Jul 19, 2017


You think that there is no more door willing to open for you? you think that after being rejected for a lot of times then you will never get what you want anymore? no no no, success and life doesn't work out that way. There will be a door that will open for you if you keep on searching for it. It's the one who is willing to get rejected the most that will become successful. If you feel that all doors are closing, you should knock on every door you see and find out if they will let you come in.

Try the law of averages, try as much as you can, try every opportunity that you see even if it looks impossible to get it. Never get tired trying because life is only testing you, it wants to know if you are really deserving of something.

Some people can't see an open door for them because they are quitters, they never push themselves, they want to get it fast that is why they quit so fast. If you need to search forever, work forever then do it, let's see if you can't become successful if you are the hardest worker and most hopeful person in this world. It is impossible that you can't see something if you seek hard and do your best. Use all of your powers to become successful, use all of your energy to get what you want. Champions are made through suffering, they were never made through cotton candies, cottons, soft pillows or marshmallows. They were made through hardships and not with soft things.

If you want to see an open door for you... work for it, never stop until you made a close door open. Because if you really work hard, if you really give time for something, if you dedicate your life for something... someone will see your skill, someone will see your value, you will be given an opportunity, you will be given a break that you are waiting for a very long time.

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