Jan 4, 2017


If you want to become confident, if you want to have a bulletproof mindset... work. If you want your fear to go out of your life, if you want to feel invincible... work!

Actions will fuel beliefs, if you work the hardest then you will become the most confident person in the world. You will fear nothing because you are prepared for anything. You are ready for war, you are ready for discomforts. You feel like there is nothing you can't face because your preparation gives you enough courage to thrive in any stressful moments.

Even if you are not talented, you can still compete with the most talented people and dominate them if you put in the most number of hours in preparation. Your belief will rise above them, sometimes you will feel nervous but that nervousness will be overwrite by the strong mindset that you build during preparation.

So if you are not confident now, keep taking actions, keep practicing. That is the best way to destroy your doubts and fears. Be prepared like a soldier ready for battle. The more action you take, the more beliefs you make. Action is the only solution to build a strong determination.

Losing will never enter your mind, you will feel like a winner already just even before the challenge starts. It is not about being arrogant or confident, your belief just reach an advance level because of the hardwork that you put in.

If you are scared, you will become scared even more if you avoid taking actions. Your confidence will only come out from its hiding place if you start on taking actions and do what is necessary. As you progress so as your confidence evolve.

So if you want a bulletproof belief, you must have a very strong work ethic. You must have a work history that proves you work, practice and prepare for long hours.


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progress is internal

You didn't come this far only to break down, the edge is still on you, progress is internal not external. Work on your game, your mind g...