Feb 21, 2018


There will always be a work, no matter how you get rich, no matter how you become successful or big.. there will always be a work. So don't ever think that if you become successful then there will never be an amount of work tomorrow. Of course it does, there will always be another work.

The work will never be over, you will only stop if you die. If you die... you have the eternity to rest forever so while you're still alive... keep working, keep falling in love with the process, keep doing what you do best.

Because even if you get rich and successful... you still need a lot of work to do, you need to maintain your business to stay on top. You need to take care of your health to live longer and enjoy the fruits of your labor, you need to take care of your family and give them some time, you need to take care of your friends and give them some time, the work will never end, it is a forever process. Even the riches and most successful people work... that's how life works. Your work will never be over, you will always find something to do and you need to do it. If you will not do it then you will feel bad, you will be stressed. Moving is better than stopping or resting, taking actions will make you stronger. A person who is running 30-45 minutes everyday has a healthier body and mind than a person who's not running at all.

So be happy if you need some work to do, you are blessed if you have a lot of tasks. People who don't know what to do go crazy, they do something stupid. Be happy if you can do a lot of task and don't ever complain about it because most people nowadays cannot even move, some are sick, some cannot move for different reasons.

Just avoid being lazy and you will have a good life, that formula is very effective. It's effective before and it's still effective now... stop being lazy and keep working, your life will be in he right place if you adapt that philosophy in life.

DOING THE PROCESS MEANS INVITING SUCCESS. If you stay committed with the process then you will attract success, some people will work hard for a few weeks and then they will quit, that's why the can't become successful, that's why they can't change their lives.

You will still work even if you finished something, after sweeping the floor and make it very clean... you will still sweep it the next following days, it will become dirty again even if you stop people to step on the floor. The work will never be over, you're going to sweep it forever if you want it to look clean. What gives you the illusion that the work will never be over? of course it will not. There will always be a work waiting for you and that's the sad reality of life, all you can do is enjoy working and never stop until you die.

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