious with what you're doing, be serious with what you're going through, don't be a joke like others. A lot of clowns were living in this planet, they support that word "YOLO" too much that they don't know the true meaning of it, they thought that it's all about happiness, partying, staying in love and doing whatever you want. They don't know that life is more than that. Life is all about embracing the pain, fear and letting happiness come naturally. It's all about embracing responsibility and taking things seriously. If you can't show something that you're serious then it will never last, it will only be at your side for a couple of years or just even months.

It's ok to feel sad in the middle of your journey, it's ok to have a hard time. Always remember that you're just being tested. Having a hard journey is better than having an easy one time success because that success will never last for so long, it will be taken away from you because you didn't work for it, you don't know how to handle it. You will just taste it for a while and it will be gone.


If you will go the other direction is all up to you, just remember that the one who will stick to the end will always win, the one who never quit is happier. Never prioritize your emotion, always think about what you build in the beginning, always think about what are you trying to accomplish. You care too much about having fun that's why you can't make a huge leap in your life. Stop thinking about having fun and being happy all the time, you need to embrace whatever kind of emotion is running in your system.

The goal is to make something survive, it's to make something alive until the end. Don't try to look cute here, establish an empire that will last forever, face all the difficulties and boredom... that's how to make something alive until the end.

If you become happy in the beginning then you can also become happy in the end. Again, it's all about perspectives, it's all about not caring about how you feel but caring about what is really important. If you can stay for ten years in a relationship then you can stay forever, if you can survive your business for 2 years then you can make it grow forever. Again, you need to work, you need to endure all the pain and sacrifices. A great accomplishment takes decades to accomplish. Don't be someone who is only good in the beginning but really bad in the end, you're better than that. Of course there will always be challenges along the way but there is no challenge that you can't overcome.

So if you want to achieve a real success in life... do something for a very long time, give your heart and soul into it even if it's really difficult. You need time, a lot of time. Don't be afraid to do it over and over again because you will learn a lot through repetition.

Don't ever believe that you're tired, you can always give something more, there is enough energy, passion and love hiding deep inside of you. Just pull it out, dig deeper, there is always something you can give, never hold yourself back.

Great companies, great businessmen, successful relationships, friendships, successful goals became really successful not because they change, it's because they stick until the end no matter what they are going through, they never give up, they keep fighting for what they love.

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Instead of looking for someone who is strong to make you stronger why not be the strength that you are looking for? make yourself better, ma...