Mar 11, 2018


Crash your fears, destroy it.. be brutal about it, face it and never let it stop you. Your fear is the only thing that is stopping you from having a good life, your fears is a huge obstacle so you need to crash it. But how are you going to crash it? by facing it, by looking it into its eyes, feel it, let it run into your system. You don't need to do anything, you don't need to resist, just feel it and keep moving forward.

Soon it will go away, once the fear learned that you are ok dealing with it then it will move away, it will come back another day but the good thing is... you already knew how to handle it, you will never be scared of being scared anymore. You know what to do, you know how to react, you are unbeatable.

Crash it like a small toy, crash it like a small ant, crash it like a helpless ice. All you have to do is focus on the bigger things in life instead of focusing your attention into it. Fear is just an emotion, it can never control you if you don't believe in it. Of course you will become scared, of course you will almost have a heart attack but if you can make yourself believe that nothing bad will happen to you then fear will become weak, it can never affect you anymore. It will be like an ordinary feeling that can no longer bother you. It may get your attention but you're no longer afraid of it, it will never stay in your system for so log anymore.

Be ruthless, have no mercy to your fear. Never let it breathe, keep feeling it, keep pressuring it until it leaves your system. Never care if you're feeling bad, embrace the discomfort, embrace that weird feeling, always keep moving forward and simply give your best... that's the best way to beat fears.

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