Jun 27, 2017


The truth is... there is no secured job in the world. The company may close anytime, they may fire you anytime if they saw someone better than you or if they think that you are getting old and not productive anymore. Stop pretending that any company will give you security. Stop thinking that just by working for a company for more than 20 years will make you look successful. Because the moment you reach 20 years of service for a specific company.. all they will give you is an ugly cheap watch, with your name embedded on it. Is that a compliment or an insult?

You will be even stressed if you work for a company that requires more of your time but will give you lesser money. But of course you have to do it if you want to stay in that company for so long. There is nothing wrong in working for a company but if you feel that you are not getting what you deserve then why are you still working? you have the power to leave, you have the power to create your own business or even find a better company.

But don't ever think that you are secured if you are a regular employee in a specific company because nothing in life is secured, it is full of randomness. And if you are so sensitive and cannot handle surprises... you're in big trouble, you will freak out, you will be out of your mind.

If you really want to live and experience life... stop working for a company that is not competitive and is not willing to give you everything in life. You can work for a company or create your own company, as simple as that.

Because any company will treat you like a garbage if you're not productive anymore. They will cut you in the line up once you show them that you are slowing down. And what if you're too old and no other company will accept you anymore? what will you do? just cry and complain? those tears will not bring food on the table.

So while it is still early, learn how to make money on your own, be independent and innovative. Be ok with the random things in life, be ok with doing a new process everyday. Be ok not being ok because that is what life and success is all about... it is about embracing every moment that is happening and still finding ways how to make your life better.

If you don't want to receive an ugly watch when you grow old... learn to step up your game now, learn to take massive actions now and find ways how to build your own personal economy. Because when it's all said and done... you are the one responsible for your success or failure. You can't blame the company for using you because you allow them to use you. You are the one who made the decisions, no one ever did it for you.

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