Sep 22, 2017


You need to keep your emotions always in check because that is what is controlling your life. You get angry at small things that doesn't really matter into your life. You are so attached into something that really doesn't matter.

You have to always be aware of how you feel and what made you feel that way.

Is it really cool to feel bad about something that is less important in your life?. You get mad when someone cuts you in traffic, someone made a disrespectful joke on you, someone criticize your work etc.

If you can control your emotions and stop feeding your ego when something you don't like happens then it means you're a strong person. Weak minded people are the ones who get mad at petty things. They get angry about stupid things, they never look at the bigger picture in life.

Why will you fight someone who you don't even know if there is a better life waiting for you? if someone offended you in traffic, public place, party or any occasion... why will you fight him if you have a dream that you are pursuing? giving attention to things that will slow you down or cause you trouble means you are pulling yourself away from having a better life. Check your emotions because it is hard to have regrets in the end. It is better to look scared, calm, kind and feel nothing about it than to pretend brave but in the end doesn't know what to do when the trouble is already big and hard to escape.

Your emotions towards something is what making it a big deal not the situation itself. Any worse situation can look better if you will feel good about it, not necessarily feel good but feel nothing about it.

Check your emotions, it is just a feeling and nothing more than that, you can tone down any negative and strong emotion if you will just look at the better things that can happen in your life. Life is too short to deal with unimportant things that will only cause you harm. Stop feeding your ego and pride, stop proving to them that you are strong, they will see how strong you are by how successful you become.

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