Sep 21, 2017


Always check if your belief sucks. All people believe in something, it only depends on what you believe in. You can believe in fear, worries, negativity, weakness, recession, lack of chances or you can believe in power, positivity, opportunities, success, freedom, motivation and optimism. It really depends on you.

What kind of belief you wanted to believe is your life, it is your path. So whenever you entertain weak beliefs... it only means you are going to lose in life.

But if you can entertain strong beliefs then you will succeed in life, you will live better and experience the goodness of life.

Always check your belief. If you can't find the reasons to believe in yourself then you will go down, you will remain the same person yesterday or maybe you will get even worse.


1. Always move and take actions, never hold yourself back. Make a move everyday, this style will make you forget about your problems, you will ignore what is lacking in your life. Day by day your belief will go stronger because of taking actions, you will seep progress. Take massive actions not a poor action.

2. Consider yourself as a winner. Everytime you try... consider yourself as already a winner, not all people can try, they are so afraid to lose. Everytime you take risks and do what you fear.. consider yourself as a winner. This will make your confidence go high, your ability to make decisions on your own will become really good.

3. Visualize that you're winning in life. Visualize before and after sleep that you are getting better each day. Imagine that you are winning, imagine that you're unstoppable. You can use your imagination to make your belief stronger, visualize the process, visualize your transformation from weak to strong.

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progress is internal

You didn't come this far only to break down, the edge is still on you, progress is internal not external. Work on your game, your mind g...