Jan 16, 2018


It doesn't matter if you have an old shoe, it doesn't matter if your car is old, if you can appreciate what you have then it still feels like new. Appreciation is what really matters and the work to preserve it. 

Some people who recently bought a new pair of shoes only live it because it's new, after a few weeks.. they will ignore it, they will not use it like it's new, they will let the dirt stick with it and will not clean it anymore. 

I have seen an old car model let's say it's 10 years older than my car but it looks new, it's well polished, there are no scratches, it's finer than the newer model. The owner looks like he really loves his car and he is taking care of it everyday, it is a simple car but it is eye catching because it's really fine. The tires are super black, the color is still amazing and the whole car is shiny, no wonder the owner is working for his car. 

There is a some car that are super brand new but already have a lot of scratches, the dust is covering the car, it has a lot of dents, a lot of mud covering the rims, it's disgusting, if only the car can speak then it will shout at the owner and told him that it needs some cleaning.

Just like in a relationship, some guys are only good when his partner is new, he will send flowers, make the woman felt appreciated by praising here but when the woman is not sexy anymore... he can't even take her to a dinner. Relationship can be strong if both partners were working for it, anything that can stabilize the relationship.. both partners should work for it. 

So if you have something new, make sure you will still treat it like new when it becomes old, that is how to preserve something, that is how to make something last for a very long time.

You can have the oldest thing in the world but if you will love it and take care of it then it will still shine.

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